All the characters in this section except for Kawai Shizuka are in Zero and DM in both the manga and anime. Shizuka is in the Zero anime, DM manga, and DM anime. Many of these characters are also in person, flashbacks, and/or pictured in the GX anime.

Given name: Atem
Meanings of names: Atem (most likely comes from Atum, an important deity in Egyptian mythology whose name is derived from "tem", which means "to complete or finish")
His real name is unknown in the majority of the manga and the anime because he has amnesia, so his goal is to regain the lost memories of his ancient past. He is known as Yami Yuugi, King, or Nameless Pharaoh before his true name is finally revealed:
闇 (yami): Japanese origin for "darkness"
(See Mutou Yuugi's info for the meaning of the name Yuugi.)
王 (ō): Japanese origin for "king"
名 (na): Japanese origin for "name"
も (mo): Japanese origin for "also" or "too"
なき (naki): Japanese origin for the suffix "less"
名もなき (namonaki): Japanese origin for "nameless"
ファラオ (farao): English origin for "pharaoh" in katakana
The given name of Atem's host, Yuugi, and "king" are in the title of the manga and the anime 遊☆戯☆王 (Yūgi Ō), which means "game king". "King" has several meanings for both of them. Atem is a king because he is a pharaoh. Also, he and Yuugi are both game kings because they are the best in the world at games and dueling in Zero and DM. The title is romanized as Yu-Gi-Oh! in the English translation.
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Pharaoh, Yami no Yuugi, Dark Yuugi, the other Yuugi, Yuugiou (game king), spirit of the Millennium Puzzle
Joined: March 18, 2011
Accounts: YamiYuugi-Atemu and Yami-Yugi--Pharaoh
Series: Zero, DM, GX
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Zero movie, Duelist manga, R manga, Millennium World manga, TRANSCEND GAME manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, Pyramid of Light, Capsule Monsters, Super Fusion! Bonds That Transcend Time, GX manga chapter 1 (in Yuuki Juudai's thoughts), GX anime
Species: Human
Birthday: July 26 (His original birth date in the manga is 19th of the third month of Harvesting season [Shemu] in the Ancient Egypt calendar, which is roughly converted to July 26 in the Gregorian Calendar.)
Age: Spirit of over 3,000 years (died at age 16)
Height: 153 centimeters, 1.53 meters, slightly over 5 feet, 60.2 inches
Weight: 42 kilograms, 92.6 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair colors: Blond (crooked, pointy locks), black (large spikes), and magenta (edges of large spikes)
Eye color: Violet
Blood type: A
Favorite food: Ta'amiya
Least favorite food: Batarekh
Born in: His palace near Thebes (modern Luxor), Egypt
Languages: Used to speak, read, and write Middle Egyptian fluently since it's his first language, but forgot most of it from his amnesia; speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English
Family: Akhenamkhanen (father), Akhenaden (uncle), Priest Seth (cousin), Abidos the Third (great great grandfather), Mutou Yuugi (Japanese descendant from 3,000 years after his own time period), Timaeus (Atlantian ancestor from 7,000 years before his own time period)
Best friends: Mutou Yuugi, Mazaki Anzu, Jounouchi Katsuya, Honda Hiroto
Rival: Kaiba Seto
Enemies: Yami Bakura, Yami Marik, "Bandit" Keith Howard, Anubis, Dark Dartz, Dark Alexander, Yubel (when she's evil), and anyone who harms his friends
Occupation: Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh
Interested in: Recovering the lost memories of his ancient past, dueling, the Heart of the Cards, saving the world
Duelist rank: King of Games
Deck theme: Strategy
Decks: [link]
Also received:
~The five cards of Sealed (Exodia), including the head, right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg from Tenma Gekkou at [link]
Favorite card: Black Magician
Most precious possession: Millennium Puzzle
Personal quote: “It’s time to duel!”
Personal pronouns: 俺 (ore), sometimes 我が (waga)
Pages in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link] [link]

Family name: 武藤 (Mutou)
Given name: 遊戯 (Yuugi)
Romaji: Mutou Yuugi
Meanings of names: 武 (mu): Japanese origin for "military, martial, warlike"
藤 (tou): Japanese origin for "wisteria, any of several woody climbing vines of the genus Wisteria"
遊 (yuu): Japanese origin for "play"
戯 (gi): Japanese origin for "frolic", "play", or "sport"
遊戯 (yuugi): Japanese origin for "a game" or "a play"
Names in American dub: Yugi Muto
Joined: March 19, 2011
Accounts: GameKing-Yuugi and Little-Yuugi
Series: Zero, DM, and GX
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Zero movie, Duelist manga, R manga, Millennium World manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, Pyramid of Light, Capsule Monsters, Super Fusion! Bonds That Transcend Time, GX anime
Species: Human
Birthday: June 4
Age: 16
Height: 153 centimeters, 1.53 meters, slightly over 5 feet, 60.2 inches
Weight: 42 kilograms, 92.6 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair colors: Blond (crooked, pointy locks), black (large spikes), and magenta (edges of large spikes)
Eye color: Violet
Blood type: AB
Favorite foods: Hamburgers and rolled omelettes (卵焼き, tamagoyaki) (Based on Anzu in Zero episode 21 from 19:25 to 19:43)
Least favorite food: Shallots
Born in: Japan
Language: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Family: Mutou Sugoroku (grandfather), Mrs. Mutou (mother), Mr. Mutou (father), Atem/Yami Yuugi (Egyptian ancestor from 3,000 years ago), Timaeus (Atlantian ancestor from 10,000 years ago)
Best friends: Yami Yuugi, Jounouchi Katsuya, Mazaki Anzu, and Honda Hiroto
Enemies: Yami Bakura, Yami Marik, "Bandit" Keith Howard, Anubis, Dark Dartz, Dark Alexander, Yubel (when she's evil)
Occupation: Domino High School student
Interested in: Friends, recovering the lost memories of Yami’s ancient past, dueling, games, the Heart of the Cards, saving the world
Duelist rank: King of Games
Deck theme: Strategy
Decks: [link]
Also received:
~The five cards of Sealed (Exodia), including the head, right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg from Gekkou Tenma at [link]
Favorite card: Black Magician
Most precious possession: Millennium Puzzle
Personal pronoun: 僕 (boku)
Pages in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link] [link] [link] (in the upper left section)

Family name: 城之内 (Jounouchi)
Given name: 克也 (Katsuya)
Romaji: Jounouchi Katsuya
Meanings of names: 城 (jou): Japanese origin for "defensive wall, fortification, castle, municipality"
之 (nou): Japanese origin for " 's, a mark preceding a phrase as a modifier of following a phrase; it, him, her, them; go to"
内 (chi): Japanese origin for "inside"
克 (katsu): Japanese origin for "gram; to overcome, to subdue, to overthrow; to restrain; to be able to"
也 (ya): Japanese origin for "too, also"
Name in American dub: Joseph (Joey) Wheeler
Nicknames: Monkey Boy, Blondie, Mutt
Joined: March 18, 2011
Accounts: Katsuya-Jounouchi, Jonouchi-Katsuya-RP, Jounouchi--Katsuya (formerly JounouchiYugiohRP)
Series: Zero, DM, GX
Appears in: Zero manga; Zero anime; Zero movie; Duelist manga; R manga; Millennium World manga; The Dark Side of Dimensions; DM anime; Pyramid of Light; Capsule Monsters; GX manga chapter 1 (in Yuuki Juudai's thoughts); GX anime episodes 75 (flashback), 107 (in Pegasus J. Crawford's thoughts), 179 (pictured in a news article)
Species: Human
Birthday: January 25
Age: 16
Height: 178 centimeters, 1.78 meters, 5 feet 10 inches, 70.1 inches
Weight: 62 kilograms, 136.7 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: B
Favorite food: Steak and shrimp/curry and rice
Least favorite food: (None)
Born in: Japan
Lives in: Apartment 301 first door on the third floor in Domino City, Japan (Zero chapter 11)
Language: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and a little English
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual heteroromantic
Family: Kawai Shizuka (younger sister), Jounouchi Takashi (divorced father), Kawai Kaede (divorced mother), Jono (Egyptian ancestor from 3,000 years ago), Hermos (Atlantian ancestor from 10,000 years ago)
Best friends: Mutou Yuugi, Honda Hiroto, Kujaku Mai, Yami Yuugi, Mazaki Anzu
Enemies: Yami Bakura, Yami Marik, "Bandit" Keith Howard, Anubis, Dark Dartz, Dark Alexander, and Yubel (when she's evil)
Occupation: Domino High School student
Interested in: Helping his sister and his friends, dueling, food
Duelist rank: One of the best duelists in the world
Deck themes: Warrior/Beast-Warrior/Luck
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Flame Swordsman
Personal quote: "FOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!"
Personal pronouns: Mostly 俺 (ore) and occasionally 俺様 (ore-sama)
Pages in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link] [link] [link]

Family name: 真崎 (Mazaki)
Given name: 杏子 (Anzu)
Romaji: Mazaki Anzu
Meanings of names: 真 (ma): Japanese origin for "real, actual, true, genuine"
崎 (zaki): Japanese origin for "rough, uneven, jagged, rugged"
杏 (an): Japanese origin for "apricot, almond"
子 (zu): Japanese origin for "offspring, child, son, daughter; fruit, seed of; rat or mouse of Chinese zodiac; master"
Name in American dub: Téa Gardner
Also known as: The friendship girl
Joined: May 22, 2011
Accounts: xAnzu-Mazakix, Anzu--Mazaki, and Anzu---Mazaki
Series: Zero, DM, GX
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Zero movie, Duelist manga, R manga, Millennium World manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, Pyramid of Light, Capsule Monsters, GX anime episode 179 (pictured in a news article)
Species: Human
Birthday: August 18
Age: 16
Height: 165 centimeters, 1.65 meters, 5 feet 4 inches, 64.9 inches
Weight: 47 kilograms, 103.6 pounds
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown (Zero), blue (DM)
Blood type: O
Favorite food: Ramen
Least favorite food: Grated yam
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and almost fluent English; speaks a few words of French
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Family: Unknown and unnamed parents, Teana (Egyptian ancestor from 3,000 years ago)
Best friends: Mutou Yuugi, Yami Yuugi, Jounouchi Katsuya, Honda Hiroto
Occupation: Domino High School student
Interested in: Helping and supporting her friends, dancing
Duelist rank: Beginner
Deck themes: Fairy and Spellcaster
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Magician of Faith
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link] [link] [link] (in the upper left section)

Family name: 本田 (Honda)
Given name: ヒロト
Romaji: Honda Hiroto
Meanings of names: 本 (hon): Japanese origin for "book; root, origin, source; basis"
田 (da): Japanese origin for "field, arable land, cultivated"
ヒ (hi)
ロ (ro)
ト (to)
Name in American dub: Tristan Taylor
Nicknames: Honders, Honderz, Hundah
Joined: August 4, 2011
Account: Hiroto---Honda
Series: Zero, DM, GX
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Zero movie, Duelist manga, R manga, Millennium World manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, Pyramid of Light, Capsule Monsters, GX anime episode 179 (pictured in a news article)
Species: Human
Birthday: April 19
Age: 16
Height: 180 centimeters, 1.80 meters, 5 feet 11 inches, 70.9 inches
Weight: 65 kilograms, 143.3 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: A
Favorite foods: Okonomiyaki and fried chicken (唐揚げ, karaage) (Based on Anzu in Zero episode 21 at 19:44)
Least favorite food: Natto or fermented soybeans (Different sites give different info.)
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and a little English
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual heteroromantic
Family: Unknown and unnamed parents, unseen and unnamed older sister, unseen and unnamed brother, Johji (nephew)
Best friends: Jounouchi Katsuya, Mutou Yuugi, Yami Yuugi, Mazaki Anzu
Occupation: Domino High School student
Interested in: Shizuka, Miho, hanging out with Jounouchi, supporting his friends, motorcycling
Duelist rank: Beginner
Deck theme: Military
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Cyber Commander
Personal quote: “Shizuka-chan!~”
Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]

Family name: 海馬 (Kaiba)
Given name: 瀬人 (Seto)
Romaji: Kaiba Seto
Meanings of names: 海 (kai): Japanese origin for "sea, ocean; maritime"
馬 (ba): Japanese origin for "horse"
海馬 (kaiba): Japanese origin for "hippocampus", a part of the brain shaped like a seahorse that is responsible for processing long term memories and emotional responses
瀬 (se): Japanese origin for "swift current, rapids"
人 (to): Japanese origin for "person, people, humanity, someone else"
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Joined: June 22, 2011
Account: Kaiba--Seto (formerly Seto---Kaiba)
Series: Zero, DM, GX
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Zero movie, Duelist manga, R manga, Millennium World manga Japanese chapter 343/English chapter 65, TRANSCEND GAME manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, Pyramid of Light, GX manga chapter 1 (in Yuuki Juudai's thoughts), GX anime
Species: Human
Birthday: October 25
Age: 16
Height: 186 centimeters, 1.86 meters, slightly over 6 feet 1 inch, 73.2 inches
Weight: 65 kilograms, 143.3 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Blood type: A
Favorite food: Beef fillet, filet mignon with foie gras, or beef tenderloin and goose liver escalope (Different sites give different info.)
Least favorite food: Oden
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese (Tokyo dialect), English (British England dialect), Spanish (Castilian dialect), High German (Standard German dialect), Mandarin Chinese (Beijing dialect), Russian (Moscow dialect), Egyptian Arabic; can understand intermediate Middle Egyptian
Sexual orientation: Bisexual biromantic
Family: Kaiba Mokuba (younger brother), unnamed and deceased mother and father, Kaiba Gozaburo (adoptive father), Mrs. Kaiba (adoptive mother), Kaiba Noa (adoptive brother), Priest Seth (Egyptian ancestor from 3,000 years ago), Critias (Atlantian ancestor from 10,000 years ago)
Rivals/opponents: Yuugi Mutou/Yami Yuugi
Enemies: Anyone who harms Mokuba and/or tries to take over Kaiba Corp
Occupation: President and CEO of KaibaCorp, Kaiba Land founder and owner
Interested in: Mokuba, money, KaibaCorp, dueling, dragons, power, technology, programming, computers, and being the best at everything he does
Duelist rank: Second best duelist in the world
Deck theme: Power
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Most precious possessions: Duel Monsters card shaped locket, three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, KaibaCorp
Personal quotes: "Hmph," and "Whatever!"
Personal pronouns: Mostly 俺 (ore), sometimes 我が (waga), 僕 (boku) when he's first introduced in series Zero and DM episode 1
Pages in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link] [link] [link]

Family name: 海馬 (Kaiba)
Given name: 木馬 (Mokuba)
Romaji: Kaiba Mokuba
Meanings of names: 海 (kai): Japanese origin for "sea, ocean; maritime"
馬 (ba): Japanese origin for "horse"
海馬 (kaiba): Japanese origin for "hippocampus", a part of the brain shaped like a seahorse that is responsible for processing long term memories and emotional responses
モ (mo)
ク (ku)
バ (ba)
モクバ (mokuba): Japanese origin for "Mokuba". The name Mokuba can also be written as 木馬, which means "wooden horse". It's uncertain why the Mokuba in Yu-Gi-Oh! has a given name written in katakana. The full name written in kanji 海馬木馬 (Kaiba Mokuba) has "horse" twice, so maybe Takahashi Kazuki wanted to avoid repetition.
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Joined: March 23, 2011
Account: Kaiba---Mokuba (formerly Mokuba--Kaiba)
Series: Zero, DM, GX
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Duelist manga, R manga, Millennium World manga Japanese chapter 343/English chapter 65, TRANSCEND GAME manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, Pyramid of Light, GX anime episode 62 (flashback)
Species: Human
Birthday: July 7
Age: 13
Height: 142 centimeters, 1.42 meters, 4 feet 8 inches, 55.9 inches
Weight: 38 kilograms, 83.8 pounds (Mokuba is 28 kilograms, 61.7 pounds in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth. This is dangerously skinny for a child of his height and age. It also contradicts how he has a healthy weight with chubby hands in the manga. Mokuba's favorite food is chocolate parfait, which is high in calories. There are some skinny people who have trouble gaining weight due to genetics, but eating sweets generally causes weight gain. The guidebook more likely meant that Mokuba is 38 kilograms, 83.8 pounds. This also gives him the same Body Mass Index [BMI] as Seto, which is 18.8.)
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark violetish blue
Blood type: O
Favorite food: Chocolate parfait
Least favorite food: Celery
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and English; speaks a little bit of Middle Egyptian
Family: Kaiba Seto (older brother), unknown and deceased mother and father, Kaiba Noa (adoptive brother), Priest Seth (Egyptian ancestor from 3,000 years ago), Critias (Atlantian ancestor from 10,000 years ago), Kaiba Gozaburo (adoptive father), Mrs. Kaiba (adoptive mother)
Occupation: Vice president and programmer at Kaiba Corp
Interested in: Helping his brothers, programming, technology, playing chess and Capsule Monster Chess
Duelist rank: Beginner
Decks: Fusion Dragon Deck, Legacy of the White Dragon Deck
Most precious possession: Duel Monsters card shaped locket
Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]

Family name: 川井 (Kawai)
Given name: 静香 (Shizuka)
Romaji: Kawai Shizuka
Meanings of names: 川 (kawa): Japanese origin for "river, stream, brook; flow; boil"
井 (i): Japanese origin for "a well, mineshaft, pit"
静 (shizu): Japanese origin for "quiet, still, motionless; gentle, serene, tranquil"
香 (ka): Japanese origin for "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense"
Name in American dub: Serenity Wheeler
Joined: March 22, 2011
Accounts: Shizuka-Kawai, Shizuka--Kawai, and Shizuka-Kawaii
Series: Zero, DM
Appears in: Zero anime, Duelist manga, DM anime
Species: Human
Birthday: November 28
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hair color: Reddish brown
Eye color: Brownish green
Born in: Japan
Language: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English
Family: Jounouchi Katsuya (older brother), Kawai Kaede (divorced mother), Jounouchi Takashi (divorced father)
Duelist rank: Beginner
Deck theme: Female
Deck: [link]
Personal pronoun: 私 (watashi)

Given name: (His real name is unknown because he is a mixture of Thief King Bakura's darkness and Zorc Necrophades.)
Meanings of names: 闇 (yami): Japanese origin for "darkness"
(See Bakura Ryou's info for the meaning of the name Bakura.)
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Yami Bakura, evil spirit of the Millennium Ring, white haired demon
Joined: July 9, 2011
Accounts: Stealer-of-Souls and Yami---Bakura
Series: Zero, DM, GX
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Duelist manga, Millennium World manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, GX anime episode 85 (flashback)
Species: Mixture of Thief King Bakura's darkness and Zorc
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Spirit of over 3,000 years (appears to be around 16)
Height: 176 centimeters, 1.76 meters, slightly over 5 feet 9 inches, 69.3 inches
Weight: 52 kilograms, 114.6 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: AB when he shares a body with Ryou, although his original blood type is unknown
Favorite food: Unknown, but he seems to love meat by how he devoured a steak in episode 81
Born in: Egypt
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes some Middle Egyptian, Japanese, and some English (British dialect)
Family: Yami Bakura was not born from a human. It is unclear how he was created, but he’s believed to be the fusion of the souls of Thief King Bakura and Zorc Necrophades, both of whom come from Pharaoh Atem’s time period.
Enemies: The Pharaoh and anyone who stands in his way
Specializes in: Shadow magic
Interested in: Defeating the Pharaoh and obtaining all seven Millennium items
Duelist rank: Very high
Deck theme: Occult
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Dark Necrofear
Most precious possession: Millennium Ring
Personal quotes: “Keh keh keh! You may have defeated me this time, but I am the darkness...and the darkness never dies...” “I am a thief and a stealer of souls.”
Personal pronoun: 俺様 (ore-sama)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link] [link] (in the upper right section)

Family name: 獏良 (Bakura_
Given name: 了 (Ryou)
Romaji: Bakura Ryou
Meanings of names: 獏 (baku): Japanese origin for "A tapir, which is normally a herbivorous mammal. In Japan, it's associated with a youkai, which is a spirit or demon from folklore that eat bad dreams and nightmares so people can sleep peacefully. Youkais are often depicted with the body of a lion and the head of an elephant."
良 (ra): Japanese origin for "good, skilled, virtuous, respectable"
了 (ryou): Japanese origin for "complete, finish"
Click here for more info.
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Joined: July 9, 2011
Accounts: TheGoodBakura and Ryou-o-Bakura
Series: Zero, DM
Appears in: Zero manga, Zero anime, Duelist manga, R manga chapter 41 page 207 (in Mutou Yuugi's thoughts), Millennium World manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime
Species: Human
Birthday: September 2
Age: 16
Height: 176 centimeters, 1.76 meters, slightly over 5 feet 9 inches, 69.3 inches
Weight: 52 kilograms, 114.6 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: AB
Favorite food: Profiteroles (cream puffs)
Least favorite food: Raw oyster
Born in: England
Lives in: Apartment 601 in Domino City, Japan (Zero chapter 50 and Zero episode 25 at 9:13)
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes English (British dialect) and Japanese
Sexual orientation: Homosexual homoromantic
Family: Japanese father, Bakura Rayna (deceased English mother), Bakura Amane (younger fraternal twin sister), Thief King Bakura (Egyptian ancestor from 3,000 years ago)
Best friends: Yuugi Mutou, Jounouchi Katsuya, Mazaki Anzu, Honda Hiroto
Occupation: Domino High School student
Interested in: The occult, friends, games
Duelist rank: Ryou’s duelist rank is unknown since he isn’t shown dueling in either the manga or anime, but it's implied that the first two decks that Yami Bakura uses were actually built by Ryou.
Deck theme: Occult
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Change of Heart
Personal pronoun: 僕 (boku)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]