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This is a website for Yu-Gi-Oh-RPdA, a role playing group at DeviantArt for Yu-Gi-Oh! Zero, DM, and GX.   It contains summaries of the plots, along with other info, and was last updated on August 9, 2019.​

~If you want to donate points to help Yu-Gi-Oh-RPdA become or remain a super group, you can donate here!​



Hello~! :D I’m Nadège, one of the founders and admins of Yu-Gi-Oh-RPdA.  I made this website, and I’m the RPer of Jounouchi, Mokuba, Gekkou, and Shou~ :3 My main account is BrotherlyFluff. Please let me know if I make mistakes in the summaries or the info here.  This site is updated regularly.

July Birthdays and Anniversaries


July 7: Birthday of Kaiba Mokuba


July 10: Birthday of Hibiki Midori


July 13: Birthday of Saiou Takuma


July 21: Birthday of Insector Haga


​July 26: Birthday of Yami Yuugi/Atem

August Birthdays and Anniversaries


August 1: Birthday of Manjoume Jun


August 12: Birthday of Keith Howard


August 13: Birthday of Mana


August 18: Birthday of Jeanna, Mazaki Anzu, and Priestess Isis


August 31: Birthday of Yuuki Juudai

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