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Summary of 1998-14 (2012 in real life)

Continued from Summary of 1998-13 (2011 in real life)

Marik broke into the game shop and stole the Millennium Rod, leaving a mess in Yuugi’s room.  This made Ishizu depressed, so she also went to Domino to try to save her brother.  Mai cheered her up with shopping and a duel.  Ishizu was so touched that she gave Mai a ring and later Mai gave Ishizu a card called Harpie Queen.  Yami’s childhood friend, Mana, used a spell to locate her master, Mahaado, but accidentally time traveled to Yuugi’s time period in Domino and found her other master, Atem (Yami).  She cried because Yami didn’t remember her and told her he had sacrificed his life.  Rebecca was absent for months because she took care of a sick family member in America, but she was very worried when she found out about the tragedy upon returning to Domino.  She visited Yuugi and Yami at the hospital, fed Yami when he got hungry, and taught him about the meaning of mistletoe by kissing him. [link] Yami and Yuugi were angry that Giese had stolen their deck and that Marik had stolen the Millennium Rod and left a mess in Yuugi’s room.  Rebecca helped clean up the mess that Marik left, giggled at Yuugi’s baby pictures, and played a prank on Yami while he slept by putting pigtails in his hair, drawing a mustache on his face, and writing, “Becky loves Yami,” on his bandages. [link] [link] Yami removed his bandages in front of Rebecca so that she was the first person he saw upon removing them.  Anubis forced Ryuuzaki to put a scorpion in Yuugi’s room, which caused Yami and Yuugi to be hospitalized again after being stung.  Marik stole the Millennium Necklace during their absence.  Manjoume also got a funny dream of Juudai eating his hair. [link]


Noa found his father in a secret area of Kaiba Corp.  Gozaburo had saved himself after the virtual world’s destruction and was now in the body of a machine that resembled his monster form from the virtual world.  Gozaburo was angry because he wanted Noa to kill Seto Kaiba, but Noa refused because Gozaburo had used him and because he didn’t want to hurt his stepbrothers.  Gozaburo said that Noa no longer had human emotions and tried to destroy his son with a virus, but Noa fought back by using his robotic body’s powers to destroy his father, which left Noa injured after the battle.  Amelda entered Kaiba Corp and was disgusted when he saw there were still weapons of war there.  He imitated Kaiba’s voice, pretended to be Kaiba in front of Noa, and repaired Noa’s broken body in order to get info on Kaiba Corp.  Amelda did not trust Noa, the son of Gozaburo, but then he realized Noa was not on Gozaburo’s side, so they became friends and Noa showed him information that Amelda was looking for, including Valon’s whereabouts. [link] [link] [link] [link]

Jounouchi and Mai became an official couple (Polarshipping), but Ryuuzaki and Valon got jealous.  When Jounouchi invited Mai to a restaurant, Ryuuzaki pretended to be Jounouchi and tricked Mai into going with him to another restaurant, which made Mai upset. [link] Jounouchi also got a dream of becoming friends with Kaiba.  Ryuuzaki took pictures of Mai and Valon together to trick Jounouchi into thinking Mai was cheating on him, which caused Jounouchi to cry. [link] Manjoume convinced Mai to join the Society of Light, but then she quit after Valon told her it was evil.  Mai was terrified when she got nightmares of Yami Marik's return.  Marik got a lot of bad headaches and was kicked out of his hotel when he ran out of money to pay, so he went to live in his yacht.  Later, he teased Valon about the nickname, Valontine, that Mai had come up with.  After getting many headaches, Marik moved in with Ishizu.


Thief King Bakura (Akefia) arrived to Domino and was upset that his Millennium Ring was fake when he realized that Ryo Bakura/Yami Bakura had the real Ring.  Akefia forced Ryo to let him live in his apartment, ate Ryo’s food, and got a sweet tooth for chocolate.  Kisara came back to Domino and got injured by Akefia when he cut her throat.  She cried from loneliness, but was very happy when Priest Seto came back to Domino a year after his disappearance.  Priest Seto got to meet his descendant, Seto Kaiba, and the two argued on a daily basis.  The Priest had fun embarrassing Kaiba.  Kaiba joined the Society of Light to protect Mokuba, which made Mokuba worried.  Mokuba thought Priest Seto was Kaiba brainwashed by the Society, but then Mokuba was delighted when he realized it was actually Priest Seto who had returned! [link]


Ishizu and Kaiba got many similar dreams of falling in love with each other and kissing (potential Trustshipping).  In one dream, Ishizu hinted that she loved him by saying that priests and priestesses were allowed to fall in love in Ancient Egypt and that they were both priests in their past lives.  Kaiba also fought Akefia to protect Ishizu.  Ishizu thought the dreams were destiny, while Kaiba denied their meaning.  Akefia tried to hurt Ishizu with a knife, but Ishizu dueled him and got a draw.  She fell unconscious and Kaiba secretly brought her to the hospital.  Later, Akefia found out about Kaiba and Ishizu’s feelings for each other by hearing them talk in their sleep, so he tormented them with the secret of their love.  Ishizu saw Priest Seto and Kisara together, but she confused the Priest for Kaiba, so she was jealous of Kisara.  Akefia threatened to hurt Ishizu, so Marik made a deal and gave him the Millennium Necklace in exchange for his sister’s safety. [link] Yami was angry and told Ishizu about it, but Marik prevented his sister from telling Yami about Akefia.  This led to a deep conversation between the Pharaoh and the Ishtar siblings about the massacre of Kul Elna, why Akefia was so angry, and even the Tomb keeper’s initiation.  Ishizu tried to persuade Akefia to give back the Necklace because she didn’t want him to relive the visions of Kul Elna’s downfall, but Akefia still refused to give it back. [link] Akefia kidnapped Mana, chained her in a warehouse, and tormented her because she wasn’t able to tell him where the Pharaoh was.


Ishizu finally got the courage to kiss Kaiba, but was embarrassed about it when Marik found out. [link] Marik was furious and got dreams of breaking into Kaiba’s mansion to destroy his property. [link]


Dartz used Atlantean magic to bring back Iorei, which also somehow brought back Amane, Ryo’s little sister.  Ryo was delighted to have Amane back.  Dartz and Iorei were also extremely happy to be reunited after 10,000 years and Dartz apologized for having killed her when she had been a monster, but Iorei said there was nothing to forgive because he had done nothing wrong.  The two snuggled together and said they never wanted to be separated again. [link]


Haga got a crush on Miho when she showed up in Domino again.  Mahaado used a spell and time traveled to Domino with Mana’s cat, Moon.  He found Priest Seto and they went searching for their Millennium items.


Amelda got really depressed, used heroin, and tried to commit suicide.  Some time later, he moved in with Valon.  While Valon slept, Amelda put whipped cream on his hand and a feather under his nose, which caused Valon to sneeze and get whipped cream on his face. [link] Valon retaliated by putting bleach in Amelda’s shampoo, which made his hair pink. [link] Amelda was humiliated and pranked back by cutting Valon’s shirts. [link] Valon got angry and replaced all of Amelda’s clothes with pink, girly clothing. [link]


Marik kidnapped Miho inside his yacht, but she escaped when he forgot to lock the door.  Then he became so evil that he stabbed Jounouchi, causing him to be hospitalized. [link] Ishizu was so disappointed that she slapped Marik. [link] Mai was also angry and confronted Marik, but he harmed her and made her faint. [link] As predicted, Yami Marik returned, which made nearly everyone extremely disappointed.  He ordered Ishizu to kill Kaiba and to bring back the knife with Kaiba’s blood. [link] A brainwashed Ishizu tried to kill Kaiba, but then she regained her senses when he said, “I love you,” warned him to leave the city, and cut herself to put her blood on the knife. [link] Marik gave Jounouchi nightmares, disguised himself as the Pharaoh, and made “Yami” kill Jounouchi, which made Jounouchi literally die. [link] Ishizu was naturally furious, which caused the Ishtar siblings to argue and Marik left to go live with Bakura.  Kaiba got a nightmare that Jounouchi had killed himself because of Kaiba. [link] Haga visited Jounouchi’s grave and buried the card Parasite Paracide to show he was over his grudge against him. [link]


Pegasus showed up in Domino with new plans to revive Cyndia, so he began kidnapping people, including Meyari.  He read people’s minds to see who they had feelings for and had tons of fun teasing people when he found out that Kaiba likes Ishizu, and Yami likes Rebecca. [link] Ishizu told Pegasus that Kaiba was dead to protect Kaiba, but Pegasus got upset at the lie and kidnapped her. [link] Kaiba was angry that Ishizu was kidnapped, so he made a deal and gave Pegasus access to his labs in return for Ishizu.  Kaiba and Marik rescued Ishizu together by flying in Kaiba’s jet to Pegasus’s island where Ishizu was held prisoner.  In the jet, Kaiba found out Marik has a fear of heights. [link] Pegasus gave Yami a suitcase filled with cards since Giese had stolen one of Yami's decks.  Pegasus also told him the story of the ancient Egyptian god, Horus, to help Yami figure out more about his past.


Anubis forced Ryuuzaki to deliver a "birthday gift" to Haga, but both boys were horrified to see that it was a flesh-eating insect!  Ryuuzaki got enough of being enslaved by Anubis, so he tried to regain his freedom by giving Manjoume's Light and Darkness Dragon card to Anubis. The mummy took the card, but still kept Ryuuzaki prisoner.  Later, Manjoume and Ryuuzaki made a deal.  Ryuuzaki told him where the card was in exchange for the Society of Light’s power, so Manjoume confronted Anubis to get his card.  Surprisingly, Anubis gave it back without a fight. [link] However, the Light and Darkness Dragon was only dark now and would only be light and dark again if Manjoume left the Society of Light. [link] Haga also told Yami and Yuugi what had happened, so the three of them went to the museum to confront Anubis, who turned the museum into a haunted place to make it difficult for them to reach him. When they finally did find him, Haga was able to snatch the Dagger of Fate from Anubis. [link] Ryuuzaki felt safe from the Light’s power, so he told Haga that he was being forced to work for Anubis.  Mahaado, Yami, Yuugi, and Jounouchi also rescued Mana from Akefia. [link]


Ryou taught Akefia how to use rollerblades. [link] Kajiki’s boat got wrecked on Domino’s coast and he got accidentally kicked out of the backpacker’s stay when he put back a fish into the sea, which was the manager’s pet. [link] Then Kajiki found a job at the aquarium to save up money for a new boat and tried to impress the manager, whom he thought was Akefia.  Priest Seto told Yami about a time when they were younger when Atem had urinated on a cactus while the Priest had tried to kiss Kisara. [link] Marik accused Priest Seto of coming up with the Tomb keeper’s initiation, but the Priest said it was the Tomb keepers who had come up with it.  Mahaado and Priest Seto argued, which caused Priest Seto to insult Mana.  Mahaado got angry, so he used Dark Magic Attack, which caused Priest Seto to collapse.  On his deathbed, Priest Seto told Kisara and Mahaado that he cared about them, and then died coincidentally on Mokuba’s birthday. [link] Pegasus read the dead Priest’s mind and Akefia’s mind, and revealed that Priest Seto’s spirit had been sent to the Millennium Rod instead of to the afterlife. [link] [link] Mahaado had a nightmare that Priest Seto accused him and Kisara of being traitors.  Marik and Akefia also told Priest Seto that Kisara and Mahaado were relieved to see him dead, but the Priest was furious when he found out it was untrue and went insane, harming Akefia and even Ryo.


Giese kidnapped Teana and Johan in capsules, harmed them, and let them starve, so Juudai, Yubel, Yami, and Yuugi looked for Giese’s hideout and rescued their friends.  Yami gave Giese a Mind Crush, but this made Giese go mad and he stabbed Teana with a knife.  Johan and Teana were then hospitalized.  Juudai somehow got separated from Yubel, which made her feel abandoned once more.  Yubel accused Johan of having stolen Juudai from her.  She also needed more dark powers, so Iorei and Mahaado permitted her to take some darkness from their hearts.


Rishid returned to Egypt from a vacation at New York that his siblings had forced him to go on, but he was shocked to see that Marik and Ishizu were in Domino, so he went there.  He was also surprised to find out that Ishizu loved Kaiba and that Marik’s dark side had returned.  Marik admitted he had killed Jounouchi, so Rishid pretended to kill himself with a knife to show Marik the pain Marik had caused to Jounouchi’s family. [link] Pegasus was shocked when Keith mentioned that his sister’s name was Cyndia Howard, making them realize that Pegasus and Keith would be brothers-in-law when Pegasus would get married to Cyndia.


Since Jounouchi was dead, he visited Mai in her dreams and told her that it was alright to fall in love again.  Reluctantly, she allowed herself to go with Valon (Conquestshipping).  Isis met Ishizu and both women were shocked at having the same appearance, but became close friends when they realized they were ancestor and descendant.  Later on, Rishid met her and grabbed a table while she grabbed a knife in defense when they saw they were not Shaada or Ishizu.  However, they quickly realized they were both part of the Ishtar family. [link] Isis got feelings for Mahaado, Priest Seto, and Akefia, but later her feelings were only for Akefia and they secretly started dating even though he was normally an enemy of the Pharaoh.  She also tried to use a spell that involved using Mahaado’s blood to save Priest Seto’s soul from the Rod, but it failed.  Priest Seto was engaged to be married to a woman, which annoyed him because he’s in love with Kisara, so Isis came up with a solution and told him to be engaged to her instead so that he could continue seeing Kisara. [link]


Pegasus announced on TV in an interview that Yami likes Rebecca and that Kaiba likes Ishizu, which made Kaiba angry. [link] Mahaado saw the interview and was confused, so he spoke to Yami about it and realized that Rebecca was his crush, which made Mahaado tease his Pharaoh. [link] Mokuba got angry when Pegasus joked about the soul stealing that had taken place in Duelist Kingdom, so he hit Pegasus where it hurts and displayed a large picture of it on a billboard to humiliate Pegasus! [link] This started a prank war between Pegasus and the Kaiba brothers because Pegasus retaliated by changing the picture into one of Kaiba kissing Ishizu and Mokuba hugging Amane.  This also made Marik and Ryo angry when they saw their siblings in it. [link] Mokuba got upset and put laxatives in Pegasus’s wine. [link] To get back at Mokuba, Pegasus stole Priest Seto’s dead body from the Kaiba mansion and put a picture on a blimp of Kaiba making out with a computer.  He also evaded the laxatives because Richie found out about Mokuba’s prank. [link] [link]


Yami Marik caused Duel Monsters to attack their owners in order to harm the Pharaoh.  Akefia, Isis, Ryuuzaki, Pegasus, Kajiki, Giese, and Haga were among victims, but since Giese had stolen Yami’s deck, he got attacked by the Pharaoh’s monsters, which unleashed the Egyptian gods. [link] Yami Marik found The Winged Dragon of Ra and the majority of Yami’s deck. [link] Haga was terrified of his monsters and threw himself in the ocean because most insects don’t like water, which made him lose his jacket.  Then he became crazy, sent his deck and the Dagger of Fate to the Pharaoh, and went to a mental hospital. [link]​

Yakou was willing to do anything to make Pegasus happy, so he kidnapped Mai and planned to use her to revive Cyndia.  Mai let herself get kidnapped because she was already horribly depressed over Jounouchi’s death. [link] Gekkou got worried for Pegasus’s alcoholic addiction and forced him to go cold turkey, causing Pegasus to go in withdrawal and irresponsibly cross the street.  Yami saved his life by pushing him away from a speeding car.  However, Yami himself got knocked out by the car, which made a piece of the Puzzle fall off.  Yuugi unconsciously took over the body.  Pegasus found the missing Puzzle piece, but was unable to solve the Puzzle.  His maids took care of Yuugi while Pegasus got drunk again, so Gekkou ordered the castle's employees to either take or throw away all the bottles from Pegasus's wine cellar. [link] While drunk, Pegasus painted the Puzzle piece pink and almost ate it, nearly went driving while drunk, ordered a thong and a bra for Marik, sent his Toons to annoy Kaiba, and did many other things. [link] [link] Pegasus made Gekkou safeguard The Wicked Avatar card from Yakou, and then Richie hid Yuugi’s Puzzle as a prank. [link] [link] [link] Yuugi was worried about where his Puzzle was, but quickly found it.  Pegasus got angry when he realized his alcohol was missing, so he yelled and slapped Gekkou.  Pegasus gave the missing Puzzle piece back to Yuugi, which made Yami return, and then announced that he had gotten reservations at a fancy restaurant for Yami and Yuugi to invite their dates, Rebecca and Anzu. [link] [link] Gekkou became depressed over what he had done and got nightmares that his father and brothers disowned him and slapped him.  Depre threw cake in Gekkou’s face during a celebration in remembrance of Cyndia. [link] Yakou also punched Gekkou and stole The Wicked Avatar from him. [link] Gekkou tried to get forgiveness from his father, but Pegasus told him to get out of his sight.  This made Gekkou so depressed that he became anorexic.


Since Haga disappeared, Kajiki found the bug nerd’s jacket and made posters in sloppy handwriting to say that Haga and Ryuuzaki were missing. [link] [link]


The leader of the Society of Light, Saiou, disappeared, so Manjoume became the new leader.  However, Asuka wanted to lead, so she gave him kisses in exchange for Manjoume’s position. [link] Pegasus gave Mahaado love advice, a ring to give to Mana, and reservations to a nice restaurant with Mana. [link]


Priest Seto entered Mokuba's dream to say that he had died and that his soul was residing in the Millennium Rod, so the Kaiba brothers fought Marik to get it and successfully got it.  Mokuba also took Amane from Ryou’s house to protect her from the psychopaths living there.  However, Mokuba was angry when he realized Pegasus had stolen Priest Seto’s body! [link] [link] Marik was pissed that the Rod got stolen and became depressed, so he started smoking, got snake bite piercings, and became a stripper. [link] [link] Anubis imprisoned Mahaado at the museum, but Mana saved him. [link]


Asuka seduced Johan into joining the Society of Light, causing him to choose between being loyal to his best friend, Juudai, or accepting what Asuka said.  He chose to join and his Crystal Beasts became the Diamond Beasts to represent the society’s white light. [link] [link] Then Johan was haunted by a ghost at the hospital.  Yubel became evil and searched everywhere for Johan because she accused him of having stolen Juudai from her.  She used her dark powers to injure Ishizu. [link] Isis got leukemia and lost all her hair.  Ishizu felt so bad for her that she also cut off all her hair. [link]


Gozaburo came back in a body made of a war machine and sent out robotic animals to attack civilians to get information on the whereabouts of Seto or Noa. [link] The robots attacked Kajiki, Keith, Mahaado, Noa, and Alister, and dragged Ryuuzaki, Iorei, and Ishizu to Gozaburo’s warehouse.  Keith beat one robot and noticed it had a KC logo on it, so he made a deal with Mokuba to help him track down who was responsible for the robots’ attacks if Mokuba protected Keith from the law.  Mahaado used his powers to defend himself against the attacks. [link] Gozaburo questioned Ryuuzaki, who told him bad things about Anubis.  However, Anubis found him, made an alliance with Gozaburo, punished Ryuuzaki for betraying him, and lied saying that Haga was dead. [link] Gozaburo realized that Iorei’s husband, Dartz, had once taken over Kaiba Corp, so he promised to help her bring back Atlantis if she helped him take over Kaiba Corp again. [link] Iorei tried to get info from Mokuba, but then Timaeus told her about how Seto Kaiba was Critias’s descendent, so she regretted helping Gozaburo. [link] Gozaburo also locked up Ishizu after she refused to say anything about Seto Kaiba. [link] Isis walked in his warehouse and pretended to be Ishizu’s clone.  Then they flew away on Isis’s Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress and were harmed by the BEWDs, but were still able to escape. ​[link[link]


Isis thought there were Shadow monsters and demons invading, but Ishizu explained to her that they were just kids dressed in costumes for Halloween. [link] Kaiba realized that his romantic relationship with Ishizu was not working, so he broke up with her, which broke Ishizu’s heart. [link]   Mokuba felt bad for her, so he gave her a necklace with sapphires, moonstones, and a Blue-Eyes White Dragon pendant. [link] Akefia got nightmares where Akhenaden, the brother of Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, told him Akefia was responsible for the massacre of Kul Elna. [link] However, later on Akefia got real visions from the Necklace and realized that the person who had actually ordered the massacre of Kul Elna was Akhenaden, which shocked him because for years he had believed that Akhenamkhanen was responsible! [link] Akefia got really depressed and started cutting, which led him to commit suicide in the warehouse where he had hurt Mana. [link] Diabound appeared because Ka monsters are released when their owners die, indicating that Akefia had died.  Marik vomited when he saw Akefia dead in a pool of blood and then he, Kisara, Isis, and Ryou cried.  Marik stayed with Kisara at the Kaiba Mansion to be there for her during this difficult time.  He got nightmares that his mother hated him when giving birth to him.  He also felt like everything was his fault and believed that his siblings would be better off without him, so he tried to commit suicide by swallowing a lot of pills and taking drugs, which made Rishid force him into rehab. [link] [link] Marik got romantic feelings for Kisara and admitted it to Priest Seto, who was furious upon finding out. [link] In the afterlife, Jounouchi tried to make Akefia understand that it was cowardly to take away his own life. [link] Later on, Mahaado and Mana wanted to make the Pharaoh happy by bringing Jounouchi back to life.  They succeeded at reviving him, but accidentally brought him back as a girl! [link] [link] Mai was thrilled to see Jounouchi again and didn’t mind the gender change. [link] Bakura also brought Akefia back to life as a three year old child. [link] However, he eventually agreed to make Akefia an adult again in exchange for the Necklace.  ï»¿Isis was thrilled that Akefia was back, but then became heartbroken when he broke up with her.  Anubis took the opportunity to corrupt and manipulate Isis with false promises and seduction, telling her that she should leave the pharaoh because she deserved to be a goddess. [link] He and Gozaburo also forced Ryuuzaki to eat a rat and then Anubis kissed Ryuuzaki to traumatize him. [link]

Isis suffered from cancer, so Mahaado used a spell to take the pain upon himself to cure her. [link] Pegasus invited the card professor, Reiko Kitamori, to live in his castle and be trained to become a better duelist. [link] He also hired Kajiki to test some new water monsters he had drawn and then Reiko showed Pegasus’s aquarium to Kajiki. [link] Pegasus revived Cyndia on his birthday and was overjoyed to be reunited with her. [link] [link] [link] However, Gekkou’s depression caused him to leave a letter and go hide in America on the same day. [link] Pegasus’s happiness turned into intense sorrow when he realized Gekkou was gone, so he and Yakou hacked the airlines to search for him and flew to the USA with Cyndia to find him.  [link] [link] They went to Las Vegas to visit the graves of Pegasus’s dead parents and then went to Newport, being filled with worry when a hurricane hit the eastern USA where Gekkou was. [link] Pegasus was thrilled when he finally found Gekkou and apologized for having been a bad father, which led to a touching reunion between them and Gekkou also met Cyndia for the first time. [link] Then Pegasus showed his family around Newport and took them to restaurants and a truffle shop. [link] [link] While Gekkou was sleeping, Pegasus revealed the cruel things he had done during Duelist Kingdom, but Gekkou didn’t hear any of it because he was asleep. [link] Meanwhile, Reiko looked after Miruko while Bakura pretended to be Ryou and asked Mahaado for the location of Pegasus’s castle, so Mahaado teleported him there.  Pegasus and the family returned to Japan after visiting Newport. [link]

Noa wanted to feel human again, so he constructed a virtual simulation room that looked like [link]. [link] [link] He also wanted to share it with Mokuba, but needed to test it first before trying it on humans.  Noa was horrified when he found Amelda covered in cuts and blood, so he cleaned up Amelda’s wounds, stitched up the cuts on his arms, and brought him in the simulation room.  Amelda had cut himself out of depression to try to end his life and was angry that Noa had saved him, but Noa was upset that Amelda had tried suicide because Amelda made him feel human again, which gave Amelda a reason for living. [link] Amelda also mentioned that a little brother is like the sun that rises with us in the morning, but at night the sun sets and he falls asleep.  After he dies, the sun never rises again, but it stays in our hearts forever. [link] Mokuba found Noa and was shocked to see he had befriended Amelda.  Mokuba also introduced Noa to Priest Seto, the spirit of the Millennium Rod, but Noa and Amelda only saw him as a Kaiba lookalike, which upset the Priest.  Then Mokuba and Priest Seto spoke to Noa about what Alister had done during the events of DOMA and about Priest Seto's past life. [link] [link] Noa was jealous of how close Mokuba was to Priest Seto and thought they only felt pity for him, so he left.  Mokuba wished he could show Noa that he still loved him.  Priest Seto felt like he shouldn’t even be there because he was just a Kaiba lookalike and had done evil things in his past, so Mokuba comforted him by saying that the Priest was not just a replacement and that Mokuba had also done bad things in the past.  Meanwhile, Noa shut down his body to recharge, but Alister awoke him and worried about what Mokuba had said about him.  Noa said maybe the ocean could wash their pasts away like how the entirety of the Earth had once been rewritten by a massive flood.  Then they got attacked by Gozaburo’s robots, but Noa saved Alister by pushing him out of the way and easily destroyed them with his robotic body.  Noa was concerned about where these robots came from since they had a KC logo, so he went to search. [link] Alister was also attacked by robots, so he confused them by imitating the voices of Valon, Rafael, Mokuba, Kaiba, and Noa. [link] Amane escaped from the Kaiba mansion by running away and was found by Akefia, who took her home.

Esper and his four little brothers set up tents for a fortune telling business in front of Pegasus’s castle and Esper claimed that he could tell people their futures using Pegasus’s spirit. [link] Several people got upset and considered him a phony, including Mokuba, Gekkou, and Jounouchi, but Shizuka believed him and even babysat his four little brothers. [link] Later on, Pegasus showed up and got angry that Esper was claiming to have his spirit, so Pegasus gave him a Penalty Game where Esper saw horrifying visions of the future. [link] [link] Mokuba made a deal with Keith and accepted his help to figure out who was sending robots to attack people.  In exchange, Mokuba agreed to protect Keith from the law.  However, Kaiba got angry about this and threw the Rod outside on the ground.  At the same time this took place, Bakura found Priest Seto’s soulless body and stole it to have a body of his own, which sent the Priest’s soul from the Rod to the afterlife.  Mokuba cried out in deep pain at the loss of his loved one, oblivious that Keith had taken the Rod. [link] Alister formed an alliance with the Kaiba brothers to plan an attack on Gozaburo. [link] Then he met Reiko, who told him about how Pegasus got angry often and had recently given a Penalty Game.  They didn’t know it was due to the curse Bakura had inflicted on the Millennium Eye. [link]

Continued in Summary of 1998-15 (2013 in real life)

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