Summary of 1998-16 (2014 in real life)
Continued from Summary of 1998-15 (2013 in real life)
Amon Garam returned from Dark World and time traveled in the past to Yuugi’s time. He got amnesia and forgot about the bad things he had done in the past. [link]Anzu and Gekkou saw each other at the hospital and told one another how they had gotten injured. Anzu had been slashed and attacked by Anubis, while Gekkou had been dropped from his balcony by Yami Bakura. [link] Masumi sent Anzu a text message and found out she was at the hospital, so he immediately went to visit her and brought roses. [link] He continued being cunningly nice and took her outside in her wheelchair to get some fresh air. He suggested that they’d go on a date, which made Anzu blush and pout. Since Masumi didn’t want to see Yami again yet, Anzu warned him to not visit during visiting hours or he’d risk running into him. When Masumi left her room, he stayed overnight at the hospital unbeknownst to Anzu. [link]Satake injured his arm, so he sneaked into the hospital with Kotsuzuka and Takaido to steal medical supplies, but they were caught by Anzu. However, she recognized Kotsuzuka from Duelist Kingdom and felt bad for Satake’s injury, so she let them take the supplies. They also apologized for having trapped Anzu and her friends in the cave during Duelist Kingdom. [link] Bakura pretended to be Ryou and found out from Cyndia where Gekkou's hiding place was at the hospital. Then he visited him to threaten Gekkou about Zorc, and revealed that he had taken Pegasus’s Eye and soul. Poor Gekkou was so anxious and uncomfortable afterwards that he asked the hospital staff to transfer him to another room. [link] He hoped that getting a confidential location only known to his loved ones would make it more difficult for Bakura to find him again. Yakou came to visit and Gekkou told him that Bakura had taken Pegasus's Millennium Eye and soul. This made Yakou furious and he firmly announced that he'd defeat Bakura, which worried Gekkou. Later on, the twins shared an affectionate moment, and Yakou's secret feelings for his brother accidentally caused him to kiss Gekkou, which really embarrassed Yakou. However, Gekkou continued to be oblivious to his brother's feelings. [link] On Valentine's Day, Ishizu felt angrily melancholy and hated the couples that she saw because she suffered from heartbreak with Kaiba. [link] Yakou was also miserable and cried because he was secretly in love with his identical twin, Gekkou, so he felt he was committing a sin. [link] Yakou tried to hire Masumi Momono to spy for information in exchange for money, but Masumi made it clear that he’d go to anyone who’d offer the largest amount of money for his services, meaning he could even go to Yakou’s enemies if they were to pay him more. [link] Yakou told Gekkou about the deal he made with Masumi. Gekkou tried to show his brother that he could use his right hand to eat despite being injured, but he still failed and accidentally dropped the knife on Yakou's leg. However, Yakou was there to help by being Gekkou's hands and arms. [link] Anzu and Yami tried to visit Gekkou, but didn't find him since he was in his other secret room. Takaido, Kotsuzuka, and Satake stumbled upon Pegasus's soulless body that Bakura had dumped in a warehouse. The gang members dragged the body in a nearby alleyway and told Yami and Anzu about it. Yami had trouble believing it, but Kotsuzuka showed him where the body was. [link] Yami called Yakou to tell him about it, so Yakou arrived to preserve the body inside a container full of liquid. [link] Then Yakou told Gekkou that he had their father’s body. [link] Unfortunately, Yakou got sick because Pegasus’s body had been contaminated with a lot of bacteria. [link] When Gekkou was almost fully recovered after several months of hospitalization, Yakou came to take him home. Gekkou noticed his brother was sick, but Yakou pretended it was nothing serious. [link] However, Yakou continued getting sicker, and Gekkou found him passed out with a high fever of 41.6º Celsius/106.8º Fahrenheit, heavy breathing, a lot of sweat, and shivers. Gekkou called a doctor, who diagnosed Yakou with a bacterial infection. Yakou had gotten infected from the contaminated air while rescuing Pegasus's body. [link] Keith snuck into the castle with a letter to Cyndia warning her about the upcoming Execution Day. However, Keith was shocked to see that Gekkou had survived the fall from the balcony. Gekkou knew that Takaido, one of Keith's men, had saved his life, but he pretended that he didn't remember how he had survived to prevent Takaido from getting in trouble. Richie showed up, ordered Keith to leave the castle immediately, and had a violent fight with him where they both ended up bleeding and bruised. Keith almost killed Richie by strangling him, but Gekkou saved Richie by pretending that Cyndia was coming, which made Keith flee. [link]
Seto and Priest Seto rescued Mokuba from Gozaburo, but Noa rejoined his father and attacked Mokuba. This made Seto and Priest Seto furious, and Mokuba felt very betrayed since he considered Noa a brother. Mokuba told Bandit Keith about it, and Keith's gang members were surprised that Keith and Mokuba were allied. [link] Priest Seto went to Pegasus's castle and planned to confess his love for Kisara, but found Yami Bakura instead who was pretending to be Ryou. The Priest noticed the resemblance to Thief King Bakura, but followed him anyway when "Ryou" mentioned that he knew Kisara's location. Unfortunately, Priest Seto was horrified when he saw his lover's soulless body covered in blood because Bakura had taken her soul. [link] He contacted Mokuba right away about it, so Mokuba quickly arrived by limo to get Kisara's body cryopreserved. [link] Bakura sensed the presence of two more Millennium items nearby, which lured him into the game shop. Indeed, Mahad had the Scale and the Key, which Shaadi had entrusted him with, so Bakura challenged him to a battle in the shadows of hell. Yami arrived just in time to shield Mahad from Bakura's next attack, but it made the Pharaoh temporarily faint. Mahad lost and Bakura took the two items, giving him a total of six. Bakura normally would've punished Mahad for losing with a Penalty Game, but instead he left him to suffer from intense guilt of having lost. [link]
A policeman announced to Isis and Rishid that their neighbor had sadly been murdered by her boyfriend. [link] Magician's Valkyria ran into Yami Bakura. She used a spell to make herself 15 meters/50 feet tall and tried to squish him, but he used the Millennium items to make her revert back to her regular size. [link] Later on, she made herself huge again and ran into Rishid, who was shocked to be so tiny in comparison to her. [link] [link] She told Yuugi that she has tried to face Bakura on her own, but had failed. [link]
Haga had run away from Domino City to his own hometown because he was suffering a lot. [link] He had been attacked by his beloved insect monsters due to a curse that Yami Marik had inflicted on duel monsters. This had affected Haga so much that he had sent his deck to the Pharaoh and told him to safeguard it. In addition, Haga had suffered from losing his best friend, Ryuuzaki, after Anubis enslaved the dino boy. Therefore, both Haga and Ryuuzaki needed rescuing, so Yami and Yuugi teamed up with Kajiki and entered Haga's house through the chimney to search for clues in Haga's room. They found various notes Haga had left, a broken mirror, blood stains, and various other things among the messy room. [link] Kajiki was freaked out by a toaster and a Furby, but they eventually found out from Haga's diary that he had run off to his hometown in Ichihara City. [link] Yami took Anzu home from the hospital. Anzu felt extremely nervous and happy because she decided that today would be the day she'd confess her romantic feelings to the Pharaoh. They bought cookies and prepared tea at Anzu's house to spend time together. After Anzu summoned the courage to tell the Pharaoh how she felt, she was emotionally crushed hard when he revealed to her that he was with Rebecca, which was something she never thought he'd do. Anzu tried to act cool about it, but secretly suffered from depression afterward. [link] Unbeknownst to Anzu, Yuugi also suffered because he had feelings for her for years, but was crushed upon finding out that Anzu had feelings for Yami rather than for him. [link] Esper kept getting haunting visions of a terrible future with robots, zombies, and Domino in flames. The visions were from a Penalty Game that Pegasus had given him a long time ago. [link] Esper was so terrified that he warned Yami about the future. Since Anubis had also warned the Pharaoh about an upcoming Execution Day, Yami knew that something bad would happen, so he was torn between staying or leaving to rescue Haga. [link] Yami and Yuugi chose to leave anyway with Kajiki, Mahad, and Mana. They traveled by ship on Tokyo Bay to Haga's hometown, using Mahad's and Mana's magic to help them with the work on the ship. [link] [link] Then they found Haga with a location spell from Mahad. The bug nerd was pale, cold, famished, and his clothes were tattered, but Yami and Yuugi healed his damaged mind with the Millennium Puzzle using a new power called Mind Heal. [link] When Yami and the others returned to Domino, they battled against Anubis, who had already started damaging the city with his army of duel monsters, mummies, and zombies. Ryuuzaki loyally obeyed Anubis because he had developed Stockholm syndrome, a psychological phenomenon in which hostages are irrationally nice towards their captors because they mistake a lack of abuse for an act of kindness. Valon helped by running over some mummies with his motorcycle and summoning monsters. The Pharaoh almost lost the duel against Anubis, but then turned the situation around and won, causing Anubis and his army to disappear indefinitely. Ryuuzaki was upset that his master was gone, but Haga happily hugged him after the war was over. [link] [link] [link] Later on, Haga took care of Ryuuzaki by feeding him and giving him a bath, but it was really challenging for the bug nerd to deal with his best friend's Stockholm syndrome, which caused Ryuuzaki to miss his master, Anubis. Haga did his best to make Ryuuzaki understand that Anubis was nothing but an evil bastard. [link] Yami also suggested that Ryuuzaki go to the museum to go see for himself that Anubis was truly gone. Then the Pharaoh gave Ryuuzaki a Mind Heal to heal the dino boy's mind, just like he had done with Haga. [link] Ryuuzaki awoke from his coma some time later and was relieved to find Mai. He sadly explained to her what had happened to him during his time with Anubis. [link]
Gekkou invited Yakou, Cyndia, Takaido, Kotsuzuka, and Satake to a big party to show gratitude towards Takaido for having saved his life, and thank Keith's gang for having become his friends. There were many chefs who made meals from different countries, along with two cakes. Cyndia was unaware that the gang worked for her brother, Keith. Gekkou gave Duel Monsters cards to the gang as gifts, including Devil of Menacing Incandescence (Bonfire Colossus) to Takaido; Death King Lich Lord (Lich Lord, King of the Underworld) to Kotsuzuka; and Emperor of Lightning to Satake. When the party was over, Yakou gave a spell card called Futago: Two as One to Gekkou, which symbolized the twins' bond because it permitted two light type monsters or a light and a dark type monster to be fusion summoned. It was the first card Yakou had designed on his own without guidance or data from Pegasus. [link] Later that week, Gekkou went to visit the Pharaoh at the game shop to see how he was doing after the big battle against Anubis. They showed each other their special cards, including the Black Magician and Futago: Two as One. Yami also warned that Bakura had become much stronger and would most likely be his toughest enemy to beat, so Gekkou recommended that he and Yakou have a tag team duel against Yami and Yuugi to help them prepare for their battle against Bakura. [link] Yakou tried to regain his authority over Richie and Depre, and told them that Pegasus's soulless body was being preserved in a secret lab. They demanded to know where the body was, but he refused to tell anyone to protect people from being tormented by Bakura into revealing the place. They were also shocked when Yakou revealed it was thanks to Yami's and Yuugi's help that he had found the body. Richie and Depre were eager to find it, so they harrassed Gekkou about it, rummaged through his room for clues, and even pretended to rip apart Futago: Two as One when Gekkou didn't give them answers. Yakou arrived furiously and repeated that Gekkou didn't know where it was because nobody except for Yakou knew. [link]
The Player Killer of Darkness, also known as PaniK, invited Yuugi to his castle for a peace offering. The Pharaoh told PaniK about the Millennium items, and that he was another soul inhabiting Yuugi's body, which made PaniK secretly wonder if he should try to destroy the items that had caused him to suffer from Penalty Games. Yami was also suspicious as to whether PaniK had truly changed, or if he was still cruel. Later on, PaniK mentioned he was going to have a tournament, and he needed Yami's help to advertise it. [link] PaniK's maid overheard Yami saying he was a pharaoh. She found it too strange to believe, but did some research to find out if it was true. [link]
Marik finally showed up at his home after a prolonged absence, which made Rishid extremely relieved to see him. [link] Marik had been imprisoned with little food and water by Yami Marik for months. [link] Valon ran into Bakura and mentioned the Pharaoh, which got Bakura's interest. Valon wasn't intimidated by Bakura's Rod or other Millennium items, which he thought were merely toys, so he mocked Bakura by saying the Pharaoh was stronger. This infuriated Bakura and made him possess Valon's body. [link]
Bakura attacked Yakou in the middle of the night. Poor Yakou tried to escape as quickly as he could in his wheelchair and desperately used the Devil gods to save himself, which ended up making Bakura leave. [link] [link] Gekkou arrived and saw his brother burst into tears from fear, so he did his best to comfort him. Gekkou had mixed feelings on the Devil gods since they had saved his brother, but were still dangerously full of dark powers. [link] He told Takaido, Kotsuzuka, and Satake what Bakura had done to Yakou and the history of the Devil gods. Since Keith and Bakura were allied, they came up with a plan to try to snatch The Devil's Eraser from Keith's warehouse to prevent Bakura from obtaining it. Gekkou also proposed to adopt Kotsuzuka, which shocked the gang. Kotsuzuka was touched, but declined because the change would be too major. [link] That night, the twins told Yami and Yuugi via a video call about the incident, although Yakou did so reluctantly. Gekkou suggested sedating Bakura with a strong sedative to prevent him from hurting people, but Yami told the twins to stay out of it so he'd be the only one to fight the demon, which made Yakou angry because he also wanted to get revenge on Bakura. A fragment of Bakura overheard them saying that Keith had a Devil's Eraser. [link] Bakura spoke to Keith about it, and Keith willingly gave him his Devil's Eraser because he didn't care about the card and was supportive of making Bakura stronger. [link] [link]
In an alternate dimension, Mokuba invited Yuugi, Yami, Bakura, Cyndia, Haga, Ryuuzaki, Mai, PaniK, Keith, Kotsuzuka, Takaido, Ishizu, Rishid, Yakou, Gekkou, Masumi, Valon, Isis, Thief King Bakura, Ryou Marufuji, and Fubuki to Kaiba Land in California, USA. However, something went wrong on the airplane ride home and they crash landed on a Japanese, volcanic island called Werewolf Island east of Domino City. The god of the place was the Sky Dragon of Osiris. Everyone was randomly assigned roles, but had to keep their roles secret. Some turned into werewolves every night and killed someone. Every day, people had to vote to decide who was going to get executed, which meant being thrown in the volcano. There were three sides - the villagers, the neutrals, and the werewolves. The villagers and neutrals could only win if the werewolves were all killed, but the werewolves worked together to kill villagers and neutrals. Masumi, Keith, and Rishid were the werewolves. They killed Yakou on night one, so Gekkou committed suicide from grief the next morning. Bakura got executed on day one. Cyndia the villager and Takaido the cursed traitor became best friends. They revealed each other's roles and Cyndia said she'd do whatever she could to help Takaido become a villager. They also buried the corpses of the Tenma twins. [link] Mokuba the vigilante befriended Kotsuzuka, but their friendship was short since he killed Isis on night two. [link] Kotsuzuka was crushed that his new friend had betrayed him, which caused him to stop trusting everyone for awhile. Mokuba's death also caused Haga to commit suicide from grief since they were lovers. Takaido seeked out the werewolves on night three and found out that his boss, Keith, was a werewolf, so he announced it to everyone the next day. By then the wolves had killed PaniK. Keith was furious for Takaido's betrayal, which was the start of when the redhead rebelled against his boss. However, Cyndia got executed instead for having failed to vote twice and then voting for herself. Takaido committed suicide from grief and to prevent himself from turning into a werewolf himself because his roles would've caused him to eventually turn into one. Ishizu the witch brought Bakura back to life on night four. The werewolves attacked Valon the hunter, who killed Keith, but the wolves got revenge by killing Valon. Marik arrived on day four in hopes of rescuing his siblings. Yami and Masumi became best friends, so they revealed each other's roles and realized they were on opposite sides, so they decided to try to vote for those on the neutral side. [link] Thief King Bakura got executed. Fubuki the wizard brought Yakou back to life on night five. Sadly, Yakou came back as a werewolf and the werewolves killed Fubuki. Kotsuzuka almost got executed, but got away with it because his role as a prince allowed him to survive one vote-based execution. The god punished Marik for having voted twice for the god, so Ishizu was killed, Takaido was brought back in her place, Marik's clothes were removed, he was forced to wear underwear with teddies on it, tied to a flying branch above the volcano's opening, and had to choose a double voter to vote in his place. Takaido came back as a detective, which helped him investigate every night to find werewolves. The wolves tried to kill Ryuuzaki on night six, but he was cursed and transformed into a werewolf. Yakou refused to cooperate because he hated being a werewolf. [link] The next day, the flying branch gave Marik a hard time, played a prank by swooping down towards the volcano's magma, and even hit Marik against frozen thorn bushes. However, the two eventually became friends and he named her Kiki. [link] Marufuji almost got executed, but committed suicide before, so Rishid was taken instead and imprisoned. Pharaoh Atem arrived on on a Yomi ship. Bakura the cursed vigilante killed Masumi, so Marik the doppelganger became the new alpha werewolf. Takaido investigated Yakou and found out he was a werewolf. The wolves tried to kill someone, but Yakou rebelled against his pack by protecting the victim and taking the hits instead. Yami committed suicide the next day when he saw Masumi dead. Then Jounouchi arrived on a Baby Dragon and Yusuke came on a magic carpet. Jounouchi was angry when he saw Takaido and Kotsuzuka, two of Keith's gang members who had imprisoned him and his friends inside a cave during Duelist Kingdom and clogged the opening with a huge boulder. However, Takaido and Kotsuzuka apologized, which made Jounouchi realize they weren't that bad. Yakou was injured from the wolves' attacks and voted for the leader, Marik, which made Marik furious. He killed himself before being executed by jumping down a waterfall with sharp rocks at the bottom, which caused Yami Marik to appear afterwards, Rishid to get freed from prison in exchange for Marik's sacrifice, and Ryuuzaki to commit suicide. There was a tie in the votes, so Yuugi the scapegoat got executed instead. The god got angry that Jounouchi had mocked him, so Jounouchi got alpha cursed, his clothes were scattered on the island, he was forced to wear a girl's skirt, and all the food he touched the next day electrocuted him. Jounouchi the wizard brought Masumi back to life on night eight, Takaido investigated Bakura, and Atem healed and protected Yakou, which permitted Yakou to fight against Rishid the werewolf. Ryou Bakura arrived on Bobasa's back and Depre arrived by a parachute. Everyone knew Rishid was a werewolf, so he got executed. Jounouchi brought Gekkou back to life on night nine, but Gekkou became an alpha werewolf. Masumi the barman canceled Yakou's ability, so Yakou didn't turn into a werewolf. Yami Marik repeatedly stabbed Yami Bakura, but Bakura fought back and killed him while Takaido investigated Yami Marik. [link] Since Gekkou and Yakou were both werewolves, they sacrificed themselves to rid the island of the last two werewolves. Bakura was taken instead and imprisoned. The god crushed Mai and Kotsuzuka to death with boulders, and brought back Marik and Isis to life. Marik was a werewolf and attacked Jounouchi on night ten. Jounouchi shot Marik's arm so the others would be able to identify the werewolf the next day. Then he transformed into an alpha werewolf since he was alpha cursed. Takaido was chosen to be the only voter for day ten due to the ability of the former scapegoat, Yuugi. Atem healed and protected Bakura while Takaido investigated Depre. Jounouchi was utterly heartbroken over Mai's death. He thought of shooting himself in the head since several of his friends had died, including Yuugi and Mai, but Takaido was able to convince him not to do it. [link] Later on, Takaido beat and urinated on Keith's corpse, which led to him and Jounouchi making funny impressions of Keith's Americanism. [link] [link] This caused Keith in the afterlife to get pissed. Yusuke the Cupid had the ability to kill force someone to fall in love with him if he got executed. Yusuke wanted Marik the werewolf to die, so he planned on getting executed to get Marik killed. However, Takaido voted for Depre, whom he considered to be the worst person on the island, so Depre got executed. The villagers and neutrals won because they outnumbered the werewolves 8 to 3 at the end of day ten. Ever since the first death, those who were dead communicated with each other in the afterlife and with the mediums. [link] The Sky Dragon of Osiris was furious and merged with his two brothers, the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk and the Winged God Dragon of Ra, to try to kill everyone left. However, everyone's teamwork and friendships created the Creator God of Light, Horakhty, who killed the imposter god. The true mastermind was revealed to be Siegfried von Schroider. He said the god had just been a hologram, he had caused the airplane crash, and the game was virtual. Horakhty resurrected all those who had died, gave them badges and medals, and magically transported everyone home. [link] Yami was happy to be back and focused fully again on defeating Bakura. [link] [link] Gekkou, Valon, and Fubuki woke up two days later after dreaming about Werewolf Island. [link] [link] [link] Jounouchi and Yuugi talked about their experiences on Werewolf Island. However, Jounouchi was shocked to find that his father was back home even though he had been imprisoned for life after having killed someone while driving drunk. [link] Jounouchi called the police department to tell them about it, but they didn't have any criminal records of his father, which made Jounouchi angry. [link] Marufuji's duel disk self destructed on the island and then Marufuji was visited by his best friend, Yusuke Fujiwara. [link] [link] [link] Fubuki came over and the three friends decided to live in Marufuji's apartment. [link]
Takaido got a boost of bravery when he was back from Werewolf Island. At the warehouse, Keith was still pissed at the fact Takaido and Jounouchi had made fun of him, so the two had a fight. However, Takaido grabbed Keith's gun, shot him in the arm, took their stuff, and escaped in the car with Kotsuzuka and Satake. [link] They drove to Pegasus's castle, but ran into Richie and Depre. Richie threatened to beat them up, but a guard told Richie to behave himself. Mr. Crocketts said that Gekkou was sick, but the gang still got to see him and discussed their crazy adventures together from the island. Then Gekkou helped them begin new lives; gave them new rooms; found Kotsuzuka's old orphanage; gave them medical exams; took them shopping for clothes and other items; gave them a tour around the castle; helped them retrieve their legal documents; explained about medical insurance, taxes, and job training; showed them how to open bank accounts and use debit cards; let them receive private English lessons; and more. Kotsuzuka went to school for the first time, Satake got a job, and Takaido started studying to become a doctor. [link] [link]
Isis was feeling depressed with how Akefia had dumped her, so she decided to drown her sorrows with alcohol. She met someone who became her boyfriend, but the man was abusive. Marik suspected something was wrong when he saw a glimpse of her bruises. [link] Marik and Rishid followed her the next day to a café and saw her with her boyfriend. They followed the couple to a park where they saw the boyfriend violently hit her, which gave her bruises and a black eye. [link] [link] Mahad also saw her bruises and healed them, but he knew that someone had hit her even though she pretended she had simply been clumsy. [link] Marik wanted to murder him, but Rishid told him no, so Marik bought the most intoxicating beverage for the man and hotwired (illegally broke into) a car. Marik also cut the car's brakes hoping the man would drive it and get very injured. However, the man was so drunk that he passed out, so Marik took the man's wallet to get his personal info, threw him in the car, broke the window to make it look like the man himself had tried to steal it, and called the police to get the man arrested. [link] The man would only be in jail for a short time, so Marik planned on doing a good impression of Yami Marik using Mahad's magic to intimidate the man further. Rishid said they'd drive the man mad by making him think someone was trying to kill him, give him fake documents of the Yakuza (a Japanese group of violent criminals), frame him for murder, and drop him in the middle of a desert. [link] While Isis was crocheting a rug with yarn, Marik asked her why she stayed with her abusive boyfriend. She hesitated to reply, but said it was because she thought he loved her. Then she said it was similar to how Rishid used to be so loyal to his abusive, adopted father. [link] Some time later, Mahad used his magic to make Marik take Yami Marik's form in front Isis's boyfriend, Moabe. Marik stabbed him with a blade covered in poisons and slammed his head to knock him unconscious. Mahad nailed him to a cross, crucified him, and broke his jaw. Then Marik lit the cross on fire, stabbed him, and cut out his voice box, which killed Moabe. [link] Isis had no idea that Moabe had been murdered, so she left without a word to look for him, not realizing Marik was following her. [link] [link] Rishid looked all over the city for Isis, and even used tea and catnip as a form of bait since it was one of her favorite drinks. [link] [link] Valon and Magician's Valkyria helped Rishid look for her. [link] [link] Isis wandered into the forest and ended up staying there for several months, living off of various foods and befriending foxes that she found there. However, she forgot who she was in the forest and had no desire to return to civilization. [link] Valon found her while riding his motorcycle, and asked her who she was. She replied that her name was Amunet and showed him her house, which was a shanty made of branches and furs from local wildlife she'd been hunting. [link] With Valon's help, Isis found her way back home. [link] She ran into Magician's Valkyria some time later and introduced herself with another new name, Neith. [link] Valon told Rishid he found Isis and brought her to the Clock Tower Square on his motorcycle. She was distracted by a butterfly, attacked by birds, and fell into a puddle while Rishid was stuck in traffic. When Rishid finally arrived, Isis asked who he was, which made him sadly realize that she had amnesia. [link] Rishid went crazy when he saw how different Isis was. She kept calling herself different names daily such as Nia, and drank soda pop instead of her usual tea. [link] Isis was also upset that Rishid kept insisting that she was an Egyptian named Isis. She did occasionally get flashes of sand and a pyramid, but didn't admit it to Rishid. [link] Magician's Valkyria came over to visit Rishid, and was glad to see he had found Isis. However, Isis claimed to be named Narmer from amnesia. [link]
Bakura sensed some darkness in a person's soul that he hadn't met before. The person, who was Ryou Marufuji, was intrigued by the Millennium items that Bakura owned and asked for an alliance. Since Bakura wanted to weaken Yami to make it easier to obtain the Puzzle, he told Marufuji to duel one of Yami's friends, Jounouchi. Marufuji told Bakura about his style of dueling that utilizes shock-amplifying (electrifying) devices. [link] Bakura was pleased with himself afterwards and walked in an alley where he ran into a large thug who demanded to have the Millennium items, but Bakura easily got rid of him. [link]
Bakura and Marik ran into each other, so Marik tried to reform their old alliance, but Bakura was skeptical. Bakura wanted to know the location of the Shrine of the Millennium Stone to unleash Zorc Necrophades again, so Marik offered to tell him in exchange for help killing the Pharaoh. Marik asked to borrow the Rod, but Bakura refused and said he'd simply ask Ishizu and Rishid, which made Marik angry. Bakura also wanted to inflict pain on Yami Marik as revenge for when Yami Marik had defeated him during Battle City, but Marik insisted on being the only one to kill his dark side. They finally agreed to be allies again, although they both secretly had little faith that the other would succeed. [link] Later on, Marufuji met Marik and asked him about the Millennium items. [link]
Yami became increasingly uncomfortable with how his enemies hurt his friends in order to hurt him. He realized that as long as he had bonds with his friends, they'd be in danger, so he made the difficult decision to become cold and distant, and cut ties with his friends until Bakura would be defeated. Unfortunately, Yuugi was crushed by this, especially since the Puzzle had granted his wish for friends. [link] Jounouchi was pissed when he found out Yami was acting strange and refusing to let Yuugi have control of the body. Jounouchi feared that Yuugi's soul had been taken again, so he punched the Pharaoh. [link]
Ishizu was sad at the Domino City Museum because the exibition of the Nameless Pharaoh would go back to Egypt soon, so she contemplated whether or not to return to Egypt herself. Then she got a phone call from the Pharaoh who told her that Bakura had six Millennium items and was after the Devil gods, and Yami no longer had the three Egyptian gods. Ishizu was devastated by the grim news and agreed to help him get access to the museum's papyruses to unlock more secrets from his past. [link] When Yami was alone in Yuugi's room, he looked at his card Legend of Heart, which flooded him with memories of Dartz telling him he was null. He received a call from the Domino Museum, so he went to the museum to study the ancient Egyptian papyruses. They contained various information on the ancient shadow games, sacrifices, rituals, etc, but nothing more than he already knew. [link]
Jounouchi was extremely concerned about Yami's strange behavior, so he told Honda and Anzu about it. The three friends decided to visit Yami and Yuugi at the Kame Game shop, but were shocked when the Pharaoh not only refused to let them see Yuugi again, but also gave Jounouchi dark visions of how aggressive Yami used to be! [link] Yuugi was so depressed that he went to hide in his soul room, holding a teddy bear in his arms. He couldn't bear to see the Pharaoh rejecting their friends like that, and wondered why he had even wished for friends after solving the Puzzle. However, what Yuugi didn't realize was that the situation was also hurting Yami deep inside. [link] Jounouchi ran into Mai some time afterwards, which cheered him up because he hadn't seen her in so long. [link]
Richie and Depre took Futago: Two as One from Gekkou's deck without permission and then ran into Bakura. Yakou arrived shortly afterward and was very disappointed that the two had taken Gekkou's card, but Yakou used it to bravely duel against Bakura. [link] [link] In an intense duel that took place in hell, Yakou faced The Devil's Eraser twice that Bakura had received from Keith, but Yakou used Futago: Two as One to combine his Beast King Barbaros with an Angel O7 to make Light King Barbaros O7. When Yakou had 2000 life points and Bakura only had 550 life points left, Bakura gave him a card that contained Kisara's soul. Then Bakura left the duel early because his Millennium Ring alerted him that the Pharaoh and the Puzzle were nearby. Yakou collapsed from fatigue, so Richie and Depre brought him to the castle's hospital. The amazing battle between Yakou and the demon helped Yakou regain some authority and respect over Richie and Depre. The nurses told Gekkou that his brother was hurt, so Gekkou arrived and received a vivid vision of the whole duel when he took back his card, Futago: Two as One. Gekkou was angry that Richie and Depre had taken his card, but very relieved that Yakou was alright after having fought the demon. Yakou gave new cards that he had designed to his brothers, including Machine Crusher: Revolution Grounds and Junk Recruiter: Glow of Hope to Richie, and Space Destruction: Supernova and Gravity: Space Creation to Depre. [link]
Marufuji got flashbacks of Werewolf Island and found his Obelisk Blue graduate outfit in his wardrobe. It made him develop two personalities, including his former, kinder self and his current, cold-hearted demeanor. [link]
Yami walked in the suburbs of Domino City and found some horses, including Rebecca's horse, Billy. He saw Bakura riding another horse, so Yami chased him while riding Billy. They rode in the countryside near a cliff where Yami confronted Bakura. The Pharaoh declared he didn't need need his friends, hoping it would lure Bakura away from them. Then Bakura showed Yami and Yuugi that he had The Devil's Eraser, which shocked and frustrated them so much that Bakura realized they had lost the Egyptian gods. Bakura decided to release Pegasus's soul and then rode off to go look for the other god cards. [link] When Pegasus regained his soul, he was inside the tank of water that Yakou had put him in. He banged on the container, and Yakou arrived just in time to open it and let him out. The Crawford family was ecstatic to have Pegasus back. Pegasus and his sons devised a plan to get the Millennium items and The Devil's Eraser from Bakura. [link] Yakou explained he had dueled Bakura in the shadows and gotten Kisara's soul card as a reward. Gekkou called Kaiba Corp to find out where Kisara's body was and found out Mokuba was cryopreserving her body. Pegasus also heard that Yakou had given some wonderful new cards to Gekkou, Richie, and Depre. Yakou gave new cards to Pegasus too, including Toon Power, Toon Combination, Toon Angel O7, Toon Beast King Barbaros, Toon Twin Gunfighter, and Toon Zeta Reticulant. Pegasus was so thrilled that he made Yakou the chief of the company's designing department. [link] Yami ran into Isis and mistook her for Ishizu, so she explained that she was Ishizu's descendant and Yami's priestess. Isis noticed that he didn't look well. Yami knew it was because he was being harshly distant to protect everyone from Bakura, but he pretended to be okay. Isis saw through the lies and said he was no good to anyone with that attitude, but Yami warned her to stay away from him. So then Isis warned that if Yami faced his enemy alone, he'd get Yuugi killed and everyone else hurt. Yami felt his pride was so insulted that he prohibited her to speak of this, and rode off on Rebecca's horse. Isis secretly wished for Ra to help him. [link]
On Christmas day, Pegasus had a big party at his Domino castle with lots of food and a band that played music. Pegasus, Cyndia, Pegasus's adopted children, Takaido, Kotsuzuka, Satake, Yuugi, Yami, Anzu, Jounouchi, Honda, maids, guards, and the card professors were invited. However, Yuugi was really sad that the Pharaoh threw away the invitation. Yuugi spent the holidays cooped up in his soul room while the Pharaoh continued focusing on defeating Bakura. [link] At the party, Takaido, Kotsuzuka, and Satake got to meet Pegasus since he was back. Then the gang went to hang out with Jounouchi, Honda, and Anzu. They spoke about their adventures from Werewolf Island, but Anzu found out that Masumi used to be a Store Breaker. It broke her heart because she had started to develop feelings for him, so she ran away crying. Jounouchi explained they were going through a lot, especially since the Pharaoh was acting so mysteriously distant. Shizuka and Otogi showed up at the party, which made Jounouchi happy to see his sister. Many fan girls flocked to Otogi, much to Honda's jealousy. [link] Gekkou made an origami cuboctahedron with swirls for Yakou. Shizuka explained that she wanted to see Gekkou because he had once saved her life from Gozaburo's robotic animals. However, Jounouchi, Honda, and Otogi freaked out when she kissed Gekkou's cheek to show her gratitude. Yakou was also feeling jealously miserable because he feared that Gekkou might return Shizuka's feelings since Yakou was in love with his twin. A fat, ugly girl kissed Otogi against his will, which made Honda laugh. Shizuka was concerned about Anzu, so she went to cheer her up. While Jounouchi and Honda were gorging themselves with food, Depre threatened to tell Pegasus that Takaido had sentenced him to death on Werewolf Island, which made the gang sweat nervously. The gang met Reiko, who started to duel Kotsuzuka, but they were interrupted by Mr. Crocketts to go see Pegasus. The gang, Jounouchi, and Gekkou explained what had happened on the island to Pegasus, who thought it over deeply. Pegasus decided to forgive Takaido for having voted for Depre on the island because he understood Takaido had been under pressure. Then Pegasus scolded Depre for having been a jerk, which humored the others. [link] The group returned to the party and saw a card professor and vampire duelist, Tilla Mook, speaking to Reiko. Tilla squeed when she met Kotsuzuka, whom she considered adorable. The two got to know each other over their shared interests of supernatural, undead creatures. Haga and Ryuuzaki snuck into the castle inside boxes and then ran into the hallway hidden under wrapping paper, but accidentally bumped into Gekkou. They sweet talked to him to let them stay, and he recognized them from the National Championship. Gekkou thought Pegasus had forgotten to invite them, so he apologized by giving them powerful cards, Empress Mantis and Bracchio-raidus, much to the boys' delights. Haga and Ryuuzaki saw Jounouchi and Takaido doing hilarious imitations of Bandit Keith, which made many people laugh, but bothered Kotsuzuka. Cyndia and Gekkou arrived when the two were smack in the middle of imitating Keith with pelvic thrusting gestures. Jounouchi and Takaido immediately stopped when they were spotted, and Takaido went to speak to Cyndia to practice his English. Gekkou gave the gang gifts, which were booties made of sheep wool, and the gang gave him a small figurine of an elf. Depre explained to Richie how humiliated he had been because of the gang. Pegasus drank sake and danced with Cyndia. Gekkou spoke to some of his other adopted siblings and then spent the rest of the night with Yakou. Kotsuzuka actually defeated Reiko, which boosted his confidence, but Reiko was demoted in the Card Professors Guild to her former low status. Kotsuzuka and Tilla dueled next with their duel disks. Tilla won and then challenged Richie to another duel to try to regain the black duel disk he had gotten from her. However, she lost. Otogi did dice tricks to entertain guests. Haga and Ryuuzaki continued behaving well to impress the Crawford family, and ate delicious meals at the buffet. And Shizuka cheered up Anzu by taking her on a walk outside near the castle's gardens. When the girls were done, Anzu went home early while Shizuka rejoined her brother. The night made for a brilliant way to finish the holiday. [link]
On Ryuuzaki's birthday, Masumi bought a fossil of a Velociraptor's claw, hid it inside a cake, went into the dino boy's home uninvited, and dropped the cake on Ryuuzaki's head from the second floor. Ryuuzaki was upset from being hit, but was quickly delighted by the fossil he found in the cake. [link] Haga also gave him three expensive figurines of dinosaurs, which made Ryuuzaki thrilled. [link]
Continued in Summaries of 1998-17 (2015 in real life) to 1998-20 (2018 in real life)