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Summary of 1998-13 (2011 in real life)

Continued from Summary of Past Plots​


Yami and Yuugi got feelings for Anzu and befriended Johan and Juudai, who time traveled from the future.  Johan sent Asuka gifts, including a ladybug dress.  However, Asuka thought the gifts were from Haga, the famous bug duelist, which made Haga upset because he thought Asuka might have a crush on him.  Asuka took Haga shopping for clothes that had bugs on them.  Johan let Juudai stay at his apartment and went shopping together.  Johan said he had bought a ladybug dress, so Juudai teased him about having a girlfriend.  Ryuuzaki’s mom mentioned that he used girls’ shampoo, so Haga laughed.  Then Haga mentioned that his mom had once dragged him to a lingerie store, which made Ryuuzaki laugh.  Juudai showed a picture that he had found of Yami with his arms around Haga when they had been falling off a train, which disturbed the bug nerd.  Rebecca returned from America, glomped Yuugi, and squealed happily saying that they’d go on a date, but Yuugi shyly said that he wasn’t sure.  Rebecca also glomped and kissed Yami, confusing him for Yuugi, but then got embarrassed and upset when she realized it wasn’t Yuugi!  Yami was too shocked to push her off, so Rebecca was convinced he had feelings for her, but told him she wasn’t interested.  Fubuki Tenjoin tried to flirt with Rebecca, but she told him that her heart was already taken by the King of Games, which Fubuki confused for Yami instead of Yuugi.  Fubuki said he’d help Rebecca and Yami become a couple (potential Cavaliershipping).  Many people confused Teana for Anzu, but she explained that she was friends with Yami back when he was a Prince.  Yami found it amazing that Anzu probably had an ancestor.  Teana was sad when she found out Yami had died and did not have a body of his own.  She met a hunter of Duel Spirits named Giese Hunt and confused his motorcycle for a pet, so Giese thought she was stupid.  Giese groped her and got his disgusting hand prints on her breasts, which made Teana angry.  Later, Teana cut herself with a knife, but she thought it was an evil spirit, so Yami explained to her that it was just a knife and he bandaged her wound.


Asuka got concerned for Johan when Yubel inappropriately touched him and gave him a hickey, so Asuka asked if she could live with Johan, which made him very happy.  Haou told Kisara how he had suffered in his life, so Kisara said she understood, but Haou got angry and choked her because he felt she didn’t understand him.  Then he imprisoned her BEWD spirit in an orb, but the dragon broke free shortly after.  Kisara also met Yuugi, who invited her to live in his house since she had no place to stay.  Yuugi found out that she had a connection with the BEWD, so he showed her his grandpa’s BEWD card.  Kisara was amazed when she met Mokuba and learned he had an older brother named Seto Kaiba, who reminded her of Priest Seto.  She was afraid of Pegasus because she confused him for Akhenaden due to his Eye, but Pegasus helped her trust him by giving her a comic and sketching a picture of her.  Bandit Keith disguised himself as a police officer to avoid being recognized since he had already committed various crimes, but Dartz and Pegasus saw through his disguise by reading his mind.  Kisara was impressed at how Keith’s “job” was similar to what the high priests did.  Ryuuzaki made fun of Kisara because she didn’t know what dinosaurs were and he also bragged about how he’d get the god cards from Kaiba, which upset Kisara.  When Giese met Kisara, he tried to kidnap her and her BEWD spirit, but he was stopped by Johan and Yami.  Dartz met Kisara, who was also from the past, and he gave her clothes and showed her Paradius.  Light Dartz got feelings for Kisara (potential Lightblueshipping), while Dark Dartz got feelings for Yubel (potential Soulshipping).  Dartz was greatly interested in how Kisara had the spirit of the Blue Eyes White Dragon (BEWD) and Juudai had Duel Spirits.


In April, destiny caused Kaiba and his ancestor, Priest Seto, to switch places, so Kaiba ended up in Ancient Egypt while the Priest ended up in Domino.  The Ancient Egyptians bowed to Kaiba confusing him for their high priest, but Kaiba was furious that he couldn’t find Mokuba and was stuck in a different time period.  Priest Seto lost some memories about Atem upon time traveling, so he accused Yami of being an imposter and demanded to see the god cards.  Yami showed him the Memory Tablet and gave him the Millennium Rod, which gave the Priest visions of the past and helped him remember. [link] Priest Seto also got in a relationship with Kisara (Mizushipping).  She said that she loved him so much that she had died for him and waited 3,000 years for him, which made Dartz sad because he couldn’t be with her.  Dartz taught Priest Seto how to duel with a replica of Kaiba’s deck.  When Dark Dartz was about to get Priest Seto’s soul, Light Dartz took over and saved the priest.  Dartz felt really lonely without Iorei and was so upset at his dark side that he went to his sacrificial altar in the Island Temple and plunged a knife in his chest, but it wasn’t enough to destroy Dark Dartz.


Mokuba made Priest Seto ride in the limousine and the Priest thought the driver, Isono, looked like a catfish, so the Priest asked Isono if he might’ve been an aquatic creature in a past life, which confused poor Isono.  Rebecca thought the Priest was Kaiba and asked if she could work for Kaiba Corp.  When she realized he wasn’t Kaiba, they talked and she started teaching him how to read Japanese.  She also took the Priest shopping for new clothes.  He tried on a dress and other women’s clothes, which made Rebecca take pictures and laugh.  They went to the mall again and Rebecca dressed up as a sick patient and worshipped a rubber chicken while Priest Seto dressed up as a doctor at the mall.  They got in trouble and were displayed in a poster for their disruptive behavior.  Ryuuzaki took a picture of the poster and then he and Haga planned on putting the picture on a billboard to embarrass Rebecca and the Priest, whom they thought was Kaiba.  Ryuuzaki and Haga also planned on faking Ryuuzaki’s death by having him fall off a building to prank Rebecca.  Mokuba was disappointed the Priest Seto ruined Kaiba’s reputation.  In May, Mokuba entered a virtual world where Mary lived and he was thrilled to see her and Iru, Mary’s Key Mace.  However, Mary got kidnapped by the Vampire Lord, so Mokuba and Iru had to rescue her.  The Priest was worried over Mokuba's absence and then was very happy when Mokuba returned.  Mokuba showed him the picture of little Seto from the locket around his neck.  Mokuba missed Kaiba, so Jounouchi got concerned, accused Priest Seto of being a bad brother (mistaking the Priest for Kaiba), and punched the Priest.  The Priest got angry and punched back.  Jounouchi said he’d try to get Shizuka or Rebecca to watch Mokuba, but Priest Seto didn’t want anyone taking Mokuba from him.  The Priest got furious when he found out Dartz had once taken Mokuba’s soul, but then Dark Dartz injured Light Dartz, so the Priest took him to the mansion to help him.  The Priest also temporarily made Dark Dartz go away with the Millennium Rod.


On June 22, the Priest felt that destiny was calling him and Kisara back to their time period.  While Mokuba slept, the Priest said goodbye and then went back to Ancient Egypt, while Kaiba returned back to Domino at the same time.  Mokuba had a dream that the Priest had left and that Kaiba had come back.  When he woke up, he realized his dream was actually reality.  Kaiba ran into Dartz, which resulted in a bloody fight between Kaiba and Dark Dartz.  Kaiba and Mokuba were very happy to see each other again, but Kaiba got jealous and cautious when he found out a Priest had taken care of Mokuba.  Rebecca cried when Kaiba came back because she missed the Priest and said she could ruin Kaiba’s reputation.  She asked Kaiba for a job, but he refused and made her do research on the Priest instead.  Dartz found Mary in Kaiba’s game, used magic to make her into a real girl, and adopted her as a daughter.  Dartz taught her what the Orichalcos is, gave her a room, and took her in his helicopter to show her Domino.  Iru got infected by Orichalcos stones, but Light Dartz removed the dark energy from her.  Dark Dartz also showed up in his true form, but Mary’s pure soul temporarily weakened him, which saved Light Dartz.  Rebecca thought Mary was Mokuba’s twin who had been abandoned by the Kaiba brothers, but Mary tried to explain that Kaiba had created her.  Rebecca also confused Mary’s Key Mace, Iru, for an insect, so she told Mary about Haga and pretended that he eats bugs.


Dartz and Amelda reformed their friendship and Amelda planned to move back to Atlantis to live there.  The two got feelings for each other, which made Light Dartz happy to finally have someone love him despite his flaws.  Dark Dartz said that Amelda only loved him out of pity and threatened to hurt Amelda, which angered Light Dartz.  Bakura and Bandit Keith remembered each other because Bakura once broke Marik’s control of Keith, so the two formed an alliance to help each other reach their goals.  Bakura dueled Pegasus for the Eye and lost, which angered Bakura and caused him to cut Pegasus’s throat with a knife.  Bakura tried to make cookies and ended up getting frustrated at the oven, so he sent the oven to hell!  Bakura kidnapped Mary, but set her free when Dartz got angry.


Johan had some fun teasing Kaiba by glomping him and trying to draw whiskers on his face, which angered Kaiba!  Honda accidentally hurt himself when he bumped into Kaiba and fell on the concrete, so Honda said Kaiba owed him medical attention.  Ryuuzaki stole a blank card called Light and Darkness Dragon from Manjoume.  It was blank because Manjoume needed to solve a riddle to make the picture on the card appear.  Dark Dartz gave Haga and Ryuuzaki cards of the Seal of Orichalcos and told them that he’d give them whatever they wanted if they defeated Yuugi and Jounouchi.  Haga and Ryuuzaki almost got beat up by a guy who was pretending to be Kaiba, but then the guy got arrested by Kaiba Corp Security for stealing Kaiba’s identity.  Haga showed Ryuuzaki a picture that appeared to show Ryuuzaki with boobs.  Ryuuzaki was not impressed and said Jounouchi and Honda had probably taken the picture and edited it, so he planned on doing to same to them as a prank.  Rebecca came up with the nicknames Hana (Japanese for flower) and Dina to make fun of Haga and Ryuuzaki.  Rebecca and Haga made a bet that if Haga could find someone other than his mom or Ryuuzaki who thought he wasn’t a brat, she would give Haga 300 yen.  Haga won because Yuugi said it, so then Rebecca betted that he wouldn’t be able to find someone else for 600 yen, but Haga lost.


Ryuuzaki accidentally said that he loved Haga in front of Rebecca, which made her laugh.  To prevent her from telling Haga, Ryuuzaki accepted to do whatever Rebecca wanted for a week.  When Rebecca made jokes that Haga and Ryuuzaki were gay, the boys tried to prove they weren’t gay, such as by trying to get Ryuuzaki to kiss Mai.  Haga and Ryuuzaki also made a bet that if Haga got a crush on a girl, he’d have to do whatever Ryuuzaki wants for a week.  Ryuuzaki found out that Haga had astraphobia, the fear of thunder, when Haga freaked out during a storm.


Yubel beat up Ryuuzaki and inappropriately touched Johan.  Dartz’s dark side returned, so Yami got terrified that Yuugi would be in danger again.  However, Yuugi said he’d be willing to give up his soul to save his friends, which made the two Yuugis argue.  Yuugi and Yami gave Rebecca earrings for her birthday, but she got upset because Yuugi was willing to give up his soul again.  Rebecca said that Yami should sacrifice his soul because he was dead and didn’t matter, but then she immediately apologized because it made Yuugi cry.  Rebecca felt bad, so she was gentle towards Yami and apologized again, and he forgave her. [link] Since Yami couldn’t get a birthday present for Yuugi due to sharing the same body, Rebecca helped and got Yuugi a present in Yami’s place, which were luxury cookies.  Rebecca also got Yuugi teddy bears dressed as Honda, Jou, Yuugi, Yami, and Anzu.  Haga pranked Yuugi and gave him a fake insect that sprang into his face.  Alex Brisbane had dreams of the afterlife and the pyramid he had been to.  This brought back the two sides of Alexander the Great (Light Alexander and Dark Alexander) and made Alex lose his memories of his first exposition to that pyramid.


In July, Haga went in a tree in Yuugi’s backyard, tossed a tarantula in Yami’s face as a prank, and sang, “Pharaoh and Rebecca sitting in a tree!”  Yami get embarrassed and climbed the tree to make Haga stop singing, but then Haga dropped another spider on him, so Yami ended up falling on his crotch.  Rebecca got angry that Yuugi’s body had been hurt, so she dug her nails in Haga’s crotch and broke his glasses. [link] Ryuuzaki got upset, so he stood up for Haga and spray painted Yami and Rebecca kissing on the game shop’s door as revenge.  Later, Rebecca and Yami bonded and she gave him painkillers and frozen peas for his injured area.  Yami gave hints that he liked her, but she didn’t understand, so he cupped her face and tenderly kissed her.  Rebecca was surprised, but she almost kissed back because her heart was torn between the two Yuugis. [link]


On Haga’s birthday, Haga and Ryuuzaki threw leftover cake in Yami’s face and then pulled down his pants and boxers in public, which humiliated Yami!  Dark Dartz changed his hair to brown and pretended to be someone named Ren to duel Yuugi, but Yami took over to protect Yuugi.  Dark Dartz erased Johan’s memories, so Johan forgot who he was and about his friends, but Manjoume helped him remember Duel Spirits.  Dartz pretended to be a friend named Ren and said that Yami was an evil Pharaoh.  Yubel also pretended to be Johan’s lover named Kumori and took Johan’s body, leaving him as a soul.  However, Yami and Manjoume tried to help Johan remember who he really was.


Anubis grew sick of waiting idly in the museum and gathered enough strength to leave.  Yami Yuugi, Yami Bakura, and Bandit Keith looked for him, but couldn’t find him.  Then on August 19, Anubis put the Pyramid of Light card in Haga’s deck and made Haga duel Yami.  Anubis imprisoned Yuugi’s soul in his spirit room, so Yuugi did not see the rest of the duel.  When Yami summoned the Sky Dragon of Osiris, it caught Giese’s attention.  Haga destroyed it with the Pyramid of Light, but that permitted Anubis to come back to life.  Anubis took Haga’s life energy, which made the bug nerd collapse with cardiac arrest, but Anubis lied and accused Yami of having killed Haga.  Yami was horrified, especially when Anubis lied more and said that Yami had been a tyrannical ruler 3,000 years ago.  Anubis proceeded by severely harming Yami with the Dagger of Fate.  When Anubis was about to pierce Yami’s heart, Giese arrived and demanded the powerful god card that had been played earlier, which led to a fight.  Yami, Yuugi, Haga, and Giese were hospitalized. [link] Keith did some investigating and asked questions to Kaiba, Ryuuzaki, Honda, Ryo, and Anzu.  Bakura stole the Dark Magician and teamed up with Yubel and Keith to get more info on Anubis’s attacks.  Then Giese stole the rest of Yami’s deck and Yubel spread lies by saying that Yami was responsible for attacks in the city.  Ryo and Jounouchi thought Bakura had caused the tragedy, so Jounouchi threw the Millennium Ring as far as he could, but Ryo got scared that Bakura would be pissed, so he went to find the Ring.  Alex also did some investigating on the tragedy and found out that the one responsible was probably the mummy he had been chained to.  Light Alexander’s four vassals, Hephaistion, Eracles, Roxana, and Darius, got bodies and visited Alex.


Teana was unaware of the tragedy because the high mage, Heishin, took away her memories of the Pharaoh.  Giese lied and pretended that he was her boyfriend named Steve Trapper and that Yami was an evil pharaoh.  He also ordered her to stalk Johan to capture him.  Kaiba broke down from depression and cried silently to himself due to all the pain that he had suffered from in his life.  Dartz showed up in the form of a young Seto and tried to cheer up Kaiba, but Kaiba eventually found out that it was Dartz in disguise. [link] In October, Mokuba was unable to celebrate Seto’s birthday because he got kidnapped by Dark Dartz, who imprisoned him in a room.  Kaiba rescued Mokuba by Christmas.  Juudai told Kaiba that Duel Academy was awesome, but Kaiba didn’t know about that school yet since Juudai came from the future.


Yami Bakura tricked Shizuka into thinking that he was Ryo and then sent her to hell, but Dartz saved Shizuka by sacrificing himself.  Dark Dartz met Haou and tried to provoke Haou to attempt to take his soul.  Fubuki collapsed from exhaustion because of Nightshroud in front of Dartz, so Dartz took him to a hospital.  Mary got a crush on Ryo.  Johan got a nightmare of his little brother dying, so Asuka comforted him.  Johan told her, “I love you,” and Asuka realized Johan had been the one who had secretly given her gifts instead of Haga.  Johan and Asuka became a couple (Ceruleanshipping) [link], and Asuka took Haga shopping to apologize for having thought he had given her the gifts.  Asuka and Manjoume got brainwashed again by Saiou, rejoined the Society of Light, and succeeded at making numerous people also join it, including Mai, Kaiba, and Ryuuzaki.  Asuka got a dream of being torn between Johan and Juudai, making Johan jealous in the dream, which made her sad.  In November, Yubel gave Johan his body back and then fused her soul again with Juudai using Super Polymerization. [link] [link]


While Haga was unconscious, Ryuuzaki gave his red hat to Haga and cried because he was afraid his best friend might die.  Then he dueled Yubel, thinking that she was responsible for hurting Haga, but lost his soul to the Orichalcos.  Anubis plagued Yami and Haga with numerous nightmares of having killed each other.  Yami also dreamed about Rebecca abusing him and of duelists from future generations who no longer looked up to him.  Yuugi’s spirit form spoke to visitors at the hospital, but Yami remained unconscious for four long months.  Haga woke up in November and was angry when Dartz told him that Ryuuzaki had lost his soul.  Anubis found Ryuuzaki’s soulless body and stole it.  Ryuuzaki was saved months later and awoke at the museum, where Anubis lied and pretended Haga had hung himself.  Anubis promised to bring Haga back if Ryuuzaki worked for him, so Ryuuzaki agreed.  Later, Ryuuzaki was thrilled to see Haga alive, but realized Anubis had betrayed him.  Anubis prevented Ryuuzaki from telling anyone that he was working for him or else Anubis would kill Ryuuzaki and Haga.  Yami woke up on December 30 and was delighted to see his aibou again, but was still depressed because he couldn’t differentiate reality from his nightmares, so Yuugi comforted him. [link] [link] The legendary knights, Timaeus, Hermos, and Critias, were summoned again from the Spirit World and were angry that the Pharaoh had been hurt.  Timaeus was surprised to see a TV for the first time, while Critias was delighted to find a neck massager with heat that got rid of the tension in his head.  Marik went back to Domino because his desire for revenge returned and he reformed his alliance with Bakura.


Noa returned with his mind transferred to a mechanical and humanoid robot, which was a weapon that resembled Noa’s human form that Gozaburo had made.  The robot body was incomplete and lacked partial hard data needed to turn Noa into a complete weapon of mass destruction, but it was still programmed to kill Kaiba.  However, Noa had no intention of harming anyone, so he was disappointed that his new body was a dangerous weapon, and almost accidentally killed Kaiba with it.  Noa also accepted Kaiba as his brother and reminded himself that he was a human, not a machine. [link] [link] Kaiba was upset and said he’d only let Noa see Mokuba when he’d trust that Noa could control his robotic body.  However, Mokuba’s voice said, “He’s our brother.  Help him,” inside Kaiba’s head, which convinced Kaiba to accept Noa as a brother, too. [link] Mokuba found Noa, but didn’t recognize that it was his stepbrother at first.  However, he was filled with joy when he realized the robot was Noa.  Later on, Noa hid in a secret area of Kaiba Corp to try to figure out how to control his new body from harming others. [link]


Secret Santa took place in December.  Yami gave a scarf to Yubel.  Yubel gave a yin yang necklace to Saiou.  Saiou gave a coat to Manjoume.  Manjoume gave a sapphire ring to Asuka.  Asuka gave a ladybug hat to Haga.  Haga gave nothing to Kaiba.  Kaiba gave a fully restored action figure to Amelda, which looked exactly like the one Miruko had, so it pissed off Amelda.  Amelda gave a knife to Hermos.  Hermos gave treats to Jounouchi.  Jounouchi gave a bag of sweets to Bakura.  Bakura gave a purple shirt to Marik.  Marik gave a pillow filled with spiders to Rebecca and pretended the gift was from Yuugi.  Rebecca gave a dinosaur hair clip to Ryuuzaki.  Ryuuzaki gave a jar of goodies with the lid cemented on as a joke to Yuugi.  Yuugi gave a necktie to Giese.  Giese gave a jewelry box and a flower necklace to Teana.  Teana gave a duel disk to Honda.  Honda gave a necklace and a pendant to Shizuka.  Shizuka tried to give a gift to Mary, but Mary got scared and didn’t open it.  Mary gave homemade cookies to Ryo.  Ryo gave a Blue-Eyes White Dragon plushie to Mokuba.  Mokuba considered giving cookies to Noa, but it didn’t work due to Noa’s robotic body.  Noa gave glasses to Isono.  Isono gave nothing to Alex.  Alex gave a necklace with roses to Anzu.  Anzu gave a scarf to Johan.  Johan gave a jack-in-the-box to Critias.  Critias gave a hair care set to Dartz.  Dartz gave a duel disk to Juudai.  Juudai gave a red hat to Timaeus.  Timaeus gave a silver necklace that was a small replica of the Millennium Puzzle to Yami.

Continued in Summary of 1998-14 (2012 in real life)

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