Summary of 1998-21 (2019 in real life)
Continued from Summaries of 1998-17 (2015 in real life) to 1998-20 (2018 in real life)
Kisara enjoyed going to exhibitions of Egypt's art at the Domino City museum. One day Thief King Bakura snuck up from behind and wrapped an arm around her with trinkets he had stolen from the museum. She removed him, and he told her Priest Seth's ego was bigger than his heart. He asked if any of her objects were in that museum, and considered stealing from her. Kisara said he left his self respect and dignity inside. Malik confronted him to tell him to stop harassing strangers. Thief King said the girl had a god inside her, but Malik chastized him for stealing because it could get Ishizu fired or incarcerated. Malik forced Thief King to lift his arms, and shoved his hands in his pockets. Thief King let him since he had romantic feelings for him. Malik promised to explain to Thief King later at the Ishtars' house why they were bad for each other. Thief King gave his regards to Seth, and then left. Malik returned the stolen artifacts to Ishizu. Then he gave an explanation about himself and Thief King to Kisara while drinking coffee. [link]
Kaiba stumbled upon Marufuji at the latter's personal spot on Domino High School's roof. Marufuji revealed he led the invasion at KaibaCorp, the New Light was possessing him at the time, it is making Mokuba act strangely, and it is purged through a duel. Kaiba and Marufuji became temporary allies. [link]
Yami Malik held a man hostage to demand information from him. A policewoman shot Yami Malik's leg and demanded that he release the hostage. He dragged his hostage to a secret location and cut the victim's throat. Then he ran off home, and stitched his own wound with a needle and dental floss. Yami Malik was determined to get the Millennium Rod back to enable him to evade police officers and other attackers. [link]
Yami Malik went to Dartz's house because he was allied with the Orichalcos God, but he found the New Light instead because Dartz had left Domino. The New Light spread its aura around him in a half-dome. Yami Malik tried slashing it with his knife, but if failed. The New Light tried creeping into him, but was repelled by Yami Malik's Orichalcos stone. The New Light considered helping him find Dartz's dark side and Yami Bakura to get the Rod back. [link]
Kaiba and Seth watched sadly as Kisara left again. Kaiba said he and Seth could not cooperate even when Mokuba was possessed by the New Light, which was what drove Kisara away. Seth tried pretending that she left because of the threat of the Society of New Light, but he silently knew Kaiba was right. Kisara's departure taught the two men to work together to figure out a solution to save Mokuba. [link]
Mai took Shizuka for a joyride in her car after school. Shizuka admitted she likes Mai's fast driving. Mai wondered if she needed to beat up any bullies for Shizuka, but the latter said she doesn't get into fights. Mai said it would suit Shizuka beautifully to be a doctor or a nurse. Shizuka said there are many choices of careers, and Mai agreed. Shizuka said Jounouchi loves hanging out with his friends, which made Mai realize Shizuka thought Mai and Jounouchi were friends rather than dating. Mai suggested for Shizuka to visit her brother because he was not well emotionally. [link]