The characters in this section make their first appearances and/or are main characters in Domino City Battles, which include the duel against Rebecca Hopkins, Duel Monsters Quest (Legendary Heroes), and Dragon Dice & Dungeons or DDD for short (Dungeon Dice Monsters or DDM for short).
Family name: Hopkins
Given name: Rebecca
Meanings of names: Rebecca: Latin variant of the Hebrew name רִבְקָה (Rivqah) possibly meaning "a snare, captivating, or a knotted cord", or perhaps derived from an Aramaic name. This is the name of the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob in the Old Testament. It came into use as a Christian name after the Protestant Reformation, and it was popular with the Puritans in the 17th century.
Hopkins: A surname of English, Welsh, and Irish origins. The English and Welsh derivations mean "son of Hob".
Name in American dub: Rebecca Hawkins
Nickname: Becky
Joined: March 18, 2011
Account: Rebecca--Hopkins
Series: DM
Appears in: DM anime
Species: Human
Birthday: February 18
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Bluish green
Born in: USA
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes English (American dialect), Japanese, Arabic, and some Middle Egyptian
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual heteroromantic
Family: Arthur Hopkins (grandfather)
Interested in: Dueling, technology, programming, computers
Duelist rank: American champion
Deck themes: Shadow Ghoul and Burn/Dragon
Decks: [link]
Personal quote: "NE, TEDDY-CHAN?"
Personal pronoun: 私 (watashi)

Given name: Mary
Meaning of name: Mary: Usual English variant of Maria, which was the Latin form of the New Testament Greek names Μαριαμ (Mariam) and Μαρια [Maria], which were from the Hebrew name מִרְיָם (Miryam). The meaning is possibly "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child", but it was most likely originally an Egyptian name.
Name in American dub: Adena
Also known as: Holy Elf (Mystical Elf)
Joined: May 22, 2011
Account: Virtual-Queen-Meyari
Series: DM
Appears in: DM anime episodes 43-45
Species: Duel Monster (Mystical Elf) with a human form
Birthday: June 24
Age: 11
Height: About 142 centimeters, 1.42 meters, 4 feet 8 inches, 55.9 inches
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Violet
Born in: Simlowe
Languages: Knows every human language
Occupation: Queen of Simlowe

Family name: 御伽 (Otogi)
Given name: 龍児 (Ryuuji)
Romaji: Otogi Ryuuji
Meanings of names: 御 (o): Japanese origin for "drive, ride; chariot; manage; honorable; manipulate; govern"
伽 (togi): Japanese origin for "nursing, attending, entertainer; temple"
御伽 (otogi): Japanese origin for "attending upon; keeping another company"
龍 (ryuu): Japanese origin for "dragon; symbolic of the emperor"
児 (ji): Japanese origin for "son, child, oneself; final part"
Name in American dub: Duke Devlin
Nicknames: Dice Boy, Dicey
Joined: July 16, 2012
Accounts: Dice-Master-Otogi, Ryuuji--Otogi, and Otogi-Ryuuji
Series: DM
Appears in: Duelist manga, R manga chapter 41 page 207 (in Mutou Yuugi's thoughts), Millennium World manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime
Species: Human
Birthday: February 28
Age: 16
Height: 179 centimeters, 1.79 meters, 5 feet 10.5 inches, 70.5 inches
Weight: 64 kilograms, 141.1 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Blood type: B
Favorite food: Chinese food
Least favorite food: Vinegary food
Born in: Domino, Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and English
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual heteroromantic
Family: Mr. Clown (father), unnamed mother
Best friends: Yuugi Mutou and his friends
Rival: Hiroto Honda
Occupations: Managing his company, Black Clown (his game shop), and Dungeon Dice Monsters (DDM)
Interested in: DDM, flirting, showing off to girls
Duelist rank: Moderate
Deck theme: Dice
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Possibly Orgoth the Relentless
Personal quote: “Hey, babe~!”
Personal pronoun: 僕 (boku)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]