The characters in this section make their first appearances and/or are main characters in the Society of Light.

Original name: Unknown
Japanese name: 破滅の光 (Hametsu no hikari)
Meanings of Japanese name: 破滅 (hametsu): destruction, ruin
の (no): of
光 (hikari): light
New name: New Light of Destruction/Ruin
Name in American dub: Light of Destruction
Joined: June 2, 2017
Account: NewLight-of-Ruin
Series: GX
Appears in: GX anime
Species: Mysterious, malevolent, celestial entity
Birthday: It was created during the Big Bang.
Age: Approximately 13.8 billion years old
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Gender: Genderless
Hair color: None
Eye color: Red and white
Blood type: None
Favorite and least favorite foods: Does not eat
Born in: Outer space before Earth was formed
Lives in: Nowhere in particular
Languages: Every single language that has ever existed
Sexual orientation: Is incapable of feeling or comprehending any type of love
Family: None
Best friends: None
Allies: Members of the Society of New Light
Enemies: Anyone who is not part of the Society of New Light
Occupation: Leader and founder of the Society of New Light
Interested in: Traveling to different dimensions and time periods, remaking planets such as Earth into its own image, causing chaos and wars, gathering enough dueling energy to eventually become the god of the multiverse
Duelist rank: Excellent
Deck themes: Uses a wide variety of decks from different dimensions and time periods through its mind slaves
Decks: Has numerous decks, including the cards at [link]
Ace monster: Uses numerous ace monsters in its different decks
Headcanons: [link]
Personal quote: "新たの未来の為に!" (Arata no mirai no tame ni!; For the sake of a new future!)
Personal pronouns: 我が (waga) and 我れ (ware), archaic pronouns from Old Japanese

Family name: 斎王 (Saiou)
Given name: 琢磨 (Takuma)
Meanings of names: 斎 (sai): vegetarian diet; study
王 (ou): king, ruler; royal
琢 (taku): polish jade; cut jade
磨 (ma): grind; polish; rub; wear out
琢磨 (takuma): polish jewels; cultivation
Name in American dub: Sartorius
Joined: November 12, 2011
Accounts: The-Light-Ruler, SaiouTakuma
Series: GX
Appears in: GX anime
Species: Human
Birthday: July 13
Age: About 20
Gender: Male
Hair colors: Light gray (bangs on top of the forehead), violetish blue (bangs on the sides of the forehead), dark violetish blue (the rest of the hair)
Eye color: Purple
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and English
Family: Two parents, Saiou Mizuchi (younger sister)
Enemies: Yuuki Juudai and anyone against the Society of Light
Occupations: Fortune teller and the leader of the Society of Light
Interested in: To remake the world the way he wants by gathering members in the Society of Light
Duelist rank: Very good
Deck themes: Tarot/Arcana Force
Deck: [link]
Personal quote: “Join the Light!”
Personal pronoun: 私 (watashi)

Given name: Alice
Meaning of name: Alice: noble, exalted
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Joined: April 20, 2013
Account: AliceTheLivingDoll
Series: GX
Appears in: GX anime episode 80
Species: Doll
Birthday: February 14
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese
Occupation: Being a doll
Interested in: Dueling, watching duelists duel from her display case
Duelist rank: Good
Deck theme: Doll
Deck: [link]
Favorite card: Probably Doll Chimera
Personal pronoun: あたし (atashi)