The members in this group live in different countries, so our time zones vary. Below is a list of time differences for current members and boomerang members (members who join, leave, rejoin, leave again, etc.). Current and former members were born in, currently live in, and/or used to live in the USA, Canada, Chile, Scotland, England, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Greece, Israel, China, Singapore, Vietnam, and Australia. To see the current times of members, click here​.

Base time Pacific time (western USA and Canada): Jade
1 hour ahead Mountain time (USA and Canada): Crystal
2 hours ahead Central time (USA and Canada): (Currently none)
3 hours ahead Eastern time (eastern USA and Canada): Clara, Helen, Jeanna, Katlin
8 hours ahead (United Kingdom): Melody
9 hours ahead (France): Nadège
10 hours ahead (Greece): Theodora
16 hours ahead (western Australia): (Currently none)
17 hours ahead (central Australia and Japan): (Currently none)
Base time (central Australia and Japan): (Currently none)
1 hour behind (western Australia): (Currently none)
7 hours behind (Greece): Theodora
8 hours behind (France): Nadège
9 hours behind (United Kingdom): Melody
14 hours behind Eastern time (eastern USA and Canada): Clara, Helen, Jeanna, Katlin
15 hours behind Central time (USA and Canada): (Currently none)
16 hours behind Mountain time (USA and Canada): Crystal
17 hours behind Pacific time (western USA and Canada): Jade