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The characters in this section are main characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX or family members of the main characters.  The main protagonists and antagonists are in all or many plots of the manga/anime.

Family name: 遊城 (Yuuki)

Given name: 十代 (Juudai)
Romaji: Yuuki Juudai
Meanings of names: 遊 (yuu): Japanese origin for "play"
城 (ki): defensive wall, fortification, castle, municipality
遊城 (yuuki): has many meanings, but a common one is "courage"
十 (juu): ten, tenth; complete; perfect
代 (dai): replace, replacement (of person or generation); era; generation; price, charge, fee
十代 (juudai): teenager; the tenth generation

Name in American dub: Jaden Yuki

Joined: March 21, 2011
OsirisRedSlacker, XJuudai-Yuki-KunX, and Judai---Yuki

Series: GX

Appears in: GX manga, GX anime, Super Fusion! Bonds That Transcend Time
Species: Human​

Birthday: July 8
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Favorite food: Fried shrimp and many other foods
Born in: Japan
Language: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and a little English
Family: Mr. Yuki (father); Mrs. Yuki (mother)
Best friends: Shou Marufuji, Maeda Hayato, Johan Andersen
Occupation: Duel Academy student in the Osiris Red dorm
Interested in: Helping his friends, dueling, food
Duelist rank: One of the best duelists in the world
Deck themes: Elemental Heroes and Neo-Spacians

Favorite card: Possibly Winged Kuriboh
Personal quotes: "Get your game on!" "Gotcha!" "That's Game!" "Here goes something!"

Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)

Family name: 万丈目 (Manjoume)

Given name: 準 (Jun)
Romaji: Manjoume Jun
Meanings of names: 万 (man): myriad, ten thousand; innumerable
丈 (jou): unit of length equal to 3.3 meters; height; gentleman, man, husband
万丈 (manjou): hurrah!; long life; congratulations
目 (me): eye; look, see; an order in biology that's smaller than a class, but bigger than a family
準 (jun): rule, guideline, standard; rank next to, follow

Name in American dub: Chazz Princeton
Also known as: blacknette
Nicknames: Manjoume Thunder, Manjoume White Thunder, The Chazz, The Prince-ton

Joined: March 18, 2011

Series: GX

Appears in: GX manga, GX anime
Species: Human​

Birthday: September 9
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and English
Family: Mr. and Mrs. Manjoume (parents), Chosaku and Shoji Manjoume (two older brothers)
Occupation: Duel Academy student in the Osiris Red Dorm
Interested in: Defeating Juudai in a duel
Duelist rank: Great
Deck themes: Chthonian, Armed Dragon, Ojama, Union, White Knight

Decks: [link]
Favorite cards: Light and Darkness Dragon, Ojama Yellow, Ojama Black, and Ojama Green
Personal quote:
"1!  10!  100!  1000!  Manjoume-sanda!"

Personal pronouns: Mostly 俺 (ore), 僕 (boku) in GX episode 47

Family name: 丸藤 (Marufuji)

Given name: 亮 (Ryou)
Romaji: Marufuji Ryou
Meanings of names: 丸 (maru): round or circular object; ball; circle; pellet; pill; complete
藤 (fuji): rattan, any of several species of climbing palm of the genus Calamus; wisteria, any of several woody climbing vines of the genus Wisteria
亮 (ryou): bright, brilliant, radiant, light

Name in American dub: Zane Truesdale
Also known as: Former King of Obelisk Blue

Nicknames: Kaiser Ryo, Hell Kaiser

Joined: December 10, 2011
Kaiser-Ryo and Marufuji--Ryou (formerly Hell-Kaiser-Ryou

Series: GX

Appears in: GX manga, GX anime
Species: Human​

Age: 20
Height: Appears to be around 6 feet
Gender: Male
Hair color: Greenish blue
Eye color: Dark greenish blue
Favorite food: Golden egg sandwich
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English

Sexual orientation: Asexual homoromantic
Family: Marufuji Shun (丸藤俊; father), Marufuji Rin (丸藤鈴; mother), Marufuji Shou (younger brother)
Rival: Yuuki Juudai
Occupation: Professional duelist and Duel Academy graduate
Interested in: Dueling
Duelist rank: Very good, graduated as the top duelist of Obelisk Blue in his class
Deck themes: Cyber Style, Cyber Dark (Underworld)
 and [link]

Favorite card: Cyber End Dragon

Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)

Family name: 丸藤 (Marufuji)
Given name: 翔 (Shou)
Romaji: Marufuji Shou
Meanings of names: 丸 (maru): round or circular object; ball; circle; pellet; pill; complete
藤 (fuji): rattan, any of several species of climbing palm of the genus Calamus; wisteria, any of several woody climbing vines of the genus Wisteria
翔 (shou): to fly, soar
Name in American dub: Syrus Truesdale
Joined: October 9, 2015
Series: GX
Appears in: GX manga, GX anime
Species: Human
Birthday: September 25
Height: 150 centimeters, 1.50 meters, 4 feet and 11 inches, 59.1 inches
Weight: 45 kilograms, 99.2 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Greenish blue
Eye color: Gray
Blood type: AB
Favorite food: Fried shrimp, grilled fish
Least favorite food: Milk
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual heteroromantic
Family: Marufuji Shun (丸藤俊, father), Marufuji Rin (丸藤鈴, mother), Marufuji Ryou (older brother)
Best friends: Yuuki Juudai, Maeda Hayato, Tenjouin Asuka, Fubuki Tenjouin, Manjoume Jun, Misawa Daichi, Kenzan Tyranno
Rivals: Manjoume Jun, Tyranno Kenzan
Enemies: Darkness, Tragoedia
Occupation: Professional Duelist
Interested in: Dueling, hanging out with friends, all sorts of vehicles, the Black Magician Girl, cute girls
Duelist rank: Professional
Deck themes: Vehicroid, Cyberdark Vehicroid
[link] and [link]
Favorite cards: Power Bond, Transformation
Personal pronoun: 僕 (boku)

Family name: 天上院 (Tenjouin)

Given name: 明日香 (Asuka)
Romaji: Tenjouin Asuka
Meanings of names: 天 (ten): sky, heaven, celestial; god, godly, Virgin Mary; day
上 (jou): above, over, higher; go up, send up; last, former, prior; from the standpoint of; aboard a plane or ship
天上 (tenjou): celestial, heavenly; sky, the sky above
院 (in): courtyard, yard, court; school, institute; temple
明 (a): bright, light, brilliant; clear; Ming Dynasty
日 (su): sun; day, daytime; Japan
明日 (asu): tomorrow
香 (ka): fragrant, sweet smelling, incense

Name in American dub: Alexis Rhodes
Also known as: Queen of Obelisk Blue, Asuryn, Apostle of Light, Tomorrow Girl

Joined: March 20, 2011
Asuka--Tenjoin and Asuka-Tenjouin

Series: GX

Appears in: GX manga, GX anime
Species: Human​

Birthday: August 9
Gender: Female
Hair color: Hazel
Eye color: Hazel
Favorite food: Golden Eggwich
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual heteroromantic

Family: Two parents, Tenjouin Fubuki (older brother)
Best friends: Yuuki Juudai, Johan Andersen
Enemies: Yubel
Occupation: Duel Academy student in the Obelisk Blue dorm
Interested in: Helping her friends, dueling
Duelist rank: Very good
Deck themes: Cyber Girl and White Night (anime), Cyber Ice (manga)

Decks: [link]

Personal pronoun: 私 (watashi)

Family name: 天上院 (Tenjouin)

Given name: 吹雪 (Fubuki)
Romaji: Tenjouin Fubuki
Meanings of names: 天 (ten): sky, heaven, celestial; god, godly, Virgin Mary; day
上 (jou): above, over, higher; go up, send up; last, former, prior; from the standpoint of; aboard a plane or ship
天上 (tenjou): celestial, heavenly; sky, the sky above
院 (in): courtyard, yard, court; school, institute; temple
吹 (fu): blow, breathe, puff, smoke; brag, boast
雪 (buki): snow; to erase pain, avenge
吹雪 (fubuki): blizzard, snowstorm

Name in American dub: Atticus Rhodes
Nicknames: Blizzard Prince, Bucky, Fubu-king, Rhodie

Joined: April 11, 2011
Fubu-King and 
Series: GX

Appears in: GX manga, GX anime
Species: Human​

Gender: Male
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Dark brown
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English
Family: Two parents, Tenjouin Asuka (younger sister)
Best friends: Tenjouin Asuka, Yuuki Juudai, and other students from Duel Academia
Occupation: Duel Academy student in the Obelisk Blue dorm
Interested in: The sun, music, dueling, his fans, singing, playing his ukelele, surfing
Duelist rank: Good
Deck themes: Idol/Beast-Warrior and Red-Eyes

Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Red-Eyes Black Dragon

Personal pronoun: 僕 (boku)

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