Themed months are special events that are usually separate from the group's real plot. In each themed month, characters behave according to the particular theme. It is not required to participate. They occur about two to three times a year, and members can suggest a new themed month if they come up with one. Since most themed months are not part of the group's plot, members can be as silly and OOC as they want. Themed months last three weeks, one month, or more. They require game masters to run them, and are more challenging to prepare than simple themed weeks. They are usually about mysteries and solving crimes. The group's themed months include:
Hunger Games Month
Suggested by: Zoe (spoonerdog123)
Theme: Characters are put in a large, heavily forested area and cannot be let out until they all kill each other with just one person left. Equipment can be taken from a big pile in the starting areas, but there is a 20% chance of getting killed if they attempt this. Half the characters are Survivors with a primary aim to survive and not be hunted down by Hunters, who actively look for Survivors to kill. Survivors can kill or be killed by Hunters, but the difference is that Survivors are not trying to kill, more survive. Hunters can kill Hunters, but it's better that they work together in the early stages of the week. Same goes for Survivors. Only Hunters can kill Survivors on sight. The hunt’s result is determined by a coin toss. If it fails, the Survivor has the option to either kill the Hunter who tried to kill him/her, or run away if there are too many Hunters around.

Mafia Month
Suggested by: Zoe
Theme: This is based on the mafia/werewolf game that was invented by Dimitry Davidoff in 1986, modelling a conflict between an informed minority (the mafia, which includes killers and potential killers) and an uninformed majority (the good side and the neutral side). The game master randomly chooses one killer for about every 7-8 nonkillers. Many characters have special abilities such as detectives, medics, hunters, scapegoats, wanderers, wizards/witches, doppelgangers, princes/princesses, cupid, lovers, rivals, cursed, traitors, and more. These roles can have different names depending on what the theme is. The killers know who the other killers are, but the good and neutral sides don't. The game is divided into two phases: day and night. Every night, the killers kill someone. Then every day, the survivors need to figure out who the killers are, so they vote for potential suspects. Then at night, the character with the most votes gets executed (killed), and his/her role is revealed to everyone, so the others find out if s/he was on the good, neutral, or killer side. At the end of the game, the winning side(s) is determined by the survivors. The good and neutral sides win if their numbers are higher than the killer side. At the end of the event, the good and neutral sides win if their numbers are higher than the killer side, but the killer side wins if their numbers are higher or equal to the good and neutral sides. There are also many private conversations that take place, especially between killers, lovers, and characters who form alliances. All these private conversations are posted at the end of the event. The theme usually changes with each mafia event. Below are the mafia events that we've done so far.
Werewolf Mafia Week
Game Master: Zoe
Date: November 15 – December 1, 2013
Place: It was inside a dark, small room with a broken TV that only worked on occasion. The participants were imprisoned here by sedation and sat around a table.
Mastermind: The baby brother of Esper Roba
Executioners: Large, fluffy teddy robots
Place of Execution: An area behind closed doors
Teams: Villager Team, Neutral Team, and Werewolf Team
Winning Team: Werewolf Team
Journal: [link]
Werewolf Mafia Month
Game Master: Nadège (BrotherlyFluff)
Date: July 2 – August 1, 2014
Place: Werewolf Island, a volcanic island located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean southeast of Japan
Mastermind: The god of the island, the Sky Dragon of Osiris. However, the real mastermind was revealed at the very end to be Siegfried von Schroider, so the god was just a hologram.
Executioners: The natives of the island, who are little dwarves dressed in colorful outfits made of leaves and vines
Place of Execution: The island's volcano
Teams: Villager Team, Neutral Team, and Werewolf Team
Winning Teams: Villager Team and Neutral Team
Journals: [link] [link] [link] [link]
Ten Nights at Freddy's Mafia Month
Game Master: Helen (HelenaLevi)
Date: February 1 – May 29, 2015
Place: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
Masterminds: The Marionette and Golden Freddy
Executioners: The animatronics
Place of Execution: Wherever the animatronics decided to kill victims within Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which usually included stuffing victims inside spare animatronic suits
Teams: Customer Team, Neutral Team, and Killer Team
Winning Team: Customer Team and their Neutral supporters (Only the neutral characters who were sided with the good team won. The neutral characters who were sided with the killers lost.
Journals: [link] [link] [link] [link] [link]
Scrooge and Grinch Mafia Month
Game Master: Nadège
Date: December 1, 2015 – February 8, 2016
Place: A steam train that travelled from Domino, Japan to London, England
Mastermind: Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Executioners: The Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghosts of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
Place of Execution: Carriage 4 where a Christmas Ghost summoned a boiling cauldron
Teams: Santa's Team, Neutral Team, and Grinch Team
Winning Teams: Santa's Team and Neutral Team
Journals: [link] [link] There are 11 journals in total.
Mega Cellular Mafia Month
Game Master: Clara (Lyris1075)
Date: July 1 – August 31, 2016
Place: Inside a super-sized skin cell's hollow cytoplasm, surrounded by other super-sized, uniquely-specialized cells such as the nerve, bone, and muscle cells to name a few
Mastermind: The New Light, an even stronger version of the Light of Destruction from the GX anime
Executioners: The victim becomes considered a foreign entity in the cell, so some carbon dioxide particles carry him/her into the bloodstream to be devoured by other T cells, sometimes called white blood cells.
Place of Execution: The bloodstream
Teams: Cell Team, Neutral Team, and Pathogen Team
Winning Team: Pathogen Team
Journals: [link] [link] [link]
Alice in Wonderland Mafia Month
Game Master: Theodora (FoxyRainbow)
Date: March 11 – July 12, 2017
Place: Wonderland
Mastermind: Queen Tempest III (Bloody Red Queen)
Executioners: King Beircheart's corpse and Critias's corpse
Place of Execution: Croquet Field
Teams: Chess Pieces Team, Mad Tea Party Team, Playing Hearts Team
Winning Team: Chess Pieces Team
Journals: [link] [link] There are 7 journals in total.
Technomagic Mafia Month
Game Master: Clara (Lyris1075)
Date: May 1 – July 8, 2018
Place: A work-in-progress Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game Virtual Reality (MMORPG VR) game server on a remote island, Zame-jima, nearby to Domino City, Japan, where the only human settlement was named Denma City. The Field room simulated Duel Academia Island, the GY room simulated Domino City, and the Banished room simulated various cities from Yu-Gi-Oh! series beyond GX.
Masterminds: Revolver and Malik Ishtar. Seth and Kisara became masterminds during the game.
Executioner: Darklord Nurse Reficule
Place of Execution: Duel Academia's infirmary
Teams: LOGIC-Attribute Team, MAGIC-Attribute Team
Winning Team: MAGIC-Attribute Team
Journals: [link] [link]
Magical Anonymous Letters Month
Suggested by: Clara and Nadège
Theme: The game master(s) are the middlemen/women in the post office who receive and give characters' letters. Characters send letters to the post office that don't have return addresses, so they're anonymous. Those who receive the letters are ordered to do tasks or become enchanted by spells, which they perform in journals or comments. The letters can ask to do anything, including commands that are silly, cute, gruesome, embarrassing, rewarding, etc. They can also cause transformations to occur on the receivers such as obtaining superhuman powers or different personality traits, changing species or shapes, and more. However, the receivers can decline to do a task if it makes their RPers very uncomfortable. Members try to guess who the anonymous letters are from throughout the event. Then the letters' senders are revealed at the end of the event.
​Murder Mystery Month
Suggested by: Danni (Sarky-Sparky)
Theme: This event happens on certain years in October to celebrate Halloween. Two to four characters sign up to be murderers. Only the game master knows who the murderers are. As more and more characters get killed, the remaining characters try to figure out who the murderers are based on the methods of killing. Those who are killed sometimes return as ghosts, zombies, or other forms. A specific theme was introduced in October 2016 with Pirate Murder Mystery Month, which differed from the general Murder Mystery Month. Below are the murder mystery events that we've done so far.
Pirate Murder Mystery Month
Game master: Nadège
Date: October 1, 2016 – November 18, 2016 It ended on November 18 in real life, but on December 26 in the event.
Place: A galleon named La Muerte Negra and then Skull Island
Summary: It was unknown whether or not Captain Alejandro MartÃnez had good or bad motives. As the characters found more and more clues, it was revealed that the captain had planned on using Dartz's body to bring back his dead lover, Violetta. The devil of the oceans, Davy Jones, had made a deal with the captain by hiding his heart to make him immortal. The captain owed him an indefinite supply of treasures in return. The captain got help from Gekkou and Yakou to find his heart, and was reunited with his lover in the end. However, his crew mate, Santiago, became Davy Jones's new prisoner...
Killers: Kawai Shizuka, Otogi Ryuuji, Yami Marik, Phantom Phoenix (Edo Phoenix's second, evil personality)
Places of Murders: Anywhere on La Muerte Negra, Skull Island, and the ocean
Journals: [link] [link] There are 7 journals in total.
Pirate Murder Mystery Month 2
Game master: Nadège
Date: October 1, 2017 – November 15, 2017
Place: Reyes Montar Island
Summary: Mayor Damián GarcÃa made a pact with Davy Jones to become immortal and powerful. The mayor formed an army of soldiers called praetorians on Reyes Montar Island northeast of New Zealand. The mayor captured the legendary mermaid, Calliope, and trapped her powers inside golden fish tokens and a golden octopus with Davy's help. Since Calliope had been weakened, she could no longer control the Kraken, a vicious and giant octopus. The mayor ordered the Kraken to capture any ships nearby. Then he robbed them of their valuables, and the Kraken sunk the ships. The pact's side effect was a fish curse, which gave all the residents fishlike appearances. One of the praetorians, Valentino, guarded Calliope's prison. He fell in love with her, so he saved her, which made him a traitor to the mayor's army. Seto and Mokuba died a year prior to PMMM2. Mokuba was reanimated as a zombie, but Seto was not. Mokuba missed Seto so dearly that he made a deal with Damián. Mokuba agreed that he and Seto would become the mayor's praetorians in exchange for Seto returning to life. The mayor brought Seto back, so the Kaiba brothers became murderers under the mayor's rule. The bravest people decided to venture to the island. The Kraken captured Calliope, so Valentino and the group rescued her. Calliope kissed Mayor GarcÃa, which transformed him back into Captain Santiago. He had been corrupted by Davy, but he was finally able to die. The praetorians, Seto and Mokuba, were absent because they had been killed by murderers. Valentino said goodbye to Calliope. The captain of a ship brought the survivors home.
Killers: Kaiba Seto, Kaiba Mokuba, Hermos, Bruno, Shingetsu Rei
Places of Murders: Anywhere on Reyes Montar Island and the ocean
Journals: [link] [link] There are 8 journals in total.
Pirate Murder Mystery Month 3
Game master: Nadège
Date: October 1, 2018 – November 30, 2018
Place: Yam Lutsyfr Island
Summary: Davy Jones coerced Satake to sign a pact to see Kotsuzuka and Takaido again. Davy disguised himself as Aiden, captured people (Cyndia, Yakou, Isis, and others), and made them choose between seeing their loved ones get tortured, or signing pacts to get turned into fish. They chose the latter option. Then Aiden dumped the captives' loved ones and others on Yam Lutsyfr Island. The group met an amnesiac ghost named Captain Sergio who had not signed a pact, but he had tortured himself for centuries over his forgotten sins. The list of pirates' sins were blank, so Sergio finally went to heaven. The group gathered ingredients to help Davy's alchemist, Benjamin Williams, make a potion to transform the fish back into humans. Benjamin was imprisoned inside the mines, so he sent and received things via his stork. There was only enough to transform Cyndia, Yakou, and Isis. The keeper of the pacts, Elijah, said the pacts could be broken if Davy received a mysterious, legendary treasure. Revolver, Yuusaku, and Isis tried opening a capsule, so Aiden angrily created a thunderstorm and an earthquake. The group met Benjamin in the mines, gathered ingredients for Batsheva the witch's elixir, and rescued Valentino from the torture chamber. Keith gathered enough clues to publicly expose Satake as one of Davy's slaves, which shocked everyone. Marufuji's clones also exposed themselves as murderers. Batsheva revealed Aiden was really Davy, so the latter explained his daughter, Davinia, had been murdered by pirates. He wanted revenge, so Benjamin and Batsheva transformed him into the devil of the seas. Davy forced pirates to sign pacts for centuries, but now repented. Davinia's ghost appeared and forgave him, so Davy released all his slaves, brought the survivors back home, and finally died.
Killers: Satake Rakurai, Isis, Marufuji Ryou (and his clones)
Places of Murders: Anywhere on Yam Lutsyfr Island and the ocean
Journals: [link] [link] There are 10 journals in total.
Orichalcos Month
Suggested by: Clara and Nadège
Theme: This event happens on certain years in October to celebrate Halloween. There are two sides, the good side and the Doma side. The Doma side includes about two to three Doma swordsmen infused with the power of the Orichalcos who duel people to get their souls. Only the game master and the Doma members themselves know who is on the Doma side. It's not required to know how to duel because duels are simpler during this event, but it helps to know the basics. The first week, only the Doma members can challenge others to duels. Then the rest of the event, anyone can attack anyone in duels. Each duel consists of one turn for each duelist. Doma duelists can use an unlimited amount of cards, but good duelists have a limit of up to five cards. The first half of the event, only monsters can be summoned. The second half of the event, monsters, spells, and traps can be used. Canon and headcanon cards can be used. Losing all life points results in the loss of the loser's soul. The remaining survivors try to guess who the Doma swordsmen are using hints and the ATK points of the attacking monsters. Dartz, Raphael, Valon, and Amelda may or may not be on the Doma side, so this themed month does not necessarily follow the anime because Doma members can be diverse. The same characters cannot be Doma members two years in a row to give others a chance to have that role.​