Given name: Anubis​
Meaning of name: Anubis: Latin variation of the Greek name Ανουβις (Anoubis), which comes from the Egyptian name Inpw, which possibly meant "royal child". Anubis was the Egyptian god who led the dead to the underworld. He was often depicted as a man with the head of a jackal.
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Lord of the Dead and god of Mummification
Joined: April 13, 2011
Account: Mummified-LordAnubis
Series: DM
Appears in: Pyramid of Light
Species: Ancient Egyptian god​
Age: Over 3,000 years old
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brownish blond
Eye color: Brown
Born in: Egypt
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Middle Egyptian and Japanese
Best friends: (None)
Interested in: Revenge, death, evil, destruction, defeating Pharaoh Atem (Yami), and ruling the world
Duelist rank: Great
Deck theme: Sphinx
Deck: [link]
Favorite card: Theinen the Great Sphinx
Most precious possession: Pyramid of Light
Personal quote: “Soon, worms will feast on your flesh...Just as they did on mine!!”

The characters in this section make their first appearances and/or are main characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light.​

Given name: Magician's Valkyria
Meaning of name: Valkyria: It's probably from the word "valkyrie" in Norse mythology, which comes from the Old Norse "valkyrja" meaning "chooser of the slain". A valkyrie is a beautiful maiden who brings the souls of slain warriors chosen by Odin or Týr to Valhalla, the afterlife hall of the slain.
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Joined: January 24, 2013
Account: Magicians-Valkyria
Series: DM, GX
Appears in: Pyramid of Light, GX anime episodes 42 and 97
Species: Duel Monster​
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brownish orange
Eye color: Blue
Languages: Knows every human language
Attribute: Light
Types: Spellcaster/Effect
Level: 4 stars
Attack: 1600 points
Defense: 1800 points