Family name: 藤原 (Fujiwara)
Given name: 優介 (Yuusuke)
Romaji: Fujiwara Yuusuke
Meanings of names: 藤 fuji (rattan, any of several species of climbing palm of the genus Calamus; wisteria, any of several woody climbing vines of the genus Wisteria)
原 wara (meadow, plain, field)
優 yu (enough, amply; easily, skillfully; best school grade; excellence; gentleness)
介 suke (shell, shellfish; to be between, mediate; concern oneself with)
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Joined: July 19, 2014
Account: Fujiwara-Yusuke
Series: GX
Appears in: GX anime season 4
Species: Human
Birthday: June 13
Gender: Male
Hair color: Greenish brown
Eye color: Violet
Blood type: A
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and beginner Greek. He reads Greek better than he speaks and writes it.
Sexual orientation: Homosexual biromantic
Best friends: Marufuji Ryou and Tenjouin Fubuki
Occupation: Duel Academia student in the Obelisk Blue dorm
Duelist rank: Excellent
Deck themes: Dragon and Fairy (when not possessed), Clear (when he was possessed by Darkness)
Ace monster: Goddess of Destruction Ruin (Ruin, Queen of Oblivion)
Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore) as himself and when possessed by Darkness
Headcanons: [link]
The characters in this section are only in Darkness.
Real name: Darkness
Meaning of name: Darkness
Name in American dub: Nightshroud
Joined: March 28, 2013
Account: Darkness-Nightshroud
Series: GX
Appears in: GX anime
Species: Unknown, but he looks like a large, monstrous, horned skeleton
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Unknown, but he’s most likely at least several hundred years old. He uses the word ware (我) to refer to himself and waga (我が) as a possessive pronoun, a very polite and business-like way of doing so. This way of speaking is no longer widely used and has not been since Japanese Feudal times.
Gender: Male
Hair color: None
Eye color: Glowing blue
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and possibly many other languages
Friends: None
Interested in: Trapping people in the world of darkness; possessing people as his hosts; feeding off of people's insecurities, inner turmoils, and fears to become stronger
Duelist rank: Excellent
Deck themes: Red-Eyes, Clear, Darkness
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Possibly Darkness Destroyer or Darkness Neosphere
Personal pronouns: 我 (ware), 我が (waga)