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The characters in this section are only in Capsule Monsters.

Family name: Brisbane

Given name: Alex

Meaning of name: Alex: man's defender, warrior
Name in American dub: (Capsule Monsters is not originally Japanese, so therefore Alex’s real name is American.)​

Account: True-King-Alexandros

Joined: June 13, 2011

Series: DM
Appears in: Capsule Monsters
Species: Human​

Birthday: June 21
Age: 30
Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Grayish blue
Born in: England​

Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes English (British dialect), Japanese, and possibly other languages
Family: Two parents; 
King Alexander III of Macedon (ancestor from about 2,330 years ago)
Friend: Sugoroku Mutou
Enemy: Dark Alexander
Occupation: Archaeologist
Interested in: Archaeology
Duelist rank: Beginner

Below is info for King Alexander III of Macedon.  It includes info for both Light Alexander and Dark Alexander.

Given name: Alexander III of Macedon

Meaning of name: Alexander: man's defender, warrior
Also known as: Alexandros, Alexander the Great
Species: Human​

Birthday: July 21
Age: About 2,330 years old
Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Grayish blue
Born in: Macedon, Greece
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Koine Greek and Japanese
Family: King Philip II (father), Queen Olympias (mother), Alex Brisbane (descendant 
from about 2,330 years after his own time period)

Best friends: Light Alexander’s friends are Hephaistion, Eracles, Roxana, and Darius.  Dark Alexander has no friends.
Enemies: Light Alexander’s enemy is Dark Alexander.  Dark Alexander’s enemies are Light Alexander and anyone who stands in his way of obtaining the power he wants.
Occupation: King of Macedon, Greece
Interested in: Light Alexander wants to prevent his dark side from obtaining power.  Dark Alexander wants to obtain that power.
Duelist rank: Beginner at dueling, but is very good at playing Capsule Monsters
Favorite card: Reshef the Dark Being
Most precious possession: Possibly the Millennium Ring, which was once owned by Alexander
Personal quote: "I am the true king!" –Dark Alexander

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