Summary of 1998-17 (2015 in real life)
Continued from Summary of 1998-16 (2014 in real life)
Masumi ran into Yami Bakura and recognized him as a Battle City semi finalist. The two of them realized they had several things in common, including their hatred for the Pharaoh. Bakura told Masumi about the Devil gods and that he had a Devil's Eraser, while Yuugi didn't have any Devil god. Masumi was shocked by the power of the card and quietly read its text. Bakura also revealed that Yakou had the rest of the Devil gods, so Masumi offered to give Bakura those cards or counter strategies against Yakou's deck. Bakura explained that Yakou would have to be blackmailed or persuaded to use the Devil gods in a duel. Then Bakura put a fragment of his soul in Masumi with permission to be able to threaten Yakou. Bakura also said there's a normal Yuugi and an alternate personality, Yami, but Masumi misunderstood that as meaning that Yuugi had cheated, which fueled him even more with vengeance. [link] Bakura used the Millennium Key to look inside Masumi's soul room, which consisted of a nightmarish shrine temple crafted out of money, but it was faded and worn, so it looked like some place from a horror movie. The windows hovered in mid-air showed views of a happy family life because Masumi could see that world, but didn't feel a part of it. Instead Masumi felt trapped in a nightmare of money, and bound by traditions that ruined his life. There were also many shadows because he couldn't stay in the sunlight for too long. [link] Since Yakou had already offered a job to Masumi a long time ago, Masumi went to Industrial Illusions to say he was interested now, and went by the name Vanilla White. Masumi tried to show respect by calling him Yakou-sama and giving the most traditional bow he could. However, Yakou was not interested in the flattery and referred to Masumi's behavior as fake, which ignited Masumi's rage. [link]
Yuugi continued being depressed because Yami was behaving harshly distant with everyone, even their friends. It made Yuugi wonder if the Millennium Puzzle was made to save lives and/or trap souls. [link] Jounouchi ran into a duelist from the future, Ryou Marufuji. After Marufuji introduced himself, Jounouchi realized the man had some sort of alliance with Yami Bakura, which made him freak out. Jounouchi accepted the duel with Marufuji, even putting on the shock amplifiers. He did very well during the majority of the duel, but the tables were turned on Marufuji's final move, causing Jounouchi to lose all of his life points in a one turn kill. Jounouchi screamed as the shock amplifiers sent waves of electrical surges throughout his entire body, which left him unconscious. [link] Marufuji left satisfied and told Bakura about the results of the duel. [link] Jounouchi was brought to the emergency room and remained unconscious for a week. He dreamed of Yuugi, who helped him get back up on his feet. When Jounouchi realized what had happened, he dashed off to find Marufuji for revenge. [link]
The Light of Destruction returned as a more powerful entity from the future with a new name, the New Light of Destruction. It told Marufuji that the yin (the passive, negative force) of his Cyber style would be his downfall. Then it took over Marufuji, which made him sceam as he felt his spirit being torn from his body. The New Light used Marufuji's body to duel against Fujiwara. Some of the cards it used were from a future time, including Cybernet Horn, Forbidden Holy Dress (Forbidden Dress), and Cyber Dragon Drei. When it made a direct attack, it caused Fujiwara's uniform to get torn from real damage. Fujiwara thought Marufuji's aggressive behavior was a result of underground duels, not realizing there was another force controlling him. Fujiwara's uniform got repaired at the end, but he lost the duel, so the New Light's powers flowed into him. [link] Marufuji was confused and shocked at what had happened after the duel, but the New Light continued to use his body to reach its goal of eradicating the darkness of the world. It ran into Fubuki, who was also taken over by an evil force, Darkness. The two dark forces dueled each other in an intense duel that ended in the New Light's victory. [link] [link] Marufuji defeated multiple people at a party to infuse them with the New Light. Jounouchi found him and challenged him to a duel, but Marufuji refused because he considered Jounouchi already defeated. [link]
On Yami's birthday, Yuugi tried to enter the Pharaoh's soul room. Yuugi recalled many times that Yami had taken risks to protect his friends, or the fun times Yami would tease him. However, now Yami was so harshly distant, which made Yuugi sad. [link] Surprisingly, Yami replied with a forced smile, so Yuugi tried to tell him that Yami was still special to him like their friends. [link]
Gekkou had five cards of Exodia made at Industrial Illusions, including the head, right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg. He gave them to Yami and Yuugi to help them fight Bakura. At first Yami felt he didn't deserve the gift because he had lost three of the original Exodia cards when Haga had thrown them in the ocean, so Yami tried to give the new cards to Sugoroku. However, Sugoroku told him to keep them. [link] One night, Bakura revealed to Ryou that he had acquired six Millennium items and The Devil's Eraser, which horrified Ryou. Ryou tried to put a stop to Bakura's plans, but failed when Bakura took over the body to head towards Pegasus's castle. [link] However, when Bakura reached the castle, he was beaten up, sedated, and stunned with stun guns by Richie, Depre, and Pegasus. After Bakura fainted, the Crawfords took his six Millennium items, his deck, and his duel disk. Then they chained him in a dungeon, but Bakura woke up and magically got his Ring back. He transported the Crawfords to the shadows and used shadowy ropes to immobilize them. Then he told a story of a village where people were starving so much that they eventually decided to steal money from tombstones to buy food. This angered the king of the land, so he told his wizard to make an elixir of life by sacrificing the thieves' souls. Only one boy survived, who grew up to become a thief, too. Bakura claimed that all humans are evil because the supposedly just king had killed the thieves. Pegasus and Gekkou explained that a good leader would be caring and implement justice without murdering, but Bakura refused to listen and took back the Eye and the Devil's Eraser. Then he said the story was true and happened thousands of years ago in a village called Kul Elna where 99 people were butchered to make the Millennium items. The Crawfords were shocked by the revelation. Yakou challenged Bakura to a duel, which made Richie furious, so Bakura's shadowy ropes twisted Richie's arm. Richie screamed in pain from the severe injury, which made Depre break down crying. Bakura demanded to know where the rest of his stolen belongings were as Richie continued to scream from the tightening ropes, so Depre agonizingly revealed it to put Richie out of his misery. Bakura left satisfied with his six items, his deck, and his duel disk back. The Crawfords were freed from the shadows, and Richie received immediate medical attention for his broken arm. [link] Several days later, Gekkou ran into the familiar, white haired "demon" near a church, but was surprised to see that it was actually the other Bakura. Gekkou and Ryou talked about their shared peril of dealing with Bakura. Ryou was ashamed to find out that his dark side had repeatedly tried to kill or harm the Crawford family. Gekkou suggested he could help Ryou by calling exorcists to cast out Bakura from Ryou's body. Ryou was shocked that Gekkou wanted to befriend him after everything Bakura had done, but Gekkou knew it wasn't Ryou's fault. [link]
Asuka traveled back and forth several times from her time and Yuugi's time. She grew older and found Johan one day in Yuugi's time. [link] Later on, she was confused when she saw a random civilian who knew her name. He knew her because he was a member of the New Light. Asuka's arrival to the past gave her a more vivid or clearer memory of the original Light of Destruction. [link] Marufuji, Fubuki, and Asuka gave a surprise birthday party for Yuusuke on June 13. [link]
The Leviathan made a tempting offer to Dartz, which was he would revive Dartz, Iorei, and Chris if Dartz could find him a strong human host for the Leviathan to take control of. Dartz accepted and was revived in his old home in Domino City. [link] Dartz walked into Valon and was hesitant to speak to his former warrior at first, whom he had deceived in the past, but he decided to start a conversation anyway. Valon was wary of Dartz and wanted to make sure his former boss had changed. Dartz said he had been brought back by the Leviathan, so he needed to find a way to defeat him. Valon suggested getting help from the Pharaoh, which made Dartz recall how Yami had persevered to win the last time they had dueled. [link]
A surgeon of Industrial Illusions said Richie was ready for a surgery for the fracture that had been caused by Yami Bakura. He explained the complications that could occur afterward, which worried Depre. The surgeon attached metal plates to Richie's bone fragments and inserted rods down the marrow space in the center of his bones. Pegasus cheered up the family by announcing he had bought tickets for a trip to Italy and Greece. Pegasus, Cyndia, Gekkou, Yakou, Richie, and Depre visited Venice for a week. Depre burst into tears because he was traumatized that Richie had almost died when they had encountered Yami Bakura. The family saw palaces, museums, a concert, a carnival, and more. [link] Then they went on a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea to several Greek islands. They enjoyed exploring the beaches, caves, villages, a museum, ancient ruins, and more. The twins went to a nude beach together. [link]
Jounouchi, Anzu, and Honda went to the Kame Game shop with gifts of figurines on Yuugi's birthday. Jounouchi gave a Black Magician, Anzu gave a Friendship (Shining Friendship), and Honda gave a Sky Dragon of Osiris. Unfortunately, Yuugi wasn't there, but Sugoroku reassured them to have faith in Yuugi. He also said that Gekkou had given five new cards of the Sealed One (Exodia) to Yuugi and Yami, which gave them hope for defeating their enemies. Later on, Sugoroku gave the gifts to Yuugi, who was very grateful to receive them. [link] After Jounouchi got lost several times, he finally found his way to the Domino Museum where he asked Rishid for advice on how to deal with the Pharaoh's strange temper. Jounouchi explained what he had experienced with the Pharaoh, and Rishid replied that it sounded like Yami was terrified of something. He recommended that Jounouchi remain calm, but Jounouchi boldly said he'd snatch the Puzzle off the Pharaoh's neck. Rishid didn't have any confidence that Jounouchi would succeed, which he texted Kaiba, Bakura, Marik, and Mai about. [link] Ryou texted back that he was confused about what Rishid was talking about. [link]
Rishid refused to tell Yami Marik where he lived, and pretended to live in the middle of Mount Fuji, but Yami Marik didn't fall for it. [link] Yami Marik found a random girl to torture as he thought of bloody plans to torment Marik even more than last time. He also tried to think of ways to get his Rod back from Bakura. [link] Yami Marik was still furious that Bandit Keith had shot him with a gun, so he looked for Keith in Pegasus's castle, which is where he had last seen him. [link] Later on, Yami Marik met Marufuji who was infused with the New Light of Destruction. [link] Since Isis had amnesia, she was confused on whether to search for her forgotten memories of the past, or to fit in the modern world. [link] [link] In her confusion, Isis accidentally referred to Rishid as Shada and Marik. [link] Isis met Timaeus, but didn't even realize he looked like the Pharaoh. However, she noticed his ancient armor made him stand out too much, so she took him shopping with Rishid's credit card. On that day, she suddenly got her memories back. [link] Magician's Valkyria sensed an evil aura when she met Yami Marik. He stepped in her personal space and asked if she was one of the Pharaoh's duel monsters. Then he asked her if she had seen the weaker Marik, Bakura, Rishid, or Keith. She refused to say, but he continued demanding and even took out a knife to threaten her. She shrunk him to the size of a bug, but he climbed up to her ear and stabbed her neck with his tiny knife. She was able to grab him and asked what his motives were, so he explained he was after Bakura to get his Rod back. She considered squashing him like a bug, but he escaped. [link] [link] [link] Magician's Valkyria and Mahaad both used their magic to help Isis regain her memories. [link] Rishid was worried again when Isis disappeared once more to deal with the trauma of her abuse. He found a pile of her hair without her around. [link] Isis went to a bar to drown away her sorrows with many bottles of alcohol. [link] The spell on Yami Marik wore off, so he regained his normal size. [link]
Ryou was feeling miserable, so he randomly called Kaiba at KaibaCorp to warn him of the evil Bakura. However, Kaiba told him to go find help elsewhere and hung up. Some time later, Yami Bakura's face appeared on Kaiba's screen and ordered him to come to KaibaCorp's rooftop, or else he'd harm Mokuba. Once Kaiba was there, Bakura revealed to him that Yami had cut ties with his friends and lost the Egyptian god cards, so Bakura planned on defeating him with the Devils Eraser. Kaiba was shocked, but didn't see how it concerned him. [link] [link]
Timaeus noticed something was wrong with Marufuji, who was possessed by the New Light. Timaeus tried putting a stop to the New Light by throwing his sword at Marufuji's feet, but the New Light made Marufuji disappear in a flash of light. [link]Marufuji heard a voice that told him to fight the New Light, but Marufuji replied he was unable to. The voice's owner was revealed to be Rishid, a finalist from Battle City. When Marufuji realized who it was, he became motivated to fight the New Light. [link] On his birthday, Marufuji pondered about how he was possessed by the New Light, which he clearly didn't like. He believed that his family, including his parents or Shou, could expel the evil presence from inside him. [link]
Edo showed the modern Duel Monsters game with cards to Isis since she was mostly familiar with the ancient Egyptian version with stone tablets. Fujiwara arrived glowing with a white aura from the possession of the New Light. Edo wanted to find out about this New Light, so he dueled him with his new partner, Isis. During the duel, Edo taught the rules of the game to Isis. However, the New Light introduced several new rules from a future era. [link]
Summary of 1998-18 (2016 in real life)
Several people including Jounouchi, Mokuba, Gekkou, Marufuji, Shou, and Edo got vivid dreams about being transported to an old fashioned steam train from 1843. The mastermind, Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol, forced the prisoners to participate in his mafia. They had good, neutral, or bad roles. Several were grinches who killed victims every night. [link] Many victims died, but some were able to escape in the end when Scrooge got a change of heart and committed suicide. [link]
Rishid told Magician's Valkyria that Isis was plagued by a bad memory, so she was coping by drinking alcohol. Magician's Valkyria explained that she had shrunk Yami Malik, but Rishid said it would not take away the latter's evilness. [link] Rishid took Isis on a vacation to America, but he had to explain to her how airplanes fly three times, and then sedated her on the flight. [link] [link] In Kentucky, Rishid tried explaining the USA's history, but had trouble doing that since he didn't know much about that foreign country. Rishid took Isis on a Kentucky Bourbon tour. They bought bottles of Bourbon whiskey and had a drinking contest, which gave Rishid visions of Kaiba, Anzu, Yami, and two Isises. Then Rishid woke up in bed without pants, and Isis had a hangover. [link] [link] Then Rishid took Isis to Mammoth Cave National Park, but they nearly got left behind by the tour group. Rishid was amazed that his Internet still worked in the cave. Isis asked what the Internet was, so he made up an explanation about fairies living in the woods. Isis tried searching for the fairies in a forest. [link] Isis quickly learned English phrases during the trip. Rishid sedated Isis again for their flights back home. [link] [link] [link]
Isis told Magician's Valkyria that she wanted to get revenge on her abusive ex-boyfriend, Moabe. [link] Magician's Valkyria revealed to Yami Malik that Isis was against using weapons to hurt others, but he changed her mind when he said the world was not only black and white. [link] Later, Yami Malik found Isis drinking heavily at a bar. He gave her a type of multi-tailed whip called a cat o' nine tails, a gun, and a knife. Then he took her to the hideout of Moabe's gang, the Society. Isis shot some men of the Society, tied them up, and demanded where Moabe was with Yami Malik's help. She even threatened to cut off their penises, but they only knew he had disappeared some time ago. Isis was extremely disappointed when Malik revealed that he and Mahad had already murdered Moabe. [link] [link] [link] Magician's Valkyria made Isis dream of unleashing her rage as a giant. [link] [link] [link] [link] When Magician's Valkyria heard a soul suffering in the afterlife, she summoned it temporarily to Earth. Isis was revolted when she realized it was Moabe. He continued to claim Isis was an ungrateful, lazy liar, and denied ever abusing her, so Magician's Valkyria sent him back to hell. [link]
Yami Malik found Dartz one night near drunks. He questioned Dartz about personal things, so Dartz took him to his home. Dartz explained that he was possessed and tortured by the Orichalcos god. The Orichalcos god gave an Orichalcos card to Yami Malik to torture and take Malik's soul. Yami Malik asked Dartz what the bandages on his arms were, and Dartz replied they were from self harm due to depression. Then Yami Malik talked about how he'd torture Bakura Ryou. [link]
Gekkou contemplated about politics, capital punishment/the death penalty, forms of executions, Imperial Japan's brutal history, and secularity. [link] One day Kisara's soul card glowed, so Pegasus took the card and drove to the Kaiba Mansion where Kisara's body was. He tried to reason with Mokuba to let him enter to revive Kisara, but Mokuba demanded for the card. Pegasus eventually gave it, which permitted Kisara's soul to reunite with her body. However, she got scared and ran off, which released her Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Priest Seth arrived to calm her down, which helped her remember who Mokuba was. She revealed that Yami Bakura had taken her soul, which made Mokuba lose his trust in Keith because Keith was allied with Yami Bakura. [link] Mokuba went to Keith's warehouse to demand an explanation. Keith failed to repent for what had happened, and even stated he had private reasons for being partnered with Yami Bakura. Mokuba also realized the warehouse lacked Keith's gang, which made Keith admit they had ditched him. Mokuba was so disappointed that he broke his alliance with Keith. [link] Later, Kotsuzuka and Takaido drove to KaibaCorp so Mokuba could reconcile with Kotsuzuka after their big argument. They also told Mokuba how they had dumped Keith, and where they were now living. [link]
Yakou felt so miserable from being in love with his twin brother, but also feeling too terrified to tell anyone. He began writing down his thoughts of love and terror in a diary in a personal laptop. [link]
Summary of 1998-19 (2017 in real life)
The New Light made a long list of dueling rules for the Society of New Light, including brand new summoning methods from the future. [link] Members of the Society of New Light entered KaibaCorp uninvited with IDs disguised as KaibaCorp authorized IDs. Mokuba and KaibaCorp employees on the first floor were attacked by Marufuji's dragons, which corrupted them to become members of the Society of New Light. Kaiba noticed something strange about Mokuba, and then dueled Marufuji. [link] Asuka was shocked to see her brother, Fubuki, possessed by the New Light. She tried to persuade him to leave the Society by reminding him that she had also been possessed by the Light in the past. Her words helped Fubuki overcome the New Light's corruption. The presence of the New Light caused time and space to get warped, which created a portal for the Tenjouin siblings to return to their own time. Another portal opened up, which let Shou enter Yuugi's time. Marufuji was purified upon seeing Shou, which freed him from the New Light's influence. Marufuji defeated Kaiba, but Kaiba didn't get corrupted because the New Light had temporarily been expelled from the area after Shou's sudden arrival. [link] Marufuji and Shou were grateful to be reunited, and spent family time together at Marufuji's house. Marufuji suffered from some amnesia, so Shou helped him remember many events they had been through together with Yubel, Haou Juudai, and more. Since they had contradicting memories of the past, the Marufuji brothers had a shocking revelation that there are multiple dimensions and dimensional counterparts. An alternate counterpart of Edo temporarily visited them from a dimension with Tragoedia. [link]
The New Light furiously rumbled because Shou's arrival freed Marufuji. It disguised one of its members, Fujiwara Yuusuke, into Marufuji as a child from 1998's time. "Younger Marufuji" visited the brothers, which shocked Shou because they used to live in Sapporo, Hokkaido instead of Domino when they were younger. "Younger Marufuji" said humans would be replaced by machines in the future, but the current Marufuji brothers believed humans and machines would continue working together. "Younger Marufuji" transformed into his true form, Fujiwara, and condensed their physical particles in a wormhole. Their particles reassembled when they reached the New Light's Prison Dimension, a vast, bright white room with a ceiling, a floor, and no walls. The New Light spoke through Fujiwara's body to explain this dimension is located numerous light years away from the Milky Way on the other side of the New Light's habitat of light. He said the New Light sent fragments of its powers to Earth. It inhabited the card, Destiny HERO Bloo-D, that was made by Mr. Phoenix, who was murdered by DD. Shou realized the New Light is faster than the speed of regular light, and begged to return to Earth. Fujiwara said Shou could wish for food and water, and then left. Shou's wish for food was given to him by a digital assistant named Alexia. He asked her to bring him home to Earth, but she failed to understand. Then Shou said Alexia's name sounded like Asuka's name. However, Alexia thought he referred to other Asukas, including the dimensional counterpart from the future. On Earth, Marufuji got attacked by mummies, but he didn't realize they were sent by Anubis. The mummies bit and punched him to inflict a curse. Marufuji heard some chanting in his mind and fell into a coma. He heard a voice telling him, "Evils shall now rise within your soul for the rest of your life-- either submit to their powers, or go between here and the Afterlife!!" Then he woke up, Herr Kaiser took over, and he collapsed again. The New Light brought Shou back to Earth, so he insisted on hearing more about girls from Alexia. Marufuji's Cyber End Dragon appeared as a spirit to guide Shou to Domino Hospital where a doctor was doing tests on Marufuji to wake him up. He woke up seeming fine, but he was still affected by Anubis's curse, which prevented him from viewing certain info on cards. The brothers wondered if the mummies had been sent from ancient Egyptians, Abidos San-sei (3世, the Third) or Tragoedia. [link]
Fujiwara revealed to Dartz that he had studied the war between three dragons and a giant serpant, the Orichalcos god, in Greek history books. Dartz confirmed the war had actually happened, although not in Greece. Dartz also noticed Fujiwara was possessed by a dark light. The Orichalcos god and the New Light introduced each other, and exchanged information on their powers. The New Light permitted the Orichalcos god to feed off its powers, and the Orichalcos god gave a Seal of Orichalcos card and an Orichalcos stone to the New Light. The two agreed to become allies for the ancient past to unite with the distant future. When their hosts regained control, Dartz continued explaining the tragic story of ancient Atlantis to Fujiwara. The New Light also told the Orichalcos god that he would be receiving a new ally, Marufuji. [link]
Amane visited Jounouchi's apartment to give him a chocolate cake for his birthday. However, Jounouchi's drunk father, Takashi, answered the door and said he only invited his girlfriends, hoes, and gay sissy boys for sex. Amane said she was too young for him and had taste. Takashi got angry, but was appeased when Jounouchi said he and the girl would bring back alcohol. Jounouchi and Amane left the apartment and got to know each other. [link]
Edo was confused when he realized he had two sets of contradicting memories. He remembered his victory against Marufuji in the Pro League, but he also didn't have a single victory against him either. He had two different decks, each with their own dueling record. His father had been controlled by two different forces, including the Light of Destruction and Tragoedia. [link] Edo made Johan realize they both had contradicting memories, including one where they were both in Duel Academia in America, and one where Edo was dueling as a Pro duelist in Domino City while Johan was in Duel Academia on the island. A dimensional counterpart of Edo from the GX manga dimension appeared and gave Edo visions of the New Light compressing several dimensions from a certain point into one. [link] Johan returned to his old apartment in Domino. [link]
Isis got possessed by a demon. Rishid was worried when Isis disassembled a radio, wrapped it in toilet paper, and did other strange things. [link] [link] The demon told Isis that it fed on her fears, and all she could do is accept the despair. [link] [link] [link]
Edo told Reggie that he didn't have many ideas on how to return to his time period. Reggie was confused because she didn't realize they had time traveled several years in the past. He told her how he arrived in the past and showed her his Destiny HERO Bloo-D (Destiny HERO - Plasma) card. She had never heard of it because she came from the GX manga dimension, but that card was from the GX anime dimension. Reggie wondered if there were two Edos in one time period, but Edo did not confirm or deny knowing about the second Edo from the GX manga dimension. [link]
Isis missed the thrill of riding a thoroughbred horse, a breed known for its speed. [link]
Johan ate ice cream and spent time with his Gem Beasts. [link] Reggie went to a diner and found Johan and Marufuji in his Herr Kaiser outfit there. She said she remembered Johan enjoyed chasing insects and had an Insect deck. However, Johan said he had his Gem Beast deck now. [link]
Haga continued being plagued by what Anubis had done to him and Ryuuzaki. He was torn between helping the Pharaoh or not, so he texted Ryuuzaki to get advice about it. [link] The two friends went to the Kame Game shop to speak to Yuugi and Yami about which current enemies they had to worry about. [link]
Yami Malik continued searching the streets for Malik and Yami Bakura. [link]
Ryou questioned whether to isolate himself or talk to people because Yami Bakura inhabited his body. [link] Miho told Ryou that she was away for some time because she had transferred to a new school, but now she was back at Domino High School. Ryou took her to a small, cozy coffee shop to explain the demon who resides in his body. [link] Ryou confused Isis for Ishizu, but she told him that she was Ishizu's descendant, Isis. The demon inside Isis ordered her to kill the fluffy child, but she pushed it back to save Ryou. Isis told him about her abusive ex-boyfriend, Moabe, and that a demon was possessing her. Ryou was shocked at all the pain she persevered through. He could relate to her demonic experience since he had a demon, Yami Bakura, in his own body. [link]
Rishid wrapped a gift for Mokuba's birthday, but Isis's demon hogtied him to the present. [link] Kaiba became increasingly worried about Mokuba's strange behavior after the latter was corrupted by the New Light. [link]
Rishid took Isis on a trip to Pennsylvania, USA because he forgot her birthday. [link] [link] He had difficulty explaining X-rays to Isis at the airport security. Poor Rishid panicked during the flight because the demon inside Isis took over the airplane and created a thunderstorm. Isis was able to sleep peacefully through the chaos. Upon arriving, Rishid gratefully kissed the terminal. [link] Rishid took Isis to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. When they heard there was a solar eclipse occurring outside, Isis dashed out and tried climbing a flag pole. Rishid tried pulling her down, but she kicked his groin and began stripping to show her nipples. [link] Rishid took Isis to see the memorial of United Airlines Flight 93 that had crashed in Shanksville on the 9/11 terrorist attacks. [link] They visited the American Military Edged Weaponry Museum in Intercourse. It has a collection of USA military knives and other weapons that were used in the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Gulf War. They visited the Daniel Boone Homestead in Birdsboro. The demon inside Isis made her try overthrowing the tents. [link] Isis ran into the woods, but Rishid found her. She planned on shrinking Zorc and smashing him in a box with a hammer. [link] They visited the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, but Isis ran off and caused a ruckus at Independence Hall. They got drunk at Dave & Buster's and visited the Museum of the American Revolution. The next day, Rishid had lipstick all over his face, was missing his phone, and had $1,000 in cash. [link]
Johan thought about his friends at a café as he watched his Gem Beasts playing. [link] Amane had a date at a restaurant with an unknown person, but she did not want to tell Ryou who it was in case things got sour fast with her date. She joked that her date was about 25 years old with three kids and a helicopter. She promised to bring back cake with chocolate icing for her and Ryou's birthday if her date went well. [link]
Summary of 1998-20 (2018 in real life)
Rishid noticed Isis became lethargic, so he wondered why the demon had been quiet. [link] Rishid came up with a solution in an attempt to exhaust the demon by insisting that Isis get a job. She got a job at a fast food burger joint and then as a waitress. [link] Then she got a job assembling items at a factory on night watch. [link] Isis tried to hold back her demon, Legion, from harming Edo. She told him that making toys was a laborious process at the factory she worked at. Edo recommended that she should get her hands checked out. The demon said Edo's name and said it was everywhere. Isis introduced the demon by its alias, Alma, who dispatched another demon that made Edo hallucinate and fall asleep. Alma gained Edo's trust by entering his dream as a young, female orphan. Isis took Edo's sleeping body to the Domino Hospital where he woke up later and forgot the dream. [link] Isis told Miho that she took Edo to the hospital, so Miho took her to the Domino Museum to cheer her up. She said the mummies there were cute, which surprised Isis. Miho eagerly listened when Isis explained that she was a priestess in ancient Egypt. Miho had many questions, so Isis told her about her ancient life and friends. [link] [link]
Yami Malik searched for Malik in Domino. He cut a thug's throat when the latter had no idea where Malik was. [link] Isis got annoyed when a man kept calling her phone number in an attempt to woo her. [link] She lost her patience with him when he continued to call her. She eventually wished to terrorize him or throw him in a pit of vipers. [link]
Dartz feared he was a danger to himself and to others because of the Orichalcos god. He wrote his thoughts in a notebook and then secluded himself in an unknown location. [link] Yakou realized he was actually not in love with Gekkou, so the feelings he felt were strongly brotherly instead of romantic. [Not posted]
Marufuji accidentally bumped into Miho. She told him she had hung out with Anzu and shopped, but Miho had scraped her knee from ice skating. She mentioned she knew Jounouchi, whom Marufuji recalled from their hell duel. [link]
A council of Spellcasters and Fairies alerted Critias that they had known about the New Light for several months. Critias was angry they had not told him sooner. [link]
Amane hung out with older people and drank alcohol while underage at a massive party. When she walked home alone at 23:30 (11:30 PM), a man gestured for her to come closer. She walked away, but he creepily followed and called her "honey" and "sweetheart". [link] A second creep called her "babe". Rishid picked her up, pretended she was his adopted daughter, and squared his shoulders to emphasize he might be carrying a weapon, which made the creeps leave. Rishid walked her home while searching for Isis and Malik. They talked about the people they knew, including Ryou, Malik, and Thief King Bakura. Rishid revealed the thief king dated Isis and Malik. Amane said she lived near the Kame Game shop. She called the party's place to see if Isis and Malik were there, but they were not. Then she gave her phone number to Rishid so they could meet again. [link]
Mai bought two coffees and invited Jounouchi to the park. He bought her red roses and explained Shizuka was doing well living away from their father who was having sex with many sluts. He also said Yami Yuugi was distant. Mai wondered if Jounouchi could call the police, especially since his father reminded her far too much of disgusting, handsy men she had met. Jounouchi said he planned to buy them a nice apartment or a house after he'd move out on his own, but for now he was handling his father. Mai urged him to leave his father and stay with a friend instead. Her eyes began to water when she thought about how Jounouchi was a beautiful, mature person who loved purely and deeply. She considered their relationship could work, but reluctantly admitted she loved him so much that she was not right for him. Jounouchi defended their relationship because of everything they had been through in Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, and more. Mai said she may be the right woman for him one day, but not now because they were mentally and emotionally years apart. She worried their needs would change too much as they grew. Jounouchi said he could take care of her needs because he was used to paying his father's debts. Mai said Jounouchi didn't have the chance to be a regular teenager with a girl his age. Jounouchi said he was used to being abnormal by saving the world with friends. He insisted he'd wait for him and Mai to be together by being there for her, and partnering up with her in badass tag-team duels. Mai was very relieved that he didn't run off sobbing. She said he was probably the most mature man she'd ever dated. [link]
Yami went to Jounouchi's apartment to warn him about an enemy from the future, the New Light. Pandora challenged Yami to a duel, which shocked Yami and Yuugi because they thought he was dead. Yami explained to Jounouchi that this was the man who dueled him in Battle City. Pandora made a deal to duel fairly, start with one less card of a starting hand, and 1000 less life points. The ante rule was the winner would receive any number of cards from the loser. Pandora summoned monsters that looked like Mahad and Mana, Palladium Priest Mahad and a brown-haired Black Magician Girl, which shocked Yami. They were also surprised to see Pandora using Spatial monsters, and summoning from outside the main deck that banished without using any spell cards to do so. Jounouchi's father, Takashi, arrived and punched Pandora, but his fist oddly went right through him. Pandora defeated Yami in the duel, transformed into a white silhouette, and revealed itself as the New Light. The New Light rushed into Yami's body and temporarily possessed him, which gave Takashi a hallucination of dozens of his son. Then Yami teleported himself, Yuugi, and Jounouchi further away with the new powers. Despite having lost, Yami was able to purify part of the New Light, so he was able to utilize some of its powers and remain himself. It was a similar technique he had used to seal the Orichalcos God. [link]
Cyndia invited her brother, Keith, to Pegasus's castle so they could spend time together. She told him news about the family, including that Richie had feelings for her, and that Takaido had saved Gekkou's life. The revelation made Keith realize his own former gang member had saved Gekkou. Cyndia also gave Keith the new address of where Takaido, Kotsuzuka, and Satake were living. [link] Keith went to his former gang's apartment and stalked Kotsuzuka by secretly following him home from school. The gang was horrified to see their former boss had found their hiding place, but Takaido was able to bravely stand up to him. Kotsuzuka hid in another room and was tempted to call Gekkou. Satake almost shot Keith's head, but then changed his mind when he realized he could go to jail, which would affect Kotsuzuka. Keith left abruptly when he started coughing blood. [link] [link] The gang was shaken afterwards. [link] Takaido went for a walk and met Edo. [link] Keith woke up at a hospital, but refused the medical treatment. He went back to his warehouse and planned on letting himself die of whatever illness he had. [link]
Kotsuzuka, Takaido, and Satake visited KaibaCorp the day after Keith visited them. The secretaries compared Kotsuzuka's dueling level to Enjo Mukuro and other duelists from the future. Mokuba took the gang to a private room and explained there are different realities, including several dimensions that the New Light merged into one dimension that they exist in. He said the Society of New Light's goal is to remake the world closer to perfection. The gang was willing to believe the multiverse could be real, but Takaido angrily suspected the New Light was the leader of a cult. The New Light appeared and made cards from the future descend as holograms for the gang. It showed them an ominous scene of Yami Bakura torturously killing Gekkou several years in the future. The gang was horrified, but Takaido furiously denied it would happen. Mokuba warned them the majority of humanity would die in an apocalyptic future if people did not join the Society of New Light. The New Light showed some visions of what had happened to the Kaiba brothers in the Duelist Kingdom Tournament and then gave a Legacy of the White Dragon Deck to Mokuba. [link] Mokuba and Takaido had a powerful duel, which permitted the gang to see how much stronger Mokuba had become since he had joined the Society. If Takaido were to lose, he knew he'd become brainwashed to join the Society. However, if he were to win, he'd also get to save Mokuba. The gang was surprised by the new cards from the future that Mokuba had access to now. Takaido summoned his ace, Fire Wing Pegasus, but Mokuba banished it because it reminded him of Pegasus J. Crawford. Mokuba was close to winning the duel because if Takaido summoned a stronger monster, Mokuba's Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon would attack it, Mokuba would lose some life points, and Takaido's monster would get banished. If Takaido summoned a weaker monster in defense mode, his own Molten Destruction field spell would take away 400 of its DEF, and Mokuba's dragon would annihilate it. Mokuba also had a trap card to inflict piercing battle damage when any dragon attacked a defense position monster. However, Takaido managed to end the duel in a tie with his Blazing Hell (Tremendous Fire) spell. Mokuba remained a Society member, and Takaido's body remained unaffected by the New Light. However, the New Light made a new rule: From now on, ties would result in both players switching sides. Takaido decided to help Mokuba by giving him Fire Wing Pegasus. He revealed the card reminded him of Keith, the man who had given him the card. Keith had found them, but the gang worried about his poor health. Takaido told Mokuba, "So when you look at this card, ask yourself: 'Haven't I learned this lesson already?'" Takaido's riddle was something that Mokuba was meant to figure out on his own... [link]
Kaiba was paranoid that none of his employees or Mokuba were answering his calls. Takaido, Kotsuzuka, and Satake went to KaibaCorp to speak to him about the New Light, but Kaiba prepared his gun in case they were violently possessed. Takaido asked if he knew about the New Light, which Kaiba reluctantly replied that name meant more than he could ever hope. Takaido warned that Mokuba was not himself. Kaiba did not trust the gang, so he threatened to hurt them if they had hurt Mokuba. Takaido described the New Light as a light that can talk, show the past, and show visions of what it claims to be the future. Kaiba took them outside to a secret office where Takaido said the receptionists and Mokuba revealed there are multiple dimensions and events from the future. Satake even said the New Light showed them Kaiba's loss against Pegasus in Duelist Kingdom, much to Takaido's horror. Takaido added that Mokuba showed them cards they had never seen in a new deck. Kotsuzuka said Mokuba urged them to join the Society to prevent an apocalypse. Takaido explained the New Light predicted Pegasus would regain the Millennium Eye, and someone would torture Gekkou to regain the Eye. Kaiba figured out this someone was Yami Bakura. Takaido said he dueled Mokuba and got a tie, nonpossessed members who lose become members of the Society, and possessed members who lose get kicked out of the Society. Kaiba realized this meant Mokuba had to lose a duel to be freed of possession. He ordered the gang to leave so he would handle it alone somehow. [link] The gang left KaibaCorp and returned home. In the garage, Kotsuzuka insisted he'd fight the brainwashed members of the Society's cult, but Takaido said they should let stronger duelists fight the New Light. Kotsuzuka felt babied, which caused an argument between the two, so Satake had to calm them down. [link]
Jounouchi's horny father, Takashi, and a sex worker visited Satake's bar, Battle City Pub. Takashi ordered the sex worker's favorite alcohol, awamori, so they groped each other inappropriately in public. Takashi mentioned his son cheated during Battle City to make it all the way in the finals. He also said his son, Katsuya, better not interrupt when he'd have sex with the slut. Satake overheard and realized Takashi had to be the father of Jounouchi Katsuya. He texted Jounouchi about it, so Jounouchi was embarrassed that Satake had seen his father behaving so badly. The gang invited him to stay overnight at their apartment. Takaido and Kotsuzuka tried hiding from Jounouchi what Keith had done, but Satake bluntly said Keith had stalked Kotsuzuka walking home from school. Jounouchi wondered if Keith was a nicer person, but the gang said the creep had not been doing so great without them. Jounouchi and Kotsuzuka teased Takaido about dueling first and doing homework later. Kotsuzuka proudly showed his Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and Undead World (Zombie World) in duels. Jounouchi insisted on dueling, so Takaido said every time Jounouchi lost life points, he had to do one of his math questions. Takaido dueled him with the trap, Ghost's Invitation (Skull Invitation), and burn cards that made Jounouchi lose life points, which made him complete his homework. The gang ordered dinner, Jounouchi slept in Takaido's bed, and Takaido slept on the couch. Jounouchi had a dream of beating up a gangster to protect Mai. He made out with her in his dream, which accidentally caused him to kiss Takaido's pillow. Satake drove Jounouchi to school. They both revealed to each other their experiences with the New Light. [link]
Kaiba was saddened when Mokuba forgot his birthday on October 25. Normally Mokuba never forgot that special day, but his behavior changed after he got corrupted by the New Light. [link] Kisara returned after a long absence. She wished Kaiba a happy birthday and said she had broken up with Seth. She revealed she had traveled to Egypt and countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Kaiba let Kisara borrow his credit card, so she ordered a meal with chicken nuggets for herself and Kaiba at a convenience store. Kaiba was suffering internally from Mokuba's strange behavior, so he explained the details to Kisara about what had happened to his brother. Kaiba said he was defeated by Marufuji, and that Marufuji was freed from an evil entity when Shou appeared. Kisara put a candle on a slice of chocolate lava cake for Kaiba's birthday to cheer him up. At the Kaiba Mansion, Kisara suggested that Seth could study a history major. [link] Seth complained that Kaiba should not have told Kisara about the New Light. Kisara defended Kaiba by saying she had a right to know and she felt safer without Seth. Kisara considered leaving if Kaiba and Seth kept bickering daily, but they hoped she would stay. Kaiba called her an honorary Kaiba, which then shared a long hug with her. [link] Marufuji briefly met Kisara at Kaiba Land. [link]
Kisara told Seto, Seth, and Mokuba that the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was no longer part of her. Seth was the most upset, but it made sense to Seto because Kisara was exploring a new mindset. Mokuba happily showed his Legacy of the White Dragon Deck with the first card on top, Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon. He kept the rest of the cards hidden because he planned on revealing them to his family in a duel. He explained they were cards from the future, so he suggested that KaibaCorp should break off their alliance with Industrial Illusions. Kisara warned that Mokuba would fall. She gave an analogy in a Greek myth with Daedalus who warned his son, Icarus, to not fly too close to the sun with artificial wings. Icarus disobeyed, so the sun's heat melted his wings. Mokuba insisted his info was real by giving examples of how they had several sets of contradicting memories, which was due to the New Light merging several dimensions into one dimension. He said the New Light was warning them of an apocalypse similarly to how Daedalus warned his son, Icarus. The New Light showed the face of its aura and described itself as the most powerful being of over 13 billion years. It gave a revelation of an apocalypse in the future, so it merged several dimensions together into one in hopes of preventing the end of the world. It warned of the upcoming Y2K bug that would come on 2000 January 1, and an apocalypse in the far future with global warming. Its solution is to keep all of Earth's inhabitants in an indefinite loop of 1998 years until all humans join the Society of New Light. This means every year is a new 1998, so people cannot get older like normal. The Society devised a numbering system to distinguish each 1998 year. The first and original 1998 is simply known as 1998. The second 1998, which would've been 1999, is known as 1998-1. The third 1998, which would've been 2000, is known as 1998-2, and so on. Unborn babies and premature babies can grow into full term babies, but then they stop growing because of the New Light's anti-aging effect. The goal is to reform Earth; terraform all planets in the solar system, including Venus and the gas giants; and build civilizations in Duel Monster Spirit Worlds for humans to live alongside monsters. The New Light did not disclose how it plans on using enormous amounts of dueling energy to take humans 300,000 years into the past when modern humans first emerged. It also did not say it inflicts wars, diseases, famines, and chaos when people fail to fully obey it. Kaiba and Seth were left confounded from the revelation. [link]
Shizuka and Miho befriended each other and went shopping. Miho said she wanted to get married to someone rich, and Shizuka said she wanted to be a nurse. Shizuka bought a shirt and a swimsuit. [link]
Malik visited Domino High School many times because he considered joining the school to be a normal teenager with a modern education. He walked up to the roof where Marufuji confused him for Yami Malik from a previous encounter. Marufuji said the New Light was no longer in him, so Malik feared Marufuji had either been a victim or an ally of Yami Malik. Marufuji said the school's rooftop was his private spot. Herr Kaiser took over and challenged Malik to a duel, but Malik didn't have a duel disk or his deck. Marufuji explained he met Yami Malik while the former was possessed by the futuristic force called the New Light. Malik didn't think this New Light had a Millennium item, but he wondered if it was a dark spirit. Marufuji explained Society members usually wear white outfits, and how he met Yami Malik. Malik explained the story of the Tomb keepers and the gruesome initiation, which created Yami Malik. Marufuji explained the New Light was born and lives in the center of the universe. He said he lost many duels in the Pro League, but he got a new start with underground dueling. Electrocution was the price of losing life points, which created Herr Kaiser. Herr Kaiser briefly took over the conversation when he was mentioned. [link] Malik stared at the Ishtar residence where Rishid, Ishizu, and Isis lived. He wondered if his family was worried sick, angry, or didn't care about his disappearance. He also wondered if Yami Malik was considered part of the family. Yami Malik crept up on him, which gave Malik PTSD. Yami Malik happily put his hand against the other's throat and then pulled out a knife to threaten to kill him. Malik said there was no reason to kill him because Yami Malik could do whatever he wanted and have the Rod. Yami Malik said he knew the thief, Yami Bakura, had the Rod. Malik said he could try helping Yami Bakura lead the Pharaoh back to the tomb and try convincing him to hand over the Rod. However, Yami Malik was not convinced, and Malik admitted he preferred if the Rod remained with Yami Bakura. Malik said it was good that Yami Malik had murdered their father. If their father had remained alive, he would've murdered Rishid and others. Yami Malik said he killed their father simply because he wanted to. He also said he hated Malik because the latter had been his prison for years, and Yami Malik was born of hatred. He said he would feel joy seeing blood and hearing screams from Malik. Thankfully, Rishid arrived to rescue Malik by grabbing Yami Malik's wrist. Rishid wondered where they had been, and Malik said he wanted to return home. Then Rishid said Yami Malik would like Isis, which impied the demon inside her. Yami Malik asked Rishid where the thief was, but Rishid thought the former was asking about Thief King Bakura. Yami Malik warned Malik to not go hiding again, and then left. [link] Malik explained he had left home because he felt useless, and Thief King Bakura would take him away where Yami Malik would not find them. Rishid said Malik was his brother, and every day was a chance for redemption. Malik hugged him and apologized for having walked out and caused trouble. Rishid also revealed that Isis was darker than usual. [link]
On Edo's birthday, December 19, Shizuka warned Edo that a man may be stalking him. Edo recognized the man was Mike, a thief who had stolen his Dragoon D-End (Destiny End Dragoon) card. Mike said he received help from a distant future (the New Light) to reunite Edo with his fans. Shizuka was uncomfortable after Mike fired a net at Edo, so she called the police. Mike gave Edo a copy of the New Light's identification card, Aura of the New Light, which spawned another copy inside Mike's pocket. The New Light's powers seeped into Edo's body and mind as Mike dragged him into an abandoned building down an alley. Mike dressed Edo in a darker version of the latter's white suit. The police arrived and handcuffed Mike. Edo told Shizuka that he time traveled in between 2005 and 2006, and the New Light has been here since the beginning of the universe. Shizuka was worried that Mike had drugged him, so she suggested he go to the hospital. The police interrogated Mike, and then the New Light took him back to his own time. [link]
Malik had a nightmare on his birthday, December 23, that Yami Malik viciously skinned the flesh of six single fathers, murdered them, and sewed their skins together to make a blanket. Yami Malik offered it as a birthday "gift", which made Malik want to throw up in disgust. Malik woke up with his heart racing, and his clothes and sheets soaked in sweat from the nightmare. He checked every single lock and all the hiding places in his house to make sure Yami Malik wasn't waiting for him. [link]
Gekkou, Yakou, Pegasus, and Cyndia visited Honolulu, Hawaii, USA in December. Gekkou got a dream of a woman who called him and Yakou to a maternity hospital named Kapi'olani. The woman's ghost appeared in a room and introduced herself as their deceased mother, Tenma Eruna. She said her parents abused her, and she was raped at age 15 by a man, which resulted in the conceptions of Gekkou, Yakou, and another identical triplet brother, Suikou. Her parents pressured her to abort the embryos, but she kept them, so her father fatally punched and kicked Suikou in Eruna's womb. Suikou's ghost appeared to meet his brothers and showed them a kata (martial arts dance) from his training. Eruna explained how she chose their names, how they developed in her womb, how Suikou died, and how they were born prematurely on December 12, 1981. She said a part of a demon named Zorc inhabits Ryou's body. She sang "The Prayer" and said the man who raped her, Nakano Masahiro, is part of the Yakuza group called Dojin-kai. Suikou planned on getting revenge on the rapist, so he explained he could come back to life if scientists grew body parts in a laboratory with Yakou's and Gekkou's DNA. Eruna and Suikou sang a duet of their own version of "If We Hold On Together" before disappearing. Gekkou cried because he was already attached to them, so Yakou comforted him. Pegasus came into the room, so Gekkou showed him the beginning of the video in his phone that Eruna had recorded of their paranormal experience. [link] [link] [link] [link]
Gekkou planned on converting the video of the paranormal experience into life-size, holographic projections to recreate it like a 3D movie. To do this, he eagerly wrote an e-mail to Kaiba to explain the paranormal experience, and to ask permission to use KaibaCorp's Solid Vision technology. Kaiba was surprised, but he believed it after having seen the New Light, which was even more shocking to him. He agreed to have a meeting with Gekkou alone in Domino. Gekkou told his family, but Yakou was reluctant at first because he feared Kaiba may get revenge on Gekkou. [link] However, when Gekkou insisted Kaiba was doing this out of kindness, Yakou was fine with it. Yakou helped his brother get ready and brushed his hair. Gekkou burst into tears as he thought about how they have 50% the genes of their rapist father. Yakou consoled him by saying he, Gekkou, and Suikou are their own individual people regardless of who their biological parents are. The Crawfords flew back to Domino where Gekkou and Kaiba had their meeting. Gekkou told him the details about the ghosts and his project for a 3D movie, so Kaiba let him borrow Solid Vision. [link]
Dartz watched the fireworks far away from inside his cabin on New Year's Eve. He was unsure when he'd return to Domino. [link]
Continued in Summaries of 1998-21 (2019 in real life) to 1998-24 (2022 in real life)