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The characters in this section make their first appearances and/or are main characters in Doma the Dark Organization (Waking the Dragons).

Given name: Dartz

Meaning of name: Dartz: It probably comes from the word "darts", which are small, slender missiles with pointed ends that are propelled by hand.  Also, Dartz's personality and his name resemble Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, the main antagonist of the Star Wars Original Trilogy.

Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)

Joined: March 31, 2011

Account: Atlantian-Royalty and Dartz-KingOfAtlantis

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime
Species: Human​

Age: Appears to be 28, which is when he came into contact with the Orichalcos, but is actually over 10,000 years old

Height: 195.58 centimeters, 1.96 meters, 6 feet 5 inches, 77 inches
Gender: Male
Hair color: Turquoise
Eye colors: Yellow left eye and and turquoise right eye
Born in: Atlantis
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Ancient Atlantean, Japanese, English, German, Arabic (Egyptian dialect), Middle Egyptian, and other languages
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual biroromantic

Family: Ironheart (father), Iorei (wife), Chris (daughter)
Enemies: (None)
Occupation: King of the city of Atlantis and President of Paradius
Interested in: Dartz wants to destroy his dark side, while the Great Leviathan wants to continue stealing souls to revive itself again and cleanse the world of impurities
Duelist rank: Great
Deck theme: Orichalcos

Personal pronoun: 私 (watashi)

Headcanons: [link] [link]

Given name: Amelda​

Meaning of name: Amelda: Old German and Italian origins for "universal battle" and "all-consuming war"

Name in American dub: Alister

Nickname: Alister​

Joined: April 15, 2011
Alister-Amelda and Alister-of-DOMA

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime

Species: Human​

Birthday: July 15
Age: Around 20
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brownish red
Eye color: Bluish gray
Born in: Italy​
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Italian and Latin; speaks and reads Japanese; speaks a little and reads English and French; reads German

Family: Miruko (younger brother), unknown and unnamed parents
Rival: Seto Kaiba
​Enemies: Orichalcos god/Leviathan, Gozaburo Kaiba​

Occupation: Former Doma swordsman

Interested in: Getting revenge against Gozaburo Kaiba
Duelist rank: Good
Deck themes: Gorlag and Machine Army

Favorite cards: Possibly Air Fortress Ziggurat (his most powerful monster) or Robot Token (reminiscent of Miruko's favorite toy)
Most precious possession: Possibly Miruko's favorite toy, an action figure

Personal pronoun: 僕 (boku)

Given name: Iorei

Name in American dub: Iona

Joined: June 1, 2012
Account: AtlanteanQueen-Iorei

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime
Species: Human​

Birthday: March 21
Age: Appears to be in her thirties, but comes from a time period that is 10,000 years in the past
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Born in: Atlantis
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Atlantean; speaks Japanese
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual heteroromantic

Family: Dartz (husband), Chris (daughter), Ironheart (father-in-law)
Enemies: Anyone who attacks Atlantis
Occupation: Queen of the city of Atlantis
Interested in: Spending time with her family, ruling Atlantis
Duelist rank: Does not duel

Given name: Miruko​

Name in American dub: Mikey​

Joined: August 14, 2012

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime

Species: Human​

Birthday: September 5
Age: Appears to be about 5 to 7
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brownish red
Eye color: Bluish gray
Born in: Italy​
Language: Speaks, reads, and writes Italian
Family: Unnamed parents, Amelda (older brother)
Occupation: Student
Interested in: Playing with Amelda
Duelist rank: Beginner
Most precious possession: Dyna Dude action figure

Given name: Timaeus​

Meaning of name: Timaeus​: One of the dialogues Τίμαιος (Timaios) written by the ancient Greek, Plato.  It is mostly a long monologue given by the titular character written around 360 BC, and puts forward speculation on the nature of the physical world and human beings.  Timaeus is the first of a projected trilogy of dialogues followed by Critias and then Hermocrates.

Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Legendary Knight Timaeus, The Eye of Timaeus

Joined: December 8, 2011
timaiosu, LoyalTimaeus
, and Timaeus-The-Great

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime

Species: Born as a human and became a duel monster​

Age: 10,000 years old
Height: About the same height as Yami Yuugi
Gender: Male
Hair colors: Teal or blue (crooked, pointy locks), gray (large spikes), and light gray or teal (edges of large spikes)
Eye color: Bluish gray
Born in: Atlantis
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Atlantian; speaks Japanese
Family: Unknown parents, Yami/Atem (Egyptian descendant from 7,000 years after Dartz's time period), Mutou Yuugi (Japanese descendant from 10,000 years after Dartz's time period)
Best friends: Hermos, Critias
Enemies: The Great Leviathan
Occupation: Legendary Knight
Interested in: Helping Dartz battle against the Great Leviathan

Given name: Hermos​

Meaning of name: Hermos: One of the hypothetical dialogues Ἑρμοκράτης (Hermocrates) that would've been written by the ancient Greek, Plato.  Hermocrates is the third of a projected trilogy of dialogues preceded by Timaeus and Critias.  However, Critias was never finished, and Hermocrates was most likely never started.

Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Legendary Knight Hermos, The Claw of Hermos

Joined: December 8, 2011
RedDragonHermos and Hermos-the-mighty

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime

Species: Born as a human​ and became a duel monster

Age: 10,000 years old
Height: About the same height as Jounouchi Katsuya
Gender: Male
Hair color: Dark chestnut brown
Eye color: Golden yellow
Born in: Atlantis
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Atlantian; speaks Japanese
Family: Unknown parents, Jono (Egyptian descendant from 7,000 years after Dartz's time period), Jounouchi Katsuya (Japanese descendant from 10,000 years after Dartz's time period)
Best friends: Timaeus, Critias
Enemies: The Great Leviathan
Occupation: Legendary Knight
Interested in: Helping Dartz battle against the Great Leviathan

Given name: Valon​

​Meaning of name: Valon: Albanian origin for "seething, angry"
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Varon
Nickname: Valontine

Joined: May 18, 2012
 and ValonWarrior

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime
Species: Human​

Birthday: May 23
Age: Around 20
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue

Blood type: O

Favorite food: Grilled kangaroo

Least favorite food: Japanese tofu
Born in: Australia
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes English (Australian dialect), Spanish (Castilian dialect), and Japanese
Family: Two parents, a nun (mother figure)
Rivals: Jounouchi and Amelda
Enemy: Orichalcos god/Leviathan

Occupation: Former Doma swordsman

Interested in: Motorcycling, making fun of Jounouchi
Duelist rank: Good
Deck theme: Armor

Deck: [link]

Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)

Given name: Critias​

Meaning of name: Critias: One of the dialogues Κριτία (Kritia) written by the ancient Greek, Plato.  It contains the story of the mighty island kingdom Atlantis and its attempt to conquer Athens, which failed due to the ordered society of the Athenians.  Critias is the second of a projected trilogy of dialogues preceded by Timaeus and followed by Hermocrates.  However, Critias was left incomplete.

Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Legendary Knight Critias, The Fang of Critias

Joined: December 9, 2011
WisdomKnightCritias and The-Calm-Critias

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime

Species: Born as a human​ and became a duel monster

Age: 10,000 years old
189 centimeters, 1.89 meters, 6 feet 2.4 inches, 74.4 inches
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brownish blond
Eye color: Dark greyish blue
Born in: Atlantis
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Atlantian; speaks Japanese
Family: Unknown parents, Priest Seth (Egyptian descendant from 7,000 years after Dartz's time period), Kaiba Seto (Japanese descendant from 10,000 years after Dartz's ​time period)
Best friends: Timaeus, Hermos
Enemies: The Great Leviathan
Occupation: Legendary Knight
Interested in: Helping Dartz battle against the Great Leviathan

Headcanons: [link]

Family name: Mirdcleux

Given name: Raphael
Meaning of name: Raphael: 
Latin variant of the Hebrew name רָפָאֵל (Rafa'el) for "God has healed".  In Hebrew tradition, Raphael was the name of one of the seven archangels.

Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Joined: February 26, 2013

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime
Species: Human​

Birthday: May 19
Species: Human
Age: Appears to be in his twenties
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Born in: France
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes French and Japanese
Family: Mr. Mirdcleux (deceased father), Mrs. Mirdcleux (deceased mother), Julien (deceased younger brother), Sonia (deceased younger sister)
Friends: Valon and Amelda
Enemy: Orichalcos god/Leviathan
Occupation: Former Doma swordsman

Interested in: Dueling, looking after Valon and Amelda
Duelist rank: Great (one of the few duelists to have defeated Yami Yuugi)
Deck theme: Guardian

Favorite cards: Guardian Eatos, Guardian Grarl, and Guardian Kay'est
Most precious possession: The monsters in his deck

Personal pronoun: 私 (watashi)

Given name: Chris

Meaning of name: Chris: a variant of Christian, Christina, and Christine meaning "follower of Christ"

Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)

Joined: May 9, 2013

Account: Atlantian-Princess

Series: DM

Appears in: DM anime

Species: Human

Birthday: July 5

Age: Appears to be around 7-10, but comes from a time period that is 10,000 years in the past

Gender: Female

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Born in: Atlantis

Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Atlantean; speaks Japanese

Family: Dartz (father), Iorei (mother), Ironheart (grandfather)

Enemy: The Great Leviathan

Occupation: Princess of the city of Atlantis

Interested in: Spending time with her family, playing

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