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Themed weeks are special events that are usually separate from the group's real plot.  In each themed week, characters behave according to the particular theme.  It is not required to participate.  Themed weeks usually occur once a month, and members can suggest a new themed week if they come up with one.  Since most themed weeks are not part of the group's plot, members can be as silly and OOC as they want.  Themed weeks last one to two weeks.  They do not require game masters to run them, and are simpler than themed months.  The group's themed weeks/months include:


​Abridged Week
Theme: Characters act like TAS characters, use the catchphrases, etc.


A Christmas Carol Week​

Suggested by: Zoe (spoonerdog123)

Theme: The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future show characters their pasts, presents, and possible futures and haunt them.


​Age Swap Week
Suggested by: Li (ambrxsius)
Theme: Characters become the ages of other characters.   This can lead to interesting results since some characters are thousands of years old!


​Alternate Universe Week
Suggested by: Nadège (BrotherlyFluff)
Theme: Characters can do alternate or opposite things that didn't happen in the plot.   For example, if a character survived in the real plot, s/he could die during this week.


​Amnesia Week
Suggested by: Katerina (katerinaaqu)
Theme: Characters wake up and forget everything, so they don't remember who they have grudges on, who they're in love with, who their enemies are, etc.


​Ancient Egyptian Week
Suggested by: Belle (starpaladine)
Theme: Characters time travel 3,000 years in the past to Yami’s time in Ancient Egypt.   Perhaps the Millennium items have a message, maybe Ancient Magic brought them all back, or maybe it’s an evil plan!


​Animal Week
Suggested by: Zoe
Theme: Some characters are cursed to become animals and they have to try and make other, uncursed characters understand who they are before the end of the week.


​Art Jam Week

Suggested by: Danni (Sarky-Sparky)
Theme: Each day of the week someone suggests a theme, event, or a character and we all draw it (if you like) and post it into the group gallery.


​Capsule Monsters Week
Suggested by: Li and Clara (Lyris1075)
Characters get sucked in the world with Capsule Monsters.  The admin in charge chooses a good side and a bad side, so the two sides compete against each other.  In the end, there's a final battle between the two sides and their monsters that reenacts the final battle from the movie Capsule Monsters.


​Chained to Another Character Week
Suggested by: Li
Theme: Your character is chained to another character for a week.


​Childhood Week
Suggested by: Li
Theme: Characters revert back to being children for a week.   If they are already normally children such as Mokuba, they can remain the same age or become babies!


​Comic Book Week
Suggested by: Raven (Thief-King-Akefia)
Theme: Characters turn into DC/Marvel characters for a week, including Superman, Spiderman, Iron Man, Hulk, etc.


​Costume Week
Suggested by: Belle
Theme: Characters wake up in costumes that they can't take off.


​Crack Pairing Week
Theme: Characters flirt with or date whoever they want.   This is a chance to be silly or romantic with characters you wouldn’t usually.   Please keep it PG-13.


​Critique Week
Theme: This is a chance to offer your fellow RPers positive feedback on their RPing ability, but also to offer some constructive criticism and advice on some weaker areas.


Dark World Week

Suggested by: Crystal (CrystalDragon123)

Theme: Characters are sent to the dark world, the place where Juudai and his friends went to search for Johan in season 3 Dimension World/Into the Shadows.


Different Bodies Week
Suggested by: Nadège
Theme: Characters get the bodies of other characters.   This idea comes from how certain characters in the anime wanted bodies to be alive again, such as Noa, the Big Five, or Yakou Tenma (for Pegasus).


​Different Personality Week
Suggested by: Nadège
Theme: RPers give their characters the personalities of other characters without mentioning which personalities they're imitating in order to let other RPers guess.   For example, I could make Mokuba behave like Haga, but I wouldn't mention that it was Haga because the fun would be to guess which character I'd be imitating.


​Disney Week
Suggested by: Raven
Theme: Characters reenact Disney movies and make parodies of songs.


​Drunk Week
Suggested by: Katerina
Theme: Characters are drunk, so they're silly, childish, immature, slur their words, etc.


​Duel Monster/Human Swap Week
Suggested by: Li and Nadège
Theme: Human characters become Duel Monsters, while Duel Monster characters become humans.   Characters who have Duel Monster spirits or who represent a certain Duel Monster would probably become that Duel Monster.   For example, Kaiba would become Kaibaman or the BEWD, Mana would become the Dark Magician Girl, etc.


​Fairytale Week
Suggested by: Li
Theme: The characters are wicked stepmothers, fairy godmothers, evil witches, frog princes, ogres, giants, trolls, and other characters from fairytales.


Fanfiction Week

Suggested by: Zoe
Theme: RPers act out their favorite fanfictions.

​Future Week
Theme: This week happens during Juudai’s time period in GX, so it takes place 10 years in the future for DM characters.   You can collaborate with other characters and decide if you’re married, if you’ve moved back to town, if you’re successful, if you’re not, etc.


​Gender Bent Week
Suggested by: Angie (UneditedSilence)
Theme: Characters are the opposite gender.


Greco-Roman Myth Week

Suggested by: Jeanna (SailorCross)

Theme: Characters act out various Greek and Roman myths.  Greek and Roman mythologies often have the same gods with different names because many Roman gods were borrowed from Greek gods.  Examples include Zeus (Greek) and Jupiter (Roman), Eros (Greek) and Cupid (Roman), Apollo (both), etc.  Myths can also include demigods and heroes such as Theseus.  A list of Greek gods and their Roman counterparts is at [link].


Mad Scientist Week

Suggested by: Jeanna [link]

Theme: Characters do crazy experiments that may or may not get out of control.


​Married Week
Suggested by: Li
Theme: Characters are married to each other.


Mental Disorder Week

Suggested by: Clara

Theme: Characters develop one or more mental and/or social disorders such as autism, dyslexia, claustrophobia, Tourette syndrome, etc.  A list of disorders is at [link].


​Middle Ages Week
Suggested by: Crystal
Theme: Characters are kings, queens, knights, dragons, etc from the middle ages.


Millennium Item Week

Suggested by: Nadège
Theme: Any character can own Millennium items and be able to use them.  There can also be more than one of each Millennium item and even new kinds of Millennium items.


​Musical Week
Suggested by: Helen (HelenaLevi)
Theme: Characters sing songs on how they’re feeling instead of talking, so RPing is like a musical.


Mythical Creature Week

Suggested by: Katerina

Theme: Characters become mythical creatures such as vampires, werewolves, mermaids, elves, dragons, centaurs, pegasuses, etc.


Norse Mythology and Celtic Mythology Week
Suggested by: Nadège
Theme: Characters act out various Norse myths from Scandinavia and Celtic myths from Celtic nations.  Creatures include gods, elves, animals, and more.  Lists of Norse gods and creatures are at [link] and [link].  Lists of Celtic gods and creatures are at [link] and [link].


​OOC Week
Suggested by: Nadège and Annabelle (BlackWolvenVulpix)
Theme: Characters who as OOC, childish, immature, and cracky as they want to be!


​Parallel Universe Week
Suggested by: Nadège
Theme: Characters do alternate plots of our group's real plot.


​Pirate Week
Suggested by: Crystal
Theme: Characters are captains, pirates, sailors, etc.


Poetry Week​

Suggested by: Jeanna [link]

Theme: Characters speak by rhyming.


Precious Item Mystery Week

Suggested by: Nadège

Theme: Each character is randomly assigned a precious possession by the admin in charge that belongs to another character.  For example, Pegasus could have Keith's gun, Keith could have Kajiki's harpoon, Kajiki could have Shizuka's bracelet, and so on.  In order to find out who has what, the characters post journals using hints to describe the items they lost and the items that aren't theirs.  For example, Kajiki could describe his missing harpoon and the bracelet in riddles, but he won't directly say what they are.  The other characters also post journals with hints so everyone can solve who has what.


​Protagonist/Antagonist Swap Week
Suggested by: Cheyenne (IlanaNight)
Theme: Characters who are normally good become evil and vice versa.


Psychopath Week

Suggested by: Jeanna [link]

Theme: Some characters turn into psychopaths and kill the good guys.


Secret Santa Week

Theme: Each character is randomly assigned another character by an admin to whom they give a gift to.  The gift can be anything ranging from something wonderful, sweet, humorous, a prank, or even something awful!  It may or may not be anonymous.  The pattern is Character A -> Character B -> Character C -> Character D -> (and so on) -> Character A.


Secret Valentine Week

Suggested by: Nadège

Theme: Each character randomly falls in love with another character, which happens because of Cupid striking them with his arrow.  The pattern is Character A -> Character B -> Character C -> Character D -> (and so on) -> Character A, so love starts out unrequited/one-sided.  However, feelings can become two-sided when the characters confess their feelings to each other, which is done by giving gifts, love songs, poems, bouquets, etc, and the receivers choose if they want to return the feelings or not.  Crack pairings and threesomes can occur depending on which characters fall in love with each other.


Shakespeare Week

Suggested by: Jeanna

Theme: Members pick characters from Shakespeare's plays and act as them, including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and any others.  Old English is not required.

​Switch Characters Week
Suggested by: Nadège
Theme: You switch accounts with someone else for a week.   Obviously the main rule is NO reading the person’s notes.   This could be done randomly or you could ask and choose.


Thoughts out Loud Week

Suggested by: Li

Theme: Characters involuntary make their thoughts known by speaking out loud.


Urban Legend Week

Suggested by: Jeanna and Nadège [link]

Theme: Characters play and talk about urban legends, including both popular and rare ones.  They also post journals announcing either real news and urban legends.  Then the others try to guess if they're facts or myths.  At the end of the week, the admin posts the results.


​Video Game Week
Suggested by: Helen
Theme: The RPers choose a YGO video game and we make the RP group central to that video game for a week.   For characters that aren't in the game, they'd adapt however their RPers think they'd change if they were.


​Virtual Reality Week
Suggested by: Belle
Theme: The duel game made by Kaiba that contains Mary becomes real.


​Virtual World Week
Suggested by: Belle
Theme: Characters get sent back to Noa's virtual world.


War Week
Suggested by: Katerina
Theme: Characters suffer through a war.  An admin posts updates of the war's current events broadcast on TV.


​Wild West Week
Suggested by: Raven
Theme: Characters go back to the Wild West.


​Yami Week
Suggested by: Nadège
Theme: Characters get separate dark sides (yamis).

​Zombie Apocalypse Week
Suggested by: Helen
Theme: There’s a contagious disease that turns characters into zombies.   Some zombies get infected in a special way with a certain power that makes them more advanced and more dangerous than average zombies, although some of the surviving characters are more immune to the disease than others.   The goal is for at least one immune character to stop the epidemic before it reaches a global scale.

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