The characters in this section are semi main and minor characters in the DM manga and the DM anime. Most of them participated in the two main tournaments in DM, including the Duelist Kingdom Tournament and the Battle City Tournament. Takaido was not in Battle City in the manga, but he participated in the anime. Keith was not in Battle City in the manga or anime, but he was there before Battle City started.

Family name: 孔雀 (Kujaku)
Given name: 舞 (Mai)
Romaji: Kujaku Mai
Meanings of names: 孔 (ku): Japanese origin for "opening, hole, orifice; great"
雀 (jaku): Japanese origin for "sparrow, a type of bird"
孔雀 (kujaku): Japanese origin for "peacock"
舞 (mai): Japanese origin for "dance, posture, prance; brandish"
Name in American dub: Mai Valentine
Joined: March 15, 2012
Accounts: Mai--Kujaku and Kujaku--Mai
Series: DM, GX
Appears in: Duelist manga, R manga chapter 41 page 207 (in Mutou Yuugi's thoughts), Pyramid of Light, GX manga chapter 1 (in Yuuki Juudai's thoughts)
Species: Human
Birthday: November 20
Age: 24
Height: 175 centimeters, 1.75 meters, 5 feet 9 inches, 68.9 inches
Weight: 52 kilograms, 114.6 pounds
Gender: Female
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Violet
Blood type: O
Favorite food: Penne all'arrabiata
Least favorite food: Durian
Born in: Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and some English
Family: Father and mother
Friends: Katsuya Jounouchi, Yuugi Mutou, Shizuka Kawai, Anzu Mazaki, Hiroto Honda
Rivals: Any duelist in general
Enemy: Yami Marik
Occupation: Used to be a card dealer on a ship-board casino (DM)
Interested in: Dueling, shopping, motorcycling
Duelist rank: Good
Deck themes: Harpie and Amazoness
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: Possibly Harpy Lady
Personal quote: "Sure, hon~"
Personal pronoun: あたし (atashi)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]

Family name: 羽蛾 (Haga)
Given name: 蜂郎 (Hachirou)
Romaji: Haga Hachirou
Meanings of names: 羽 (ha): Japanese origin for "feather, plume; wings"
蛾 (ga): Japanese origin for "moth"
蜂 (hachi): Japanese origin for "bee"
郎 (rou): Japanese origin for "son"
Name in American dub: Weevil Underwood
Also known as: Bug boy, Bug brain
Nickname: インセクター
Romaji of nickname: Insector
Joined: March 19, 2011
Account: InsectMaster-Haga
Series: DM
Appears in: Duelist manga, The Dark Side of Dimensions, DM anime, Pyramid of Light
Species: Human
Birthday: July 21
Age: 14
Height: 162 centimeters, 1.62 meters, 5 feet 4 inches, 63.8 inches
Weight: 51 kilograms, 112.4 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Bluish green
Eye color: Violetish blue
Blood type: A
Favorite foods: Bee larvae (hachinoko), sushi (DM episode 155 at 14:12)
Least favorite food: Meat
Born in: Chiba Prefecture, Kanto Region, Honshu Island, Japan
Language: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and a little English
Family: Father and mother
Best friend: Dinosaur Ryuuzaki
Interested in: Insects and arachnids, causing trouble with Ryuuzaki, defeating Yuugi in a duel, obtaining the three Egyptian god cards, becoming a famous and respected duelist
Duelist rank: Good
Deck theme: Insect
Decks: [link]
Also received:
~Empress Mantis from Tenma Gekkou at [link]
Favorite card: Possibly Ultimate Great Moth or Insect Queen
Personal pronouns: 僕 (boku) in the beginning, 俺 (ore) later on
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]

Family name: 梶木 (Kajiki)
Given name: 漁太 (Ryouta)
Romaji: Kajiki Ryouta
Meanings of names: 梶 (kaji): Japanese origin for "oar, shaft"
木 (ki): Japanese origin for "tree; wood, lumber; wooden"
梶木 (kajiki): Japanese origin for "marlin, swordfish, sailfish"
漁 (ryou): Japanese origin for "to fish; seize; pursue"
太 (ta): Japanese origin for "big, great, grand; extremely; too much"
Name in American dub: Mako Tsunami
Joined: July 22, 2012
Account: Ryouta-Kajiki
Series: DM
Appears in: Duelist manga, R manga chapter 34 page 34 (in Jounouchi Katsuya's thoughts), DM anime
Species: Human
Birthday: March 1
Age: 18
Height: 178 centimeters, 1.78 meters, 5 feet 10 inches, 70.1 inches
Weight: 68 kilograms, 149.9 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark blue
Blood type: B
Favorite food: Fish dish
Least favorite food: Shiitake mushroom
Born in: Japan
Language: Speaks Japanese; reads hiragana, katakana, and a little kanji; and writes badly written hiragana and a few katakana like a child
Family: Deceased father and unnamed mother
Occupation: Fisherman
Interested in: The ocean, fishing, dueling
Duelist rank: Good
Deck theme: Water
Decks: [link]
Favorite card: The Legendary Fisherman
Most precious possession: His boat
Personal quote: “I am NOT a freaky fish guy!”
Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]

Family name: Howard
Given name: Keith
Meanings of names: Keith: Scottish origin for "woodland, forest"
Howard: English surname of unclear origins for "noble watchman, herder, or guard". Several possible origins include the Norman-French given name Huard or Heward, the pre 7th century Germanic from the given name Hughard, and the Anglo-Scandinavian personal name Haward.
Name in American dub: (Same as the name in the Japanese version)
Also known as: Bandit Keith
Joined: May 15, 2011
Account: American--Badass
Series: DM
Appears in: Duelist manga, R manga, DM anime
Species: Human
Birthday: August 12
Age: 26
Height: 190 centimeters, 1.90 meters, 6 feet 3 inches, 74.8 inches
Weight: 85 kilograms, 187.4 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Blood type: O
Born in: USA
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes English (American dialect) and Japanese; knows a few phrases of Spanish and French
Family: Mr. Howard (father), Mrs. Howard (mother), Cyndia Crawford (younger sister), Pegasus J. Crawford (brother-in-law), Tenma Yakou (foster nephew), Tenma Gekkou (foster nephew), Richie Merced (foster nephew), Depre Scott (foster nephew)
Best friends: (None)
Ally: Yami Bakura
Enemies: Pegasus J. Crawford, Jounouchi Katsuya, Mutou Yuugi, the list is long because Bandit Keith does not like most people
Interested in: Dueling, getting revenge against Pegasus, drinking, doing things against the law
Duelist rank: Former American Champion
Deck theme: Machine
Decks: [link]
Personal pronouns: 俺 (ore), sometimes 俺様 (ore-sama), occasionally Bandit Keith-sama
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]

Family name: 骨塚 (Kotsuzuka)
Given name: 大城 (Oshiro)
Romaji: Kotsuzuka Oshiro
Meanings of names: 骨 (kotsu): Japanese origin for "bone; skeleton; frame, framework"
塚 (zuka): Japanese origin for "cemetery; tomb, burial mound"
大 (o): Japanese origin for "big"
城 (shiro): Japanese origin for "castle"
Name in American dub: Bonz
Nickname: ゴースト
Romaji of nickname: Ghost
Joined: September 6, 2011 - November 15, 2011
Accounts: Ghost-Kotsuzuka and RottenMess
Series: DM
Appears in: Duelist manga Japanese chapters 88-91/English chapters 29-32 and Japanese chapter 201/English chapter 142; DM anime episodes 17, 18, and 79
Nickname: Ghostie
Species: Human
Birthday: June 6 [link]
Gender: Male
Hair color: Dark grayish blue
Eye color: Dark blue (Kotsuzuka’s irises are rarely visible, but close-ups of his eyes show he has dark blue eyes.)
Born in: Fujiyoshida City, Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and can curse in English
Family: Mr. Kotsuzuka (father), Mrs. Kotsuzuka (mother), Takaido Asahi (adopted older brother), Satake Rakurai (adopted older brother)
Best friends: Kaiba Mokuba, Tenma Gekkou
Rivals/opponents: Jounouchi Katsuya, Mutou Yuugi, Yami Bakura, and others
Interested in: Making friends, doing well in school, occasionally scaring people in graveyards
Duelist rank: Moderately good
Deck themes: Ghost and Zombies
Decks: [link]
Also received:
~Death King Lich Lord (Lich Lord, King of the Underworld) from Tenma Gekkou at [link]
Also added:
~Red-Eyes Undead Dragon (Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon) at [link]
~Undead World (Zombie World) at [link]
Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link]

Family name: 高井戸 (Takaido)
Given name: 朝日 (Asahi)
Romaji: Takaido Asahi
Meanings of names: 高 (takai): Japanese origin for "high, tall; lofty, elevated; maximum, the limit"
井 (i): Japanese origin for "a well, mineshaft, pit"
戸 (do): Japanese origin for "door; entrance to a home; a plate placed on a doorway"
朝 (asa): Japanese origin for "morning; dynasty"
日 (hi): Japanese origin for "sun; day, daytime; Japan"
朝日 (asahi): Japanese origin for "morning sun"
Name in American dub: Sid
Nickname: Pyro
Joined: July 3, 2013
Account: Pyro-Takaido
Series: DM
Appears in: Duelist manga Japanese chapters 88-91/English chapters 29-32; DM anime episodes 17, 18, and 79
Species: Human
Birthday: March 29
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brownish red
Eye color: Dark green
Blood type: B
Favorite food: No specific one
Least favorite food: Seaweed
Born in: Fujiyoshida City, Japan
Languages: Speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and learning English
Family: Mr. Takaido (father), Takaido Chiasa (mother), many younger siblings, Kotsuzuka Oshiro (adopted younger brother), Satake Rakurai (adopted older brother)
Best friend: Tenma Gekkou
Enemy: Yami Bakura
Occupation: Studying to become a general practitioner
Interested in: Fire, science, medicine
Duelist rank: Average (not as good as Kotsuzuka, but better than Satake)
Deck theme: Fire
Deck: [link]
Also received:
~Devil of Menacing Incandescence (Bonfire Colossus) from Tenma Gekkou at [link]
Also added:
~Ghost's Invitation (Skull Invitation) at [link]
Favorite card: Firewing Pegasus
Personal pronoun: 俺 (ore)
Page in Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth: [link] (in the bottom section)