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Summary of 1998-15 (2013 in real life)​


Continued from ​Summary of 1998-14 (2012 in real life)


Since Keith had an alliance with Mokuba, he told Bakura to return Priest Seto’s body and accepted to share a body with him.  At this point, Bakura owned the Ring, Rod with Keith, and Necklace from Akefia.  Yakou got possessed again by the Devil gods and kidnapped Mokuba, but Keith rescued him.  Mokuba demanded that Yakou help him find Priest Seto’s body, but Bakura made Yakou faint and threw him in the dungeon. [link] Keith showed Mokuba where the Priest’s body was and Mokuba called men from Kaiba Corp to help him get the body.  The men punched and kicked Gekkou, Richie, and Depre.  This angered Pegasus, so he gave Penalty Games to Keith, Bakura, and Mokuba and threw them in the dungeons, but Gekkou let them go free.  Mokuba gave Keith medical attention and paid him for his help. [link] Alister and Reiko went on a date and drank coffee.  Reiko said she was taking care of a sick boy who only speaks Italian, but neither one realized the boy was Alister’s brother, Miruko. [link] Alister got information about Gozaburo from Isis, Ishizu, and Iorei, but was surprised to see that Ishizu had a look-alike and that Dartz’s wife was alive. [link] [link] Iorei revealed that Gozaburo would revive Atlantis if she helped him, but Alister told her that Gozaburo was just using her, which made Iorei regret her mistake. [link] [link]


Yubel told Black Mage Curran that Johan is a thief and Juudai is their target, then formed a mother-daughter bond. [link] Johan was haunted by a ghost at the hospital, who turned his Crystal Beasts against him, so he and Asuka got help from Yami and Yuugi to fight off the ghost.  However, the ghost turned out to be Johan’s little brother, Jesse, who was simply trying to save him from the Society of Light. [link] The Light and Darkness Dragon became the new leader of the Society of Light. [link] Karim was upset that he didn’t have his Millennium Scale anymore upon time traveling to Domino, but then Shaadi showed up and gave it to him. [link] Akefia felt guilty when he found out Marik had tried to kill himself after Akefia had committed suicide.  Akefia also told him, “Ana bahebek,” which meant, “I love you,” in ancient Egyptian. [link] Yuugi had nightmares about bullies, but Magician’s Valkyria used a spell to get rid of them. [link] [link] However, Yami also got visions of the Tomb keepers initiation, which deeply saddened him because he felt it was his fault that this ritual had been performed. [link] Yami and Rebecca became an official couple (Cavaliershipping) and went on a double date with Johan and Asuka. [link] Rishid woke up from a coma that Yami Marik had put him in and was angry when he found out Marik had almost killed himself. [link] Marik was angry that Pegasus had put a picture of Ishizu kissing Kaiba on a billboard during the prank war, so he got revenge by sneakily putting alcohol in Pegasus’s food, but this made Pegasus become an even worse alcoholic than before.  Pegasus was sad that Yakou was possessed by the Devil god cards again, so Pegasus sacrificed himself to save Yakou by ripping the cards. [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] Richie got the tapes from Besito, the restaurant Pegasus had eaten at, to find out who had hurt him and then the Crawford family went to America for the funeral. [link] However, Pegasus came back to life because a part of his soul was still contained in Keith’s Wicked Eraser card, except he looked 17 years old, had two eyes, and amnesia with no memories of who he was.  Yakou was devastated that Pegasus had killed himself to save him, but Gekkou tried to reassure him by saying they forgave Yakou. [link] [link] [link] [link] The twins tried to get the tapes from Richie, but he refused to give them. [link] Richie convinced Pegasus to go back to Japan and they left with the rest of the family and employees, but Richie played a prank on Yakou and Gekkou and delayed their jet’s flight.  Gekkou almost got run over by a car, but Yakou saved his life by pushing him.  Unfortunately, Yakou got hurt and was paralyzed in the legs. [link] [link] Pegasus got a fever, which gave him his memories back temporarily. [link] Gekkou heard from Reiko that Marik was the one who put alcohol in Pegasus’s food. [link] Gekkou found out from Keith about the horrible things that Pegasus had done during Duelist Kingdom.  Then Bakura took over Keith’s body and locked Gekkou in a room, but Cyndia rescued him. [link] Gekkou also spoke to Kaiba, Mokuba, Yami, and Yuugi about Duelist Kingdom and was horrified by his father’s past crimes. [link] [link] [link] Yakou felt guilty that he had taken over Kaiba Corp, so he apologized to Kaiba and offered his help to Yami and Yuugi for the battle against Bakura. [link] [link]


Mokuba forced Mahaado to try to bring back Priest Seto.  He was so rude that Mahaado transformed him temporarily into a rat, which pissed off Mokuba.  Unfortunately, Mahaado failed at bringing back the Priest. [link] Kaiba was away for two months to take care of the American branch of Kaiba Corp.  When he came back, Mokuba told him that Pegasus had given him a Penalty Game, Gozaburo was back, and Alister had teamed up with Noa. [link] Kaiba was furious and yelled at Pegasus, but was confused when he saw Pegasus as a seventeen year old. [link] Kajiki and Mokuba were surprised to see that Jounouchi had returned as a girl, which gave Mokuba an idea to try to bring Priest Seto back to life.  However, Kaiba was not happy to see Jounouchi and Kajiki goofing off at Kaiba Corp! [link] Pegasus secretly left with Richie and Reiko to France to prevent his family from seeing him with amnesia, but Cyndia, the twins, and Depre were very worried and searched for him. [link] Yami Marik sneaked in the castle looking for the Millennium Eye, but ended up getting shot instead by Keith.  Keith and Bakura warned Gekkou that they had more than one Millennium item, but threatened to hurt him if he told anyone. [link] The doctors from Pegasus’s castle treated Yami Marik's injuries and a nurse bathed him because they had no idea he was evil, but later on he woke up, tore off his medical robe, and killed a man to get his clothes. [link] Gekkou met Shizuka again and they had an unfortunate encounter with Gozaburo’s robots, but luckily escaped without harm after Gekkou threw wine bottles at the leader robot, causing it to explode.  Shizuka also explained to Gekkou who Noa Kaiba was. [link] Meanwhile, Pegasus got his memories back in France when Shaadi appeared and gave him his Millennium Eye back, which also made him his normal age again.  Pegasus returned to Domino afterwards, which made his family very happy. [link]


Saiou returned unexpectedly. [link] Rishid got feelings for Magician’s Valkyria, but she did not return his feelings, which broke his heart. [link] [link] Jounouchi’s father, Takashi, was arrested for killing someone while driving drunk. [link] [link] Jounouchi visited him, but since Jounouchi was a girl now, Takashi thought she was either Shizuka or his ex-wife, Kaede.  Takashi punched the glass between them, which injured Jounouchi. [link] Mana’s spell eventually wore off, so Jounouchi went back to being a boy.  The Light and Darkness Dragon tried to attack members of the Society of Light, but Yubel and Black Mage Curran saved Johan and Asuka from the Light of Destruction. [link] Alice told Juudai that hatred was growing inside her. [link] Pegasus and Keith decorated the castle and had a party for July 4 to celebrate the American Independence Day, which confused Bakura because he had never heard of America. [link] [link] [link] Pegasus got drunk and tried to avoid Gekkou because he knew his son hated alcoholism, but Gekkou found him anyway and rebuked him for it.  Gekkou also told him how disappointed he was about his father’s crimes from Duelist Kingdom. [link] [link] Kisara got amnesia and forgot the Kaiba brothers.  Her Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared furiously in the Kaiba Mansion's garden when it thought the guards from Kaiba Corp would stone Kisara.  Mokuba tried to calm down the dragon with a hologram of Kaiba, but that made the dragon angrier, so Mokuba spoke gently to Kisara to help her remember him. [link] Later on, Kisara ran into Pegasus and stayed in his castle because she didn’t want to bother the busy Kaiba brothers. [link] Pegasus and Richie took her shopping. [link]

Akefia and Marik stumbled upon Mahaado who was practicing magic and accidentally got sent to ancient Egypt.  Akefia was angry when he realized his former henchmen had betrayed him by choosing a new leader. [link] Magician’s Valkyria was attacked by Gozaburo’s robots, but she escaped with some wounds using her magic. [link] Noa found Gozaburo's hideout by tracking the original point of the chip he had extracted from a robotic animal.  At first, Noa wanted to tear apart the one responsible for the robotic attacks, but then he recognized Gozaburo and was shocked that his father wasn’t dead.  Gozaburo got Noa’s trust back by giving him comfort and calling him son.  He also installed a solar cell battery in Noa's body and cameras in Noa's eyes to keep track of his comings and goings, interactions, etc.  Gozaburo planned to turn everyone Noa cared about against him so that Gozaburo would be the only one left for Noa to turn to, thus gaining his complete loyalty. [link] Priest Seto met a pale skinned, elderly witch who permitted him to enter the world of dreams where he spoke to Isis and then Mokuba. [link] [link] [link] [link] He returned to Domino with the help of a white witch and temporarily shared a body with Mokuba while his cryopreserved body was prepared for him.  Then he went back to his body. [link] Mokuba questioned Alister about Gozaburo and followed him secretly to the docks, but ended up getting captured by Gozaburo’s robots. [link] [link] Alister had to give the bad news to Kaiba. [link] [link] Priest Seto went to Pegasus’s castle to look for Kisara, but was thoroughly disappointed to see that she was so close to Pegasus, the same man who had harmed Mokuba during Duelist Kingdom.  He tried to take her back to the Kaiba Mansion, but she refused because she was happy at the castle.  Kisara also suffered because she thought Priest Seto was engaged to another woman, but in reality he wasn’t because he was in love with Kisara. [link] The Priest went back miserably to the mansion, but noticed Mokuba had disappeared, so he went to Kaiba Corp and asked Kaiba about Mokuba’s whereabouts.  Kaiba refused to give too much information, but Alister revealed that Mokuba had been kidnapped, so Priest Seto followed them to Gozaburo’s place. [link] Gozaburo tested Noa by seeing whether he'd be loyal to him or Mokuba.  If Noa were to choose to stay with his father, he'd be told to severe ties with the ones who wanted to tear them apart.  Noa was horrified that Mokuba was imprisoned and still cared for him, but still gave the boy wounds from Gozaburo's command.  Once Kaiba, Priest Seto, and Alister arrived, Gozaburo told them that Noa had harmed Mokuba.  Kaiba was furious and disowned Noa, telling him that he'd been a fool to trust him and that Noa had never changed, which deeply hurt Noa.  Gozaburo then sent his son away, tortured Mokuba himself in Noa's image, and released Mokuba.  Kaiba and Priest Seto became closer because they both cared about Mokuba, while Alister impersonated Kaiba to let himself get captured to infiltrate Gozaburo’s hideout.  Gozaburo also tried to keep Alister away from Noa, which crushed the redhead.  Mokuba was confused as to how in the world Noa could return to his father and believed Gozaburo had brainwashed Noa.  Gozaburo took Noa and disappeared, but was still hiding in a new location in Domino City.  Alister also disappeared to look for Noa.  Mokuba wanted to search for Noa, but Kaiba prevented him because he said Noa was completely untrustworthy. [link]


Teana returned to Domino without much memories of what she had previously done in Domino, but she was delighted to see her Pharaoh again. [link]Anubis ordered Ryuuzaki to retrieve the Dagger of Fate that had been stolen by Haga.  Ryuuzaki loyally obeyed because he had developed Stockholm syndrome, a psychological phenomenon in which hostages are irrationally nice towards their captors because they mistake a lack of abuse for an act of kindness.  Yami tried to stop Ryuuzaki, but was unable to stop him from retrieving the dagger because Sphinx Teleia pounced on him. [link] Yami was very disappointed with how Bakura was tormenting the Crawford family, so the Pharaoh challenged him to a duel, which Bakura turned into a shadow game.  The duel was later interrupted by Anubis, who tore apart the place with his monsters in a vicious battle and warned them of an upcoming Execution Day. [link] Bakura threatened to kill Gekkou and Yakou with Keith’s gun, which terrified the Tenma twins.  He pretended to shoot Gekkou by shooting the wall nearby, but the noise from the gun made Gekkou temporarily deaf in one ear.  Yakou swore to get revenge by tearing apart any of Bakura’s hosts, but Gekkou scolded his brother and said it was wrong to hurt innocent victims. [link] Yakou felt very awkward when he started getting feelings for his twin brother, Gekkou. (potential Moonnightshipping) [link] The twins ran into Anzu, who forgave Yakou for what he had done during the RA Project. [link] However, Yakou revealed that he and Pegasus had planned on using Mai’s body to revive Cyndia the previous year, which shocked Gekkou because he had no idea.  The twins argued when Yakou said he’d be willing to do it again because he’d do anything for Pegasus, so Gekkou stopped trusting him, which also hurt Yakou. [link][link][link] Gekkou got nightmares because of Bakura, so Pegasus read his mind and found out Bakura wanted the Millennium Eye again. [link] Keith told Bakura about the three henchmen who used to work for him, Ghost Kotsuzuka, Satake, and Takaido.  Bakura remembered he had sent them to hell during Battle City and went to get them back.  They were shocked to see that their former boss worked with the white haired demon. [link] Keith’s gang members met Gekkou and befriended him when they realized they were all victims of Bakura.  Gekkou gave them some money and offered them to stay at the castle if they ever decided to leave Keith. [link] Bakura was angry that Gekkou had told the Pharaoh about him, so he dropped Gekkou off a high balcony.  Yakou heard his brother’s scream and looked all over for his body, but was devastated when Gekkou’s body was nowhere to be found! [link] [link] Cyndia grieved Gekkou’s death, but Keith was torn between comforting her and being indifferent about the death.  Cyndia gave Keith a Bible and a pendant of a locket that contained pictures of the two of them. [link] Gekkou’s body was actually found by Takaido, who brought him to the hospital.  He survived because his long fall had been broken into several smaller falls, but he still got a concussion, a broken wrist, short term memory loss, difficulty speaking, and many other symptoms. [link] Later on, Kotsuzuka and Satake followed Takaido and realized he had saved Gekkou.  Yakou was full of joy when he found out his twin was actually alive. [link] Pegasus had heard Gekkou’s screams from the fall and had read his mind to find out Gekkou’s location.  Unfortunately, when Pegasus realized Gekkou was alive, Bakura captured him and Kisara and locked them in a room. [link] Then Bakura methodically took out Pegasus’s Millennium Eye, replaced it with a replica to stop the blood flow, and used the Rod to imprison Pegasus’s soul and Kisara’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon in cards.  Since Bakura knew about the upcoming apocalypse that Anubis had warned about, he didn’t want to risk seeing his original host, Ryou, dying, so he temporarily left Keith’s body and took over Ryou again to ensure his survival. [link] Later on, he moved Pegasus’s and Kisara’s soulless bodies in an abandoned warehouse not far from Keith’s. [link] Pegasus’s mysterious disappearance before his birthday caused the twins and Cyndia to be very depressed. [link] [link] Shaadi saw how powerful Bakura was becoming and felt he could no longer guard the Millennium items safely, so he entrusted Mahaado with the Millennium Key and Scale. [link]


Asuka unexpectedly disappeared and left a note telling Johan she couldn’t stay with him because she still loved Juudai, which caused Johan to cry from heartbreak. [link] Manjoume slowly lost his memory after the Light and Darkness Dragon lost his powers.  Rebecca felt bad for him, so she let him stay at her house. [link] Ebon Magician Curran had a nightmare of Yubel killing her. [link] Masumi Momono was angrily embarrassed about having lost all his money and 100 decks after losing a duel to the Pharaoh.  He was forced to go live with his parents again. [link] Anzu felt sorry for him when she met him and saw how miserable he was, so Masumi gained her friendship with lies by saying that someone had stolen all his decks.  Anzu decided to help him by giving him the Shining Friendship card and taking him to stores to try new clothes for fun.  While it wasn’t a date, they kept blushing and admiring each other’s beautiful features. [link] Anzu and Masumi embraced each other in a way that made both of them feel strong, heartwarming emotions that almost felt romantic, which confused Anzu since she already had feelings for the Pharaoh.  One of the workers thought Anzu was his fiancée, so later on Anzu tried a wedding dress and they both put on kimonos in another store. [link] Then they had lunch together. [link]


Yuugi asked Anzu out on a date and took her to the fancy restaurant where Pegasus had gotten reservations for them, but Anzu didn’t see it as a date because she had feelings for the Pharaoh. [link] After dinner, they went to the museum, but Anzu got captured by Andro Sphinx who took her to the room where Anubis was in.  The Pharaoh wanted to save her, so Anubis made a deal with him.  If Yami lost, Anubis would kill Anzu, but if Yami won, Anubis would tell the Pharaoh what his real name is.  They dueled and Yami won, but Anubis slashed Anzu’s cheek and used her blood to write the Pharaoh’s real name in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.  Yami was unable to read the writing, but quickly saved Anzu and summoned the Black Magician to rush her to the emergency department of the Domino Hospital. [link] Unfortunately, Anzu forgot her purse at the museum, and the receptionist assumed that Yami had been an abusive boyfriend to Anzu, but the Pharaoh explained what his ancient enemy had done to his dear friend.  There were some communication problems between Yami and the nurses since he's an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, but he donated blood to help the hospital and stayed overnight to protectively guard Anzu's room. [link] The next day, Yami called Honda to watch over Anzu while he went to get her purse. [link] However, the Pharaoh ran into Bakura, who revealed that he now had four Millennium items, including the Ring, Rod, Necklace, and Eye, and that he had taken Pegasus’s soul, which made Yami quite anxious. [link] [link] For Christmas, Rebecca came over and gave mistletoe, a batch of cookies, a card with a poem, two heart-shaped necklaces, and two rings to Yami.  The jewelry had sapphire gemstones.  One of the necklaces said "best", the other said "friend", and on the backs were carvings of Yami and Rebecca. [link]


Continued in Summary of 1998-16 (2014 in real life)

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